There's a Candle...
There’s a candle in my window...
And there’s one by my front door...
These candles burn there brighter..
Than they ever have before...
There’s a candle for the victims...
And one there for my friends...
A white one for the family’s...
And for pain that never ends..
The one that burns the brightest...
Is the one inside my heart...
For when you walk in darkness...
The light breaks it apart...
The candle’s ever brighter...
As we lend a helping hand...
And the light of love is glowing...
As it spreads through out the land...
The world is now our neighbor...
And they join us in the light...
Of the candles burning brightly...
Lighting up the darkest night...
The brightest candle glowing...
Is the one of inner light...
And we proudly take this candle...
And we light it with God’s might...
We all can light a candle...
And keep it in our hearts...
And as the light glows through us...
That is when the healing starts...
And the candle in my window...
Like the one inside of me...
Will stay forever glowing...
As it sets my spirit free…
Maria Lindberg
Copyright 2001
World Unity
Add your name
To your Nations Flag
Light a Candle for Peace
The Arms of Love
Tribute to the USS Cole