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The Cheerleaders


Junior Cheerleaders


Welcome to the official site of Barons Cheerleading! We are a fairly new squad, based out of Edward Schreyer School in Beausejour, Manitoba. We have both Varisty Pom and Varsity Cheer squads, as well as a brand new Junior Cheer Squad. We have just completed our third year competing with the Manitoba Association of Cheerleading.

        Congratulations to all the girls who competed in the MAC Provincial Cheerleading Competition on Saturday, April 17. There were many excellent teams competing, each with their unique stunts and dance styles. I'm sure everyone learned alot, and I think its fair to say that cheerleading in Manitoba is among the best in Canada! 

       The ESS Varsity Pom squad placed 2nd B-side, and the Varsity Cheer squad placed 2nd A-side. The Junior Cheer squad placed 1st A-side, in their second competition ever! Way To Go Girls!!
Also, a huge congratulations to all ESS Cheerleaders for winning this years SPIRIT AWARD!!  The girls stayed positive and enthusiastic all year, doing their best to inspire not only eachother, but other squads as well. Great job girls!!