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Midi playing: Eye of the Tiger

Welcome to Sekhmet's place. Sekhmet is my patron goddess and perhaps the most powerful goddess in my pantheon. She is known to be feared by the rest of the gods because of her raging temper.

Who is Sekhmet? Some traditions say she is the darker side of Hathor; bloodthirsty and merciless. This is not how I see or worship her. I see Sekhmet as her own deity. She is portrayed with the head of a lioness and sometimes a lion. Most often, she wears a headdress, sometimes with the sun disk placed over it. When she is in color, she is usually shown wearing a red or yellow dress.

Sekhmet is a very vengful goddess, however. She is the goddess of justice, punishment,and she is a healing goddess as well. In Tameress, there are three medical deities, and Sekhmet would be considered the goddess of surgeries. Also, she is known in Tameress as a thunder-goddess. Think about it, thunder sure sounds like a lion roaring sometimes.

Sekhmet's most famous role in Egyptian history was that of Ra's Punishment. Human beings were beginning to turn away from Amun-Ra, claiming he was an old and weak god. Amun-Ra, in his rage, called forth Sekhmet and told her of the problem. Immediately, Sekhmet was off. She would rampage the cities with plagues and her own violence. She, as a war goddess, was very tactful at catching these human traitors and killing them for their ignorance. She would drink down their blood, and laugh it up.

Amun-Ra began to take pity, for he never realized just how powerful Sekhmet really was. And, if Sekhmet killed them all, who would be there to give mercy to? Amun-Ra begged for Sekhmet to stop, but it was too late. Sekhmet enjoyed the taste of blood and felt justice was being served. It seemed to be hopeless.

All hope was not gone however, for Thoth knew a way to ease the raging goddess. He ordered for a lake to be stained with red beer and for the rest of humanity to hide from the goddess if they wished to survive. As expected, Sekhmet came about the lake and believed the stains to be the blood of her enemies and she lapped it down and laughed it up....and passed out drunk.

When Sekhmet came to, she had forgotten why she was there in the first place and headed home to Amun-Ra and the other gods. Actually, in ancient Egypt, once a year, Egyptians would take huge jars of beer to her temple, in hopes she would be appeased and this wrath of hers would never be released again.

In ancient Egypt, Sekhmet was said to be married to the god, Khonsu. However, Tameress does not observe Khonsu. Instead, she is paired with Ra as the equal solar deity. A god and a goddess---equality from the law of Maat.

Sekhmet wasn't the only lion deity in ancient Egypt. Before Sekhmet, Bastet was shown as a lion-headed goddess. She was soon reduced to a content domenstic cat and Sekhmet became the war-goddess of just cause. Also, some Egyptians observed a Nubian war god with a lion's head by the name of Ampedamak. And, Bastet was said to have had a son by her father, Ra with a lion's head by the name od Maahes. Again, out of all these deities, only Bastet and Ra are observed in Tameress.

Hopefully I'll have more information on Sekhmet soon. But, this'll do for now. Don't let the lions bite ya on the butt when ya go out. hehe.

Prayer of the Lion

D.J. Conway

Creature of the Sun Lord, beloved of the Lady,

Reveal to me the ancient methods of magick.

Walk beside me as I grow in strength and courage.

Show me when to keep ties strong and when to break them.

Help me to understand the times for work and the times for rest.

Mighty lion, lend me your energies.

Aten's Roses



Bastet's Place

Anubis Shrine


Egyptian Mummification

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Sobek's Realm



Ka Terri
