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Vi's Monthly Horoscopes

This page is dedicated to monthly horoscopes. Well, for the curious wondering how I do this. No, I do not make them up. I determine them by using stones. These are actual predictions. However, this does not mean that everything is "set in stone." I cannot promise an exact reading for every Taurus or every Gemini in the world. But, I know that my readings will pertain to one or more people of that group. So, just because it doesn't pertain to you, perhaps you were not matched to the prediction that month. These predictions are done, for the curious, using the Eye of Horus stones.

I've done similar readings for individuals for a while now, and have most often been fairly accurate if not exact. Being a prophet of Sekhmet, I feel it is my duty to use my gifts to help others. But, if these readings are not helpful to you, perhaps you too will find them amusing. Again, these will not pertain to everyone, I will not say they do. But, I do hope you enjoy what the stones have to say about the month.

Horoscopes below are for the month of January.


{December 22 - January 20}

Your stones this month are: Khonsu upright, Mertseger upright and Min upright.

Khonsu indicates: Perhaps a trip is in your future this month, or perhaps later on. You feel youthful again. Maybe the New Year has brought new hope to you. This month is a good month to have fun and rejoice the new beginning. Innocence becomes you at such an early stage. While taking advantage of fun, do not overdo it. Perhaps there is a project you have set in mind, or soon will. Look more carefully into this project and determine its worth to you.

Mertseger indicates: It would be wise to examine your options more closely. You don't want to do something you'll regret later. If you know you are doing the wrong thing, then don't go through with it. This is a good time for staying on the proper path. Unexpected obstacles may arise this month. You have something you've been thinking seriously about lately, or wanted to. "There is power in silence." Retreat and listen hard to your thoughts, and make careful decisions.

Min indicates: Perhaps you are not feeling well. Illness is very powerful this month. Do yourself a favor and respect your body by giving it lots of needed rest and care. Also look forward to a grand relationship. Perhaps a new lover or a friend. Maybe you will be rekindling a relationship of some kind. For the romantics, love looks pretty good this month. But, be careful. Rushing things will not go far. Take your time and love the other as much as you should love yourself. It would do you well to enjoy life. Laugh. It is the best medicine.And wellness to some degree is seen in the future of this month.


{January 21 - February 18}

Your stones for this month are: Ra upright, Hathor reversed and Khepri upright.

Ra indicates: You, like Capricorn, will have an abundance of energy. However, this may be on either a spiritual or physical level. Life seems good to an extent this month and you have a right to be joyous. It seems you are the center of something, or soon will be. You may discover or have recently discovered that you have a talent that you should expand upon. Perhaps your role in your family or workplace is increasing. Do I smell a promotion or raise? Don't let fears get in your way. Work hard and reap the benefits.

Hathor Reversed indicates: You just might have a secret admirer. You are certainly a role model or inspiration to another. Your impression lasts. Your talents may leave a grand mark in the lives of others. Look for a good love life this month. Don't hold back this month. It is good to go with impulse. Things should be on smooth roads for the time being. It would be nice to let your loved ones know just how much you care. Be thankful they are around to love you back. And most of all,don't forget to love yourself.

Khepri indicates: The time is coming near for you to be strong and brave. Perhaps you are conquering a fear. Commitment is hard, yes...but it just might be worth it. Lives change as we grow, and this would be a good time to grow into the next phase of your life. Hard work and dedication will bring you far. I think I still smell that promotion/raise.


{February 19 - March 20}

Your stones for this month are: Nut reversed, Horus reversed and Ra upright.

Nut Reversed indicates: You will be important in helping another person through difficult times. Just becuase you have an abundance of energy, it doesn't mean it is wise to let it all out right now. Put this energy in another outlet. You may be teaching something to another. Perhaps something as strong as values or as simple as a joke. Let the little things go and get on with your life.

Horus Reversed indicates: You will be the bearer of news. Information of some kind will be passed through you. Just remember to think carefully about what you say. It would seem fruitless to take sides and involve yourself in something that could prove sour. Perhaps two of your friends or family members are at a quarrel. If you wish to lend a hand, do so with caution. If it is doing no good, then let it be.

Ra indicates: There is a great clash of emotion this month. You will feel the brunt of it one way or another. However, don't drown yourself in pity. Success never came to anyone that way. Always look on the bright side and things will begin to look better.


{March 21 - April 20}

Your stones for this month are: Imhotep reversed, Geb upright and Horus upright.

Imhotep Reversed indicates: Someone has caught your interests and will perhaps be what is needed to make you happy, at least for now. Laying a foundation is important, and you may get your chance. But buildings need more than that. Build your happiness by furnishing it with your needs and likes, as well as the other's. Look carefully at what will benefit you and how others can benefit from you.

Geb indicates: The time has come ton think about taking care of yourself and providing your needs. Not petty needs, but true needs. Growing up should be a goal of yours if you have been very immature. However, do not go to extremes. Extremes look bad for you this month. Relax and take things into account. Take some time to get your priorities in order. Look back on your goals. Is this how you are obtaining them? If you feel this will not nourish your dreams, you must find something else to give them life.

Horus indicates: Perhaps you have a talent you are not sure you want to share. Is it beneficial? Do you and others enjoy it? Don't be shy, it would be wise to develop a useful talent into something of great value to you. Opportunity knocks once. Would't you like to be prepared when it does?


{April 21 - May 21}

Your stones for this month are: Hathor upright, Sphinx reversed and Khepri reversed.

Hathor indicates: It is time to relax and make merry. Indukge yourself in making yourself more lovely and pleasing to yourself. Restore what is lovely and healthy in yourself. Believe me, you've earned it. Get together with some of your close friends and enjoy a nice evening together. Have fun. You don't get this opportunity too often. As for love, it looks good. Your emotions will heal and you'll find a few potential "others" out there.

Sphinx Reversed indicates: You will be the keeper of a secret. If it's a harmless secret, keep it to yourself. Making your reputation rise is a good goal this month. Wouldn't you like to be known as the trustworthy type? It's tempting, we know, but don't open Pandora's box. There are better fish in the sea to catch than that.

Khepri Reversed indicates: A path is opening to you. Perhaps a job-change is in the cards. You may be looking into something that motivates you, and also allows you to motivate others. Work well with this task. You will be rewarded.


{May 22- June 21}

Your stones for this month are: Maat upright, Hapy upright and Mertseger reversed.

Maat indicates: You may feel a little confused. There is surely some type of heaviness in your life. Try balancing your life out in some way. Make a routine filled with eqqual benefits and consequences. This is not a good month for fighting fate. Go with the flow, you'll find it is much more relaxing. Don't feel you have to choose sides in a situation. Being neutral is being well-balanced. This may also include your diet. It would do you well to consider if you are eating a well-balanced diet and if you are reaping any benefits.

Hapy indicates: You are feeling cooped up this month, as if there are boundries. They are in your mind. There are many enjoyable things with no limits and you are free to share them with others. This month is the month to feel joy, love, and happiness. A busy person may want to think about taking some "me-time" this month to renew the relationship he/she has with oneself. Keeping all prospects well cared-for will make happiness in great abundance.

Mertseger Reversed indicates: You may be in the situation to show mercy upon another. Do not judge too harshly. Be fair and hear all sides of the story and use your better, non-biased, judgement to come to a decision. Forgiveness is not a weakness, and niehter is sympathy or pity. Demonstrate these things if the need arises. These acts of compassion might be what makes a difference in the life of another.


{June 22 - July 22}

Your stones for this month are: Hapy reversed, Nephthys upright and Imhotep upright.

Hapy Reversed indicates: If you are a prosperous person in either money, spirit, emotion, compassion or of the likes, it would be nice to show your care and share with your community. Perhaps a charity or special event is coming this month. It would be wise to take advantage of it. You could be seen as a much better person for it.

Nephthys indicates: Save your strength. You will need is soon. Do not fight your emotions this month. Let others know how you truly feel about them. Your honesty is admired. A period of mourning, big or small, is coming this month. It is alright to show grief of any amount, due to the situation. You have many shoulders to cry upon.

Imhotep indicates: Expand yourself. This means that you should establish what makes you so proud to be you. Share this pride with others. Don't be a bragger though. Sharing the pride means allowing others to be proud not only of you, but of themselves.


{July 23 - August 23}

Your stones for this month are: Hathor upright, Nephthys upright and Khepri upright.

Hathor indicates: You may find something of great importance to you this month. First, put your selfishness aside and think to yourself "Do I truly deserve this? Is this what I've earned?" If you feel it is, then you may work on recieving it. Save for it, work for it, or even on it. It depends on the item/project, whatever. When you've achieved something yourself, you will feel much pride.

Nephthys indicates: Slow down. Do not rush things. This month is good for you to remain patient, or work on your patience. Patience, is however, a virtue. Good things come to those who wait, and imagine what lies in store for you.

Khepri indicates: As stated by the previous, it is wise to work hard and become determined in your goals this month. But, as stated, pace yourself. Even if you work hard, do remember that working too hard and too fast {taking more than we can handle} will turn our goals into much harder struggles.


{August 24 - September 22}

Your stones for this month are: Nephtys upright, Khepri upright and Mertseger upright.

Nephthys indicatges: Like many other signs this month, it would be wise to slow down. You've pushed yourself almost to your limit. Stop the hustle and bustle and come back down to the serenity of earth and get to know yourself again. What have you become? Do you like it? How can you change it?

Khepri indicates: Move in steady rhythms. Routine is good this month, for you've tried taking too many obstacles at once. Taking all the burnt now will not make it go faster, but will do harm to you. Take obstacles one at a time, heal from the battle and go to conquer another.

Mertseger indicates: There is a short and narrow path you must take this month. Go and follow it, and be prepared to face it's turns. But all's not lost. One small road will offer less obstacles this month, therefore making it easier for you to take it a bit easy where stress is involved.


{September 23 - October 23}

Your stones for this month are: Min upright, Nephthys reversed and Anat upright.

Min indicates: Bring pleasure to yourself. You work so hard to please others but never give a moment to feel for yourself. Go, buy new clothes, new shoes. Go and see a movie alone. Do things that please you. Should you want to share these activities with another, so be it. But focus on you this month. The season has been stressful adn hard. Indulge yourself in some satisfying selfishness.

Nephthys Reversed indicates: An old friend is thinking of you, or visa versa. Get in touch again. Perhaps rekindling this relationship and remembering some fun old times will heal your soul of that inner lonliness you may be experiencing. Some things cannot be solved in the home this month. You may have to look elsewhere. You do have friends and loved ones who are willing to listen, should you want to talk.

Anat indicates: Someone will be invading your needed space this month. It is alright to be selfish this month. You are the focus. Be agressive to make it clear you are the important one to you right now and everything comes after you. You must heal yourself before you are able to heal others. Be clear on your feelings and intentions. You are the master of you right now. You are the boss. Be compassionate to others, but don't let them push you around, either. This month was made for you.


{October 24 - November 22}

Your stones for this month are: Bastet reversed, Anat reversed and Khepri reversed.

Bastet Reversed indicates: You, like Libra, should take charge this month. But you are not the focus of yourself. You are looking out for others this month. Seeing to it that others clean up their poor act may be your initiative this month. You're the wardon, be firm. You, according to the glimmer of your personality, must stop letting others push you around. Make them respect what authority you truly have. Letting others walk on you is not a good idea. Approval is not your main initiative this month. Be the one with authority, not the "yes" man.

Anat Reversed indicates: Your words must be encouraged by action, not threats. Warnings are good this month, but you must be taken seriously. Take the opportunity to make yourself clear. Ignorance is not becoming of you now. Establish yourself and establish it well.

Khepri Reversed indicatges: Others may find you harsh this month and may feel you do not care. Though you must make yourself firm, please take time to reassure them as well. Tough love teaches well, and being soft when all is learned and finished would be wise. Give your loved ones a hug. After dealing with your authority, let them remember that you still have a loving soft side.


{November 23 - December 21}

Your stones for this month are: Anubis upright, Isis reversed and Bastet upright.

Anubis indicates: Spirituality is the main focus you should take this month. Pay special attention to your dreams and spontaneous thoughts. Meditate on those hard decisions you must make. Something is coming to an end this month, and you will be sheltered in the safety of great arms as you mourn, or feel the need to celebrate. There is more than one answer open to you this month. Explore those other options. Research all your alternatives and consider the consequences. For the health-line, be sure that all is well. Anubis senses some things occuring that are not well in the health field. Keep yourself well hydrated this month and eat nutritious foods. This will offer you a better chance of making it through the month feeling more alive than dead.

Isis Reversed indicates: This month is the opportuinty for your wit. You must offer some type of protection to another. It may be great or small. Be clear to offer your assistance if you are needed, but do not allow yourself to get into harm's way. Do not underestimate any opponent.

Bastet indicates: Harmony is regaining itself this month. Communicate clearly as to be understood and well-defined. Things will get better. Allow your inner-spirit to shine as you display kind and warm smiles. IT is also wise, this month, to put away things you have grown out of, and not just clothing. Negativity must be banished from you so that you may become pure again. Pamper yourself when your tasks have been completed. Be content,as Bastet wills. Take time to retreat and indulge in the happiness you have brought others, therefore, bringing it to yourself.

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