The Norman marksmen withdraw
Soon thereafter the marksmen of the Norman center run dry and withdraw. The spearmen and knights prepare to advance.
The knights and spearmen close ranks
As they advance, William's attack troops form into close order. But the broken woods on the left disrupt the Breton front.
The English throw a deadly hail of hand missiles
As they draw within c. 50 yards (5") the invaders receive a heavy shower of javelins and taper axes and stones. The invaders reply with thrown javelins and spears: losses are heavy on either side. The French-right spearmen rout; at the same time, their knights execute their planned feigned flight.
The "crisis" phase arrives
The English-left remains (unhistorically) in position and refuses to pursue the French. Now the Breton spearmen rout away, and the English geneats and ceorls break ranks and pursue them. The Breton knights, and one battle of Norman knights attempt their own (dangerous) feigned flights: but other than a few score ceorls, no English warriors leave their phalanx to pursue the Bretons: the Normans are more successful as a chunk of the English-left advances at a run to try and catch the Normans with javelin fire.
Mutual slaughter and carnage
As they rout, the Breton spearmen are getting cut up by the English rustics. The Breton knights continue to "flee". The French-right spearmen rally. The Norman knights near them execute a feigned flight: thegns cease their pursuit, but the geneats and ceorls, are out of control. In the center, the Normans are making headway amidst mutual slaughter.