Tribute to the USS Cole
Sometimes in life we wonder
Why the dearest and the best…
Are taken from our presence…
Some great master test.
The men and women serving…
Our great Nation every day…
First must serve the Master In…
His very special way.
He calls his Navy homeward…
Not in our time but Thine…
Serve in His great presence…
In... The ranks of God’s sublime.
There is no greater service…
Than to give one’s life to save
A loved one or a country…
The lives these sailors gave…
But when their time is over…
Like the Master of his fleet…
God sounds his mighty trumpet…
In triumph, not defeat.
We may not understand it…
When he calls His Navy home…
But God gives us a promise…
We’ll never be alone.
Their lives were not just given…
In some earthly power play…
Because they died with honor…
Peace …
Is just a step away.
Those of us now left behind…
Must carry their torch well…
And make our sailors proud of us.. As …
We ring the freedom bell…
In our Nation’s annuls…
Their story will be told…
One of Pride and Bravery…
Tribute to the Cole.
Maria Lindberg
Copyright 2000
On October 12,2000
17 Americans were killed by the same terrorists
That flew those planes into the World Trade Center and Petagon
We will Remember...
A copy of this poem was included in a tribute on CD and booklet
And along with a condolence book signed by over 3000
Was presented to the
Commanding Officer
And the victim’s families
Of the bombing of the USS Cole
In the ceremony welcoming
the Cole home
in Norfolk Virginia
Master Chief
Jerry W.Viita
God called this sailor home
November 28,1999
To those who died on the Cole...
October 12,2000
and to those who died on
September 11,2001
And to my brother Jerry
Who served his country with such pride
For over 33 years...
This memorial is dedicated...
With Love and pride..
Light a Candle for Peace
The Arms of Love
My Candles
World Unity
Navy Hymn