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Moon And Back Graphics ~ Solitary Beauty


The Princess and the Peon:
An Uncommon Conversation With The Late Princess Diana

Chapter 3


Sitting in the living room of my modest suburban home, I had come face to face with a question that I could not find any satisfying answers for. Keeping in mind the abbreviated overview of my belief systems that I provided in the introduction, it seemed only expedient and logical to ask those that I consider to be my spiritual gurus for help with this dilemma.

The process by which I do this is not easy to explain, but very easy for me to accomplish in most environments. The best way I can explain this is that I ask the question aloud in my head, “click” into the right rear of my head to listen in the silence for an answer. As the answer presents itself to me, it is a combination of heavy thoughts and (most times) an ability to almost see the words as if they were scrolling in white letters against a black background. Often there is also a knowing that goes with the words that give more depth of understanding than the words themselves are conveying.

It is possible to also distinguish an emotional tone from the words, even though they are not heard in any auditory way. It was a surprise to me to discover that I could feel someone’s anger, or their humor. This is not as prevalent with the guides as it is with those who are more newly disincarnate beings. The less time they have been in the spiritual realm, the closer their reactions are to those of us here. It seems that prolonged time “over there” helps to ease, or buffer, the roller coaster of human emotions. This is not to say that they lose all edges of human reaction. Perhaps it just ceases to be so necessary to be relayed. There is great compassion, love, wisdom, humor, and positive feelings abounding with those who have made the adjustment to that realm. It seems the more negative aspects of human feeling dissipates with the passing of time, in part due to learning some of the finer lessons that may not have been gained here in this realm.

I would give you a more scientific explanation of how and why I receive these beings, if I could. I just frankly do not know what physiologically or chemically occurs within my brain for this marvel to happen. I would like someday to have a medical analysis of brain wave activity to see if there is any change during this state, but I am sure insurance does not cover claims for determining “psychic channeling awareness.” I have asked for an answer from the higher sources, but have been told that I lack the vocabulary and understanding for them to be able to enlighten me upon the changes within my “guidance system” (their words for mind) that allows the connection with the mental and spiritual realms to funnel through my physical apparatus (brain). Imagine how it feels to be told you’re not smart enough to comprehend something by someone who isn’t there!

The phrasing of my question to my guides about Diana’s death went something like this: “Is there a reason, above the obvious one of a car accident, that Princess Diana has left this realm? If so, WHY?” I went into my “reception mode” and was immediately deluged with rapid-fire information. Often there are times when I ask a question of my guides that I only listen and hope I remember what they say. One of the odd points of channeling is that you can not always remember what comes through, even ten minutes later, if it is a mass of information, something beyond your own knowing, or for another person. There may be a faint recollection of the essence of what was said, but the details or actual phrasing is very hard to recall. This is one of the other reasons that I felt that the information received was not from within me. I felt that if I had made it up, I would have remembered it better.

Due to this glitch in retaining information, I had at one point begun audio recording my sessions. I still do this when pulling through information for other people so that we can play it back if they have questions and they may have a copy to keep. However, rather than going through the hassle of recording and then transcribing information for myself, I taught myself to receive and type at the same time. Mind you, the reading can be rough and the words spelled backwards, but the spell checker and grammar features of my computer have saved the day!

When the guides burst through that evening with more information than I knew I was going to be able to handle easily about their reasoning for her death, I excused myself and moved to my computer. In hindsight, if I had not, I would to this day be kicking myself. What I received opened my eyes wide, and has changed many perceptions and feelings within me. If I had not recorded what I received, word for word, I could never have accurately remembered the potency of the words or have had an ongoing record of a most monumental event. Not to be melodramatic, but part of modern day history would have been lost in the cobwebs of my gray matter.

I moved to my computer at about 1:30 a.m. (EST) on Aug. 31, 1997. I knew enough about my channeling abilities to know that I would not remember well what they were going to say to me the next day, especially since I was already so tired due to the lateness of the hour. When they started speaking, and it became evident that I wanted to remember what they were saying, I turned on my computer and re-asked the question.

What will follow here is a verbatim transcript of what I received. This is done for two reasons. I could sum up what was said, but you would not get to experience the flavor of the actual words and I don’t think I could put it as succinctly in my own words. Also, this book isn’t about what I think, except for random comments and setting the stage, but rather a presentation of the actual conversations that I experienced. I may not quote all of it verbatim, but I will be very careful to follow the true meaning of what was said. Since their phraseology is different than ours sometimes, I will add clarifying remarks in parenthesis. My words are denoted with the symbol R., the guides with the symbol G., and other “speakers” are designated with either an initial or the symbol ****. (All of Diana’s words are preceded by the **** symbols). If I am unsure of their identity, or wish to keep the identity hidden to casual prying eyes, I use this latter symbol.

Let us begin now the true purpose of this book. Be prepared for some new views and uncommon conversation.

R.. “ After receiving the news about Princess Diana’s death, what would you say about the reason for it? Is there a meaning here that is above the obvious?”

G. “ There will always be the meaning assigned to these events that are ascribed to those thoughts associated with the world of physical (human life). There is also however, that which is of the world of spiritual to be considered, and we will give to you the words of our world upon the events that are perceived by your world. There are concepts within your world that are of no value to the world that is of no physical form (spirit world). There is the concept of being well guided with only the wisdom from within your own guidance systems (minds), and then there is the concept that when events are happening there must be given to it only that which can be seen or explained. It is also given that there is a conceptual format that if there is a good then there must be an evil, if there is a will there is a roadblock, and if there is life then there must be a death. It is this that gives your world the greatest difficulty when dealing with the view that when someone dies then there will be no more good accomplished through that particular person. It is our world’s wisdom that when one is of the world of physical there can only be given the good that can be accomplished within the scope of that person’s realm of influence. There can be, however, greater influence given when one resides within the world of the spiritual realm and can therefore affect many more through their death than through their life. It will be shown that when she was what your world called alive she accomplished many things that were of great benefit and need for those of your realm. It will also become evident that through her death many more things will be accomplished in her name than would have ever been possible for her to orchestrate while having only the influence of her physical life. She will become even greater in her scope to help others through her death than through her life within the physical environment. The concept that what one does, and can do, will end with the death of an individual is a concept that has no meaning for our world. It is a given that when one leaves the world of physical for the world of spiritual their power of influence has been magnified many times over. It is not given to our understanding that when one leaves the earth plane that their work or wisdom is no longer within existence. It is her will to be given the benefit of her life to accomplish much through her death and this will be self-evident within a very short time, as your world knows it.”

“There is always a reason that someone chooses to leave their physical bodies and continue their work and their lessons. It was not her choice to live within the world as she was living, but to make the transition into the spiritual realm to make a bigger difference to those whom she wished to help. Think about the effect that her death will have upon the world as they reflect upon those issues that she was working upon when she left your world. There will be many who will be given the urge to pick up the gifts she had given and make them even more focused upon the issues because she is now gone. There will be those who will make a larger effort to make them become realities to honor the one who led the way. It will increase in scope and depth because she is no longer among your world and this will begin that which can change many things that she herself could not do. It will now become a given within your world for the good that she tried to do to be given the energy of many to make them feel better with her passing. It will now be the things she did that will become the battle cries of the masses and she will have made more impact through her death than through her life. There will be many more who are of wanting to make her a national symbol for the down trodden and she will achieve a fame for the good works that she was of making her own than she would have had she lived many more of your earth years.”

“ It is not that she is dead and gone, but that she is “dead” and giving to others that which she cared for deeply. It will be the beginning of a reformation within her country to make her the one whom was of greatest concern for the well being of the masses and lead them to see that she was not only their princess, but also their way-shower. She will make them see through her death more than they could ever see within her life. It is her spirit that will live on through these works and this is the concept that we are of wanting you to see. It does not matter that she lived only for such a short time span, she will have accomplished more for the gifts of men than if she had lived many, many, years doing only what she could with her physical hands and her physical will”.

How prophetic these words to me were! Everything mentioned to me within a short time of her death has been brought about, or come to light. There has been a movement mounted to make her a symbol for the down trodden. Her memorial fund has, one year later, accumulated $137 million to aid her causes with $114,000 on average coming in each month. (Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday August 30,1998, pg. A-8) Her death has caused many to re-evaluate their own forms of giving and working for those less privileged. She has become more famous in her death as regards her humanitarian efforts than she was in her life.

Having also lost another great humanitarian (Sister Theresa) within the week of Diana’s death, I could not help but compare the difference of their leaving this world with their contributions to it. It seems that Diana’s death has inspired more people to greater works and a higher expression of themselves than Sister Theresa, even though Sister Theresa devoted more than a half a century to this cause. Once again it would seem that the guides were correct. Diana’s death had inspired more good works than another’s prolonged life had done. When I asked my question of why Diana had left, none of these reasons had occurred to me, but as the guides spoke I felt that it could be true. As the months sped by after her death, I began to see the depth to the truth they had spoken to me about the reasons for her death. Again we shall return to a verbatim account of what transpired this night. More information that I had never before thought about was given to me. I once again was loaded aboard an emotional roller coaster.

G. “There is someone who wishes to speak to you and we are of wanting you to make the effort to make this contact. Think about allowing us to connect you with this other and allow them to be your guide on why this tragedy will make the gifts that Diana had so well given to the world of man. Our world is ready to make the connection if you are of giving us the consent that we seek.”

R. “I will give you this consent, but please make it short and concise. I am tired and can not go on for much longer.”

G. “We are now ready and ask that you give your will to our fellow worker of spirit.”

R. “Yes, go ahead. I am listening.”

****. “It is not that I am able to make you give me your will, but will you allow me to speak freely with you for the purpose of making you know that I am who I say that I am?”

R. “Sure. Go ahead. I will allow you to say what you wish, but can’t guarantee that I’ll believe it or understand it all. Fair enough?”

****. “I will not give you my real name, but I can give you this: I was not allowed to make the world see that I was able to give them more of the same as they had given me and I think that I was killed for this reason. I was a good way-shower in my own fashion, but there was much dispute about who I really was. It wasn’t that people misunderstood me, it was that there was not much that anyone could do with the will of the masses to know that I was not the person that they wanted instead of the person that I was. I was handed the gift of being made famous, but it was not that which I readily sought. I was the given the gift of being the most guided to be made into someone that I was not and this was a gift that I was trying to return to the world. I was not given the chance to know that I could make myself the most misunderstood person by simply being me and that I gave the world what it was looking for without understanding that I was losing me in the process. I was not given the choice to become what I had envisioned; I had to become what others envisioned. I was only making myself more of whom they wanted until the day I realized that I was no longer there within my own shadow, but only a cardboard character that had painted on a smile and a persona. I was not really living my life for me, but for those who did not really know me. It was not the way that I wanted to live and therefore I tried to give up on life. Even in this I was not allowed to do as I wished and this makes me sad to realize that when one becomes an icon, one cannot simply choose to become one’s self again. It is not that I am without wisdom that what one wants and what one gets is a fight that many have to undergo. It is that I am able to say with a fair amount of certainty that what one wants and what one is given may be so far from the beginning so as to be unrecognizable. I think if I had the chance to make the choice again, I would have learned sooner to be real to myself and allow no one the control to shape my life other than the one living it.”

Having advanced my education since the time I had spoken with the young man at his funeral, I was at least smart enough to have an extremely creepy feeling about who the speaker of this missive could be. I am not saying that at this time I believed fully that I was speaking to HER, but the words that I was receiving were causing me to go into one of my “grab denial and put it in the saddle again” modes. I realized that at this point the words could probably apply to many people who had passed over. Still a nagging feeling was pressing down upon me and I wanted to deny what my heart knew with the cool, clear logic of my mind. I can say that at this point I was no longer tired and thinking of sleep! The adrenaline was pumping and curiosity was raging. I was thinking while I was listening and typing. (This is what I meant about a different “wavelength” than my own thoughts. I can hear myself thinking other thoughts while being “addressed” by the other person.) I am mentally arguing with myself that this can’t be who I am feeling it might be. I was asking myself, “If it is, how could she, and why would she, want to communicate so soon after she had died?” The biggest question of all, of course, was, “Why to me?” As I bounced these ideas around in my mind, my heart was already knowing and responding. I was feeling sad for this person, whom ever it might be. I felt their despondency and their resignation to events that were beyond their control. I could detect a latent anger that was not explosive, but definitely there. I could feel a wanting to unburden and a wanting to have someone know what he or she was feeling. My mind was not ready to accept, but my heart knew. Soon enough though, my head had to shut up and let my heart lead.

I should add here that much of what you shall be reading soon are her views as stated to me at this particular time. There were over 120 pages of transcripts delivered to me conversationally in increments spanning a year. Her ideas and views did evolve as the time passed. You will see the shift in the focus of what she says she wants to accomplish and her earlier feelings change as she gains either more wisdom or emotional distance. The next segment of the first transcript follows and you will see for yourselves why my heart finally won out over my logic.

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