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1 Dec Cpl. GW Bothwell of the 402 Reg Support received notification that he had passed the ARC 552 UHF/FMC Course. LAC Mouseau was transferred to 402 Reg Support from 1 Air Division, Metz, France
8 Dec F/O GA Gaskin was transferred from the Supplementary Reserves to 402 Sqn (Aux.). He will be engaged as an Observer/RN.
12 Dec The quarterly pay parade was held at 17 Wing HQ, 122 Carlton Street. The regular monthly mess meeting followed this parade. The following officers: F/O JB Tobin, F/O DA McEwan, F/O BG Harmer, and F/O LJG Perron were posted to RCAF Station Winnipeg for a period of Special Duty with the Reg Force. During this time they will be attached to 2 AOS and engaged in the flying training of student navigators.
15 Dec The following officers qualified for their Instrument Rating Cards (Green) for piston aircraft: F/O DH Henniger, F/O AB Keith, F/O LJG Perron, F/O RD Wilson.
17 Dec S/L LC Loader assume temporary command of 402 Sqn (Aux.) during the period 17 Dec - 18 Dec in the absence of W/C JT Patterson.
20 Dec The squadron stood-down for the Christmas season from the 20 Dec 3 Jan 61 inclusive.
22 Dec WO2 A Johnson was transferred on strength to 402 Sqn Reg Support from Station Winnipeg. Total monthly flying time - 138:00 hrs.

JANUARY: 1961<
1 Jan F/L VP Cruickshank Air/Obs (Aux.) was promoted to the rank of Squadron Leader. At present he is the SnavO at 402 Sqn.
The following officers have been promoted to the rank of Squadron Officer to Flight Lieutenant. F/O CJ Forshner, F/O HN McMilland, F/O JB Tobin.
2 Jan F/L GR Miller Air/Obs was transferred to 402 Sqn Reg Support from 2 AOS Winnipeg. He will fill the position of the Squadron Adjutant (RSU) and new Standards Officer.
5 Jan S/L EH Birnie qualified for his instrument rating card (green) for piston aircraft. F/O WJ Mills was released from 402 Sqn upon request. He has been accepted by the RAF and will proceed to the United Kingdom to engage in further training with that service. Cpl. HJ Adams was transferred on strength to 402 Sqn Reg Support from RCAF Station Centralia.
7 Jan On this date 402 Sqn suffered its first crash involving C-45 aircraft. Fortunately it was not fatal for any of the personnel on board. The aircraft, C-45 1445 was on the regular monthly trip to Winisk, Ont., via Armstrong when on final approach at Armstrong at an altitude of 500 feet it “lost” both engines. The aircraft will be written off. Personnel on-board were:
F/L McMillan Captain
F/O R Wilson 1st Officer
S/L VP Cruickshank Navigator
Cpl. McLaughlin Crewman
W/C Dunn (Chaplain) Passenger
14 Jan F/L AE Ames was transferred from 17 Wing HQ to 402 Sqn (Aux.) when he will assume the position of SNavO, replacing S/L VP Cruickshank. At 17 Wing HQ he had filled the position of SOAT-2. F/L CJ Forshner was transferred from 402 Sqn to 17 Wing HQ where he will assume the position of SOAT/2. Formerly, he had been assistant SnavO at 402 Sqn Nav Section.
21 Jan F/L JW Smallwood of the 402 Sqn Reg Support was transferred to 2AOS Winnipeg. At the squadron he filled the position of Squadron Adjutant and, also, Standards Officer for the Nav Section. At the Air/Obs School, he will be “cross-trained” as an AI observer. W/C JT Patterson, Commanding Officer of 402 Sqn (Aux.), outlined an organization plan regarding a “calling out on service” for 402 personnel in the event of an emergency in which they may be called upon to perform air force duty (e.g. air search, forest fire surveillance, etc…) as may be directed by a designated military authority. The personnel call-up system has been nicknamed the “402 Scramble Plan”. Briefly, the plan is this: on receipt of a warning or alert the RSU officers will notify key auxiliary personnel; they, in turn, will notify flight or section commanders who contact members of their sections, as required to insure an effective contribution to their assigned function.
23 Jan F/O DB McLeod Air/RN was released from 402 Sqn (Aux.) due to medical reasons.
26 Jan The regular monthly mess meeting was held at 17 Wing HQ at 22:15 hours.
27 Jan The following officers qualified for their Instrument Rating Cards (Green) for piston aircraft: F/O RG Meredith, F/O JP Turgeon.
29 Jan The F/Ls and F/Os Qualifying Exams were written at 17 Wing HQ. This was the first part of the exams. The F/Ls wrote the trade paper and F/Os wrote the General Service Knowledge paper. The candidates from the squadron were: F/L AA Gittel, F/O EI Patrick, F/O EJ Meush. Total monthly flying time - 230:00 hrs.

2 Feb Personnel from 402 Sqn participated in the disbandment parade in honour of 2402 AC&W Sqn Aux.
6 Feb F/O JR Farr Air/P was transferred on strength from the Supplementary Reserves to 402 Sqn (Aux.). F/O PA Enns was transferred on strength upon enrolment into the Auxiliary Air Force. He was also granted a commission in the aircrew list pilot branch for an indefinite period of time.
10 Feb F/O VP Esnouf and F/O NA McKinnon were transferred on strength from the Supplementary Reserve to 402 Sqn. F/O EG Reynolds qualified for his instrument rating card (green) for piston aircraft. LAC JRA Lauzon was transferred on strength to 402 Sqn (Aux.) from the Regular Force.
12 Feb On this date the second part of the Qualifying Exams were written. F/Ls wrote their General Service Knowledge and F/Os wrote trade papers.
16 Feb F/O JR Montieth was transferred from Air/RN to Tech AE.
23 Feb LAC H Hiebert AETech (reg) passed the Crewman Course AE. The regular monthly mess meeting was held at 17 Wing HQ at 22:15 hrs. Total monthly flying time - 135 hrs.

11 Mar F/L WF Longley successfully completed the joint Services Accident Prevention Course at the University of Toronto.
13 Mar F/O Schiller was transferred from 406 Sqn (Aux.) to 402 Sqn (Aux.).
18 Mar The following officers were transferred on strength to 402 Sqn (Aux.) on completion of a period of Special Duty with 2 AOS Stn Winnipeg:
F/O BG Harmer
F/O DA McEwan
F/O LJG Perron
F/O JB Tobin
24 Mar The following officers qualified for their Instrument Rating Cards (Green):
F/L N McMillan
F/O RAL Argue
F/O DA Miller
F/O ET Patrick
F/O PJ Demare qualified for his Instrument Rating Card (White) for piston aircraft.
30 Mar The squadron stood-down for the Easter week-end until the 30 Mar. The regular monthly mess meeting was held at 17 Wing HQ at 2215 hrs. Total monthly flying time - 212:00 hrs.

1 Apr On this date 402 Sqn (Aux.) as part of 17 Wing HQ came under the control of Air Transport Command - formerly it had been under Training Command. From this time onward the unit will be under the control of the AOC, ATC. The squadron is now awaiting further directives from ATC regarding their future role, organization, etc. The following airmen were promoted to their next senior rank:
Sgt. WO Morse (Reg)
Cpl. E Mayne
Cpl. Newsome
Cpl. A Pesklevits
Cpl. JJ Reay
LAC SK Patterson
WO1 SW Franchuk of 402 Sqn Reg Support was transferred from this squadron to 1102 TSU Montreal. F/L CE Johnson was transferred to 402 Sqn (Aux.) from 2402 AC&W. Sqn. F/O BG Harmer was posted to Stn Namao for a period of Special Duty with the Reg Force during which time he will take part in the Winter Survival Course.
7 Apr Cpl. HM Parsons Itech successfully completed the Special Electronic Course at ATS Camp Borden.
8 Apr AC1 JB Cote was transferred on strength with 402 Sqn Reg Support from 2 MD School of English Course.
13 Apr The quarterly pay parade was held at 17 Wing HQ Assembly Hall at 2000 hrs.
16 Apr A Co and Staff Officers meeting was held at 1000 hrs at the COs officer at 402 Sqn HQ building. G/C Edwards, SASO of ATC HQ was present. Also present were:
W/C JT Patterson CO
S/L AO Toews
S/L Pacholka OC 402 Sqn Reg Support
S/L VP Cruikshank.
19 Apr The following officers qualified for their instrument rating cards (green) for piston aircraft:
W/C JT Patterson
S/L DR Scott
F/L AA Gittel
F/L LA Klein
F/O RW Mortell

20 Apr F/O AG Shaw was transferred on strength on enrolment with the Aux., to 402 Sqn.
23 Apr The semi-annual trade examinations for Auxiliary tradesmen was held at Mawdesley Hall, Stn Winnipeg. The examination results are pending.
27 Apr The regular monthly mess meeting was held at 17 Wing HQ at 2215 hrs. Total monthly flying times - 175:00 hrs.

1 May F/L JB Tobin and F/O DA Miller were transferred on strength ANS Winnipeg for a period of Special Duty with the Reg Force. They will be engaged in flying for the AI School while there.
3 May F/L WF Longley who had been the Engineering Officer at 402 Sqn for the past four years was transferred to RCAF Station Trenton. At his farewell party, F/L Longley said he was sorry to leave the friends he had made at the Squadron, but that he was delighted that he would be finally working with “operational aircraft”.
7 May S/L LC Loader was struck off strength at 402 Squadron and was transferred to the Supplementary Reserves.
9 May Cpl. DW Carswell was transferred from 402 Squadron to 1 fighter Wing, France.
10 May F/L ER Wolkowski of 402 Sqn Reg Support, passed the Russian language examination. This was his second year on course.
14 May On this date the Squadron attended the first church parade of 1961 in conjunction with 17 Wing. Personnel fell-in at 0915 hrs in front of 17 Wing HQ building. Roman Catholic personnel proceeded to St Mary’s Cathedral and Protestant personnel proceeded to St Mathew’s Anglican Church.
15 May F/L HN McMilland and F/Os EI Patrick, DH Lewis and EJ Meush were transferred on strength to ANS Winnipeg for a period of Special Duty with the Reg Force.
23 May The following officers qualified for their instrument rating cards (green) for piston aircraft: W/C DM Gray, F/O AR Henderson, F/O DR Hennigar.
25 May The Regular monthly mess meeting was held at 17 Wing HQ at 2215 hrs. An independent auxiliary trade structure applicable to 402 Sqn was introduced and consisted of the following trades:
Flight Line Superintendent (Aux.)
Mechanic Air (Aux.)
Clerk (Aux.)
Disciplinarian (Aux.)
Bandsmen (Aux.)
Additional trades will be added as required by the assigned role of the Squadron. F/L H Hill to be transferred form 402 Sqn (Aux.) to 401 Sqn (Aux.) in Montreal. Total monthly flying time 215:00 hrs.

1 June F/L AA Gittel of 402 Sqn was transferred to 17 Wing HQ. He will fill the position of SOAT left vacant by S/L DR Scott who has been transferred to 402 Sqn. S/L DR Scott will hold down the position of CadO.
2 June F/L ER Wolkowski qualified for his instrument rating card (Green) for piston aircraft. IAC AL Ashcroft of 402 Sqn (RSU) passed the Electrical Familiarization Course Held at #2 FTTU, Portage La Prairie.
4 June The 75th Annual Decoration Day Parade and Service was held under the auspices of the Joint Veterans Association. Several of 402s airmen were in attendance on this occasion. Cpl. JG Parkhill of the regular force was transferred to 402 Sqn form SSS Aylmer. Spl Parkhill will be working out of the Safety Equipment Section.
8 June S/L WC Pacholka, who has been the OC (RSU) of 402 Sqn for the past four years, was transferred to RCAF Stn Winisk. S/L Pacholka will be replacing S/L AD Pearce as CO of that Mid Canada Line Station; who in turn will replace S/L Pacholka as OC (RSU) 402 Sqn.
10 June LAC’s FH George and H Hiebert qualified as crewmen on Otter and Expeditor type aircraft.
14 June F/O MA McKinnon qualified for his instrument rating card (Green) for piston aircraft.
22 June The officers and airmen of 402 Sqn attended the Commanding Officer’s Parade and Inspection. G/C Varnam, CO 17 Wing, was the reviewing officer. At the conclusion of the parade and inspection G/C Varnam congratulated the personnel on their “fine turn out”. The quarterly pay parade was held at 17 Wing HQ (Aux.), 122 Carlton St at 2000 hrs. This was followed by the regular monthly mess meeting.
25 June A bright warm Sunday afternoon greeted the 3rd annual 402 Sqn “Family Day”. Family and friends of the members of the Squadron were invited and approximately 250 people turned out.
30 June F/L IR Burgess, who was 402’s Medical Officer was transferred to the Supplementary Reserve. The total monthly flying hours - 220.10.

1-15 July The 1961 Summer Camp exercise for 17 Wing Auxiliary was held at RCAF Stn Winnipeg. In addition to 17 Wing HQ and 402 Sqn the camp was also supplemented by elements of 4003 MU and 3052 TTU. During the camp comprehensive training programs were carried affecting the respective trades of aircrew, groundcrew, and supporting personnel. Aircrew training covered the phases of practical training; search exercises, transport operations and conversion. In addition an actual search was carried out at the request of 111 KU and the missing aircraft located in a lake where it has crashed. Due to the changes made for the summer camp program, attendance was not as good as would otherwise have been the case, consequently much of the flying had to be programmed on a day-to-day bases. Despite the personnel problems and the move of the squadron from #1 Hangar to #4 Hangar, effective use was made of all aircraft for a total of 315:10 hours flying time.
Air operations involved 113:45 hrs as follows:
SAR Totem 35:00
SAR MacLeod 12:30
Scheduled Flights 12:00
Shilo Proctor 54:15
SAR Totem was a simulated search for a grounded Otter aircraft in the local area. This exercise was temporarily abandoned when an actual search, SAR MacLeod, was called and, upon successful completion conclusion of this search the simulated search was resumed and carried to a successful conclusion. A most notable feature of SAR MacLeod was the rapidity with which a sighting was made by a 402 aircraft. Only 7:57 hrs had elapsed from the moment that 402 Sqn was ordered into the search until the lost aircraft was sighted.
3 July Cpl. RE Martin successfully completed the Corporal’s SSTS Course at Stn Winnipeg.
11 July F/L AJ Proulx was transferred to 402 Sqn from AMCHQ. F/L Proulx replaces F/L W Longley as the Squadron’s Engineering Officer. Cpl. N Carmichael was transferred from 402 Sqn to 1 FWG, Marville, France.
14 July F/O DPE Pickering Air/P was transferred from the regular force to 402 Sqn (Aux.)
15 July Cpl. GW Bothwell was transferred from 402 Sqn to RCAF Stn Trenton.
The total monthly flying hours - 325:55.

2 Aug S/L AD Pearce qualified for his instrument rating card (Green) for piston aircraft. F/L ER Wolkowski was appointed Acting Regular Support Officer of 402 Sqn (Aux.) during the absence of S/L AD Pearce who will be on leave. This appoint terminates on 31 Aug 61. FS WO Morse was transferred from 402 Sqn to RCAF Stn Winnipeg. Spl BR Fulton was transferred from 408 Sqn Rockcliffe to 402 Sqn (RSU).
8 Aug Sgt. JLN Gauvin was transferred from Stn Namao to 402 Sqn (RSU).
9 Aug F/O LJG Perron Air/P was released from 402 Sqn (Aux.). He has reached the compulsory release age. The total monthly flying hours - 52:20.

1 Sep F/L EJ Harris was transferred to 402 Squadron from 17 Wing HQ. He left vacant the position of SOAT/1 which will be filled by F/O RG Meredith of 402 Sqn.
7 Sep The first 402 Sqn (Aux.) parade after the summer stand-down; which commenced on the 15 Jul 61.
9 Sep The following officers were transferred to 402 Sqn upon completion of a tour of special duty with the regular force at Air Navigation School:
F/L JB Tobin
F/O EJ Meush
F/O DA Miller
F/O DH Lewis
F/O EI Patrick
16 Sep Cpl. EJ Richards was transferred from RCAF Stn Namao to 402 (RSU) Sqn.
21 Sep The regular monthly mess meeting was held at 17 Wing HQ at 2215 hours.
29 Sep F/O GT Lenton was transferred from the Supplementary Reserves to 402 Sqn (Aux.). F/O Lenton is a navigator. The total monthly flying hours - 188:40.

13 Oct The OAC of Transport Command, Air Commodore Lane, conducted an inspection tour of all units of 17 Wing. During the course of the evening he presented a briefing, in which he explained the present role of Auxiliary Squadrons, to the officers of 17 Wing.
15 Oct LAC RW Clarke was transferred from 115 ATU El Arish, Egypt to 402 Sqn (RSU).
19 Oct F/O JR Farr qualified for his instrument rating card (green) for piston aircraft. The regular monthly mess meeting was held at 17 Wing HQ at 2215 hrs.
23 Oct S/L DR Scott assumed temporary command of 402 Sqn (Aux.) during the absence of W/C JT Patterson; terminating on the 29 Oct 61.
26 Oct The quarterly pay parade was held at 17 Wing HQ. The parade commenced at 2000 hrs.
27 Oct F/L ER Wolkowski of the 402 Regular Support Unit was transferred to 4 OUT Trenton. He has been with the Squadron for approximately four years. F/O AR McNeely was transferred to 402 Sqn (Aux.) from the Regular Force. The total monthly flying hours - 164:40.

1 Nov F/L JB Tobin and F/Os BG Harmer, DS McEwan qualified for their instrument rating card (Green) for piston aircraft. F/O PA Enns was transferred to the Regular Force from 402 Sqn (Aux.). LAC JL Edwards of 402 Sqn (RSU) was posted on a restricted transfer to Stn Clinton.
6 Nov LAC AL Ashcroft was transferred from 402 Sqn to 412 Sqn at RCAF Stn Uplands.
16 Nov The regular monthly mess meeting was held at 17 Wing HQ at 2200 hours.
24 Nov A/S/L Dann was awarded the Canadian Forces Decoration.
25 Nov In a colorful ceremony held at No. 10 Hangar at RCAF Stn Winnipeg, the Squadron Standard was presented by the Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba, Hon Eric E Willis to 402 Sqn (Aux.) to commemorate (sic) 25 years of Service in the RCAF (See Appendix). The total monthly flying hours - 136:40.
JT Patterson W/C
CO 402 Sqn (Aux.)
List of Key Personnel:
CO W/C JT Patterson
SOpsO S/L AD Pearce (Reg)
CAdO S/L DR Scott
STechO S/L BTG Macfie
RSEO F/L AJ Proulx (Reg)
SRSO S/L AD Pearce (Reg)
Nav Stds F/L GR Miller (Reg) also RS/Adj
UICP Vacant - pending arrival of 26354 F/L DH Read (23 Feb 62)

5 Dec F/O DA Miller was transferred from 402 Sqn to the Supplementary Reserves.
8 Dec The following officers qualified for their (Green) Instrument rating cards for piston aircraft: F/O DH Henniger, F/O AB Keith.
14 Dec F/O GT Lenton, a navigator was transferred to 402 Sqn from the Supplementary Reserves to 402 Sqn (Aux.) for an indefinite period of time. The quarterly pay parade for Auxiliary personnel was held at 17 Wing HQ Bldg., at 2000 hrs.
21 Dec 402 Sqn stood-down for the Christmas Season on this date until the 4 Jan 62. Total flying time for the month of December - 162:45 hrs.
