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Summary of Events for the Year of 1965

1 Jan A/S/L EJ Harris, Air/P, was promoted to S/L. F/O SC Baker, Pers/Adm, was promoted to F/L. S/L JA Brown replaced S/L AA Gittel as SOpsO and Deputy CO.
27 Jan A/C RJ Lane, ACC Air Transport Command, made his annual inspection
of 17 Wing. A parade held in 4 Hangar was commanded by G/C DM Gray, CO of 17 Wing.
A/C Lane was the guest speaker at a Mess Dinner held in the Officers’
Mess. The guests included A/V/M CH Greenway, ACC Training Command.
30 Jan - 23 Feb Otter aircraft of 402 Squadron carried Army personnel on three inspection tours of fallout reporting stations in northern Manitoba and Ontario. The Stations visited were Island Lake, Moose Lake, Dauphin River, Brochet, God’s Lake, Norway House, and Lynn Lake. A total of 34 hours 15 minutes was flown on these operations.

8-14 Feb Personnel of 17 Wingand 402 Squadron took part in a special operation at Snowshoe Lake, 40 miles northeast of Lac du Bonnet. The objects were to give the pilots experience in operating from frozen lakes and to instruct the ground crew in caring for the aircraft in cold weather. Equipment was flown to the site in advance of the exercise. Two para-rescue airmen from 111 KU also arrived early to assist in preparations. A number of the aircrew and groundcrew spent the night of 13 Feb. in a cabin provided by 111 KU. On the following morning the two Otters which had been secured for the night were started without difficulty.

29 Mar After an engine failure caused by the breaking of an exhaust valve rocker arm, Otter 9405 made a forced landing on a snow-covered lake 20 miles west of Armstrong, Ontario. The pilot was F/L GE Waugh, Reserve Support Check Pilot. The aircraft was undamaged in the landing. Minor damage to the engine resulted from the failure and an ensuing fire.

19 Apr An Otter and an Expeditor of 402 Squadron left Winnipeg to assist in the search for a light civilian aircraft near Regina. The aircraft were recalled shortly after departure when the missing aircraft was found.


1 S/L AD Pearce, the Senior Reserve Support Officer, retired from the RCAF (Regular). His duties were assumed temporarily by F/L Waugh.
22 May Three Squadron Otters took part in a search for a civilian Stinson missing on a flight from Snake Falls to Bulging Lake, Ontario. One of these aircraft found the Stinson overturned in a lake 17 miles from its destination and the three survivors standing on the shore. The three were rescued by an Albatross of 111 KU.

6 Jun A squadron commended by W/C DR Scott, from 402 Squadron took part in the annual Decoration Day parade in downtown Winnipeg.
30 Jun An Otter flown by F/L GE Waugh carried W/C W Weiser to Gypsumville for the annual inspection of the Station.

1 Jul F/L JR Monteith became Squadron Engineering Officer in place of S/L FG Dann, who was posted to 17 Wing Headquarters.
2 Jul S/L LB Pearson arrived in Winnipeg to become Senior Reserve Support Officer.
3-17 Jul Fifty-seven Auxiliary and 31 Regular Force personnel attended the annual 17 Wing Summer Camp at Penhold. Three Otters and three Expeditors were stationed at Penhold during the two-week period. A fourth Otter was based at Camp Shilo in the first week to transport Army personnel, drop supplies, and carry out reconnaissance and photographic work. An Otter remained at Camp Wainwright for a week after the conclusion of Camp. Squadron aircraft flew 349 hours 45 minutes, including routine flights, in the three week period.
The Otter based at Camp Shilo carried 152 Army personnel. In one exercise, it successfully dropped a forward medical aid station, including tents and surgical supplies and instruments, from 250 feet. One new feature of this year’s camp was a ten-day course in basic survival, given at Ram River, 90 miles west of Penhold, by an instructor form the Survival Training School.

22-28 Aug A Squadron Otter was stationed at Flin Flon to provide transport and to evacuate Militia personnel engaged in a bridge building exercise at Snow Lake.

6 Sep 402 Squadron was alerted to take part in a search for a civilian Husky near Red Lake, Ontario. One Otter left Winnipeg but was recalled a few minutes later when the aircraft was found.

10 Oct An Otter of 402 Squadron took part in a civilian air show at Carman, Manitoba. After forming part of the static display, the aircraft demonstrated a short-field take off and a normal and a low-speed flypast.
15 Oct W/C JA Brown succeeded W/C DR Scott as Commanding Officer of 402 Squadron. The official change of command took place at a Wing parade on October 21.
15-19 Oct Six Squadron aircraft flew a total of 82 hours 50 minutes in SAR Green, a search for a civilian Norseman near Island Lake. The search was unsuccessful and was ended on October 22.
21-22 An Otter sent to Kelvington, Saskatchewan, to evacuate an injured airman became unserviceable on the ground. The operation was completed by a second Squadron Otter.

7 Nov F/L RK Appleton, the Protestant Chaplain, conducted a Remembrance Day Service in 4 Hangar.
13 Nov Two Otters took part in an exercise at Beausejour in which six crewmen, who had previously attended lectures arranged by Command Headquarters, became the first Squadron Auxiliary personnel to qualify in supply-dropping.
25 Nov A/C RJ Lane, the Air Officer Commanding, Air Transport Command, made his final inspection of 17 Wing. At a Wing Parade commanded by G/C DM Gray, A/C Lane presented an award to AC1 RK Sunley, honour graduate of the first summer course for Auxiliary airmen of the Mechanic/Air trade at Camp Borden. A/C Lane also was the chief guest and speaker at a dinner in the Officers’ Mess.

9 Dec 402 Squadron prepared to take part in a search for a civilian aircraft near Kenora. The aircraft was found before any Squadron aircraft left Winnipeg.
19 Dec An Otter dropped Christmas presents supplied by the T Eaton Co for 37 Indian children at Jackhead Harbour on Lake Winnipeg.
