Sample Reading for Alexandra

Sample Reading for Alexandra

channeled by Marcia McMahon

Some Questions and Answers from Guides and Masters

I am AA Michael. I bring you great tidings today as the soul you carry is under my legions! A soul from another star system awaits incarnation – one of great beauty and anointing for this Aquarian age!

Many masters stand by to assist you in birthing and raising this special child. You have no doubt read of the indigo children and have a few of your own. This child waiting incarnation is of crystal intention, and will come with a vibration of love; PURE Love for you and the family. Sometimes also these children bring a certain possibility of disability- again no fear attached to this some may come in with and and other labels. Again this is to show love.

Nurture this child with your heart, head and hands. Give the child space to grow and play. Be in the presence of God with this special child. Let the others assist him or her as well.

Peace is upon you this day as joy rising in your womb. AA Michael.

Mother Mary:

I am Mother Mary. I am the heart of the mother for all children incarnating now. I will stand by you in the birth of this soul, and will be there for you if ever you have a need.

Motherhood in this age has become a secondary role as so many must fend for a living in the world of greed corruption and work. Motherhood is a sacred task involving the soul and over soul of the child. Being on a spiritual path as you are is a great thing to add to that child’s governance! We of the spiritual hierarchy are proud of you! We love you greatly and rejoice in your child and his choice to incarnate. All are precious in the eyes of the Father/Mother god/goddess.

This child brings you closer to God, as all of your children do! I wrap my arms around you in love, and stand by in your childbirth. I know the agony of that and the joy of bringing great light into the world, as I bore my son Jesus. I know that many now being born are of the Christ consciousness. Welcome Christ consciousness into the world with love and special blessing as many of the Crystals are incarnating now. Beloved Alexandra, I am with you! Mother Mary

The Angels On the Number 333

The number 333 is often times associated with the Trinity. With that being said many now see the 333 or the 444 as a sign of divinity. The 444 ushers in the forth part of the trinity; the angels. Those attuned to angels will see the 444 as often as the 333. When you see the 333 know that you are part of the trinity, the Father/Mother, the Son/Daughter and the Holy Spirit. The fourth part of that are our beloved Angels and Archangels.

Call upon us the angels whenever you need us we are right beside you in all you do whether picking up children or serving to protect you in traffic. The 333 experiences in France is another example of that serving to illumine your path and attune to spirit.

On Anger

For this I attune to AA Metatron who holds the books of life; known as the Akashic.

I am Metatron. I am keen to records of the said Qurent Alexandra. We read many past lives of great persecution for her spirit gifts and service to others. We read that she is still angry part of the time due to her need to nurture, feeling drained at times. We see her devotion to study of spiritual path feeling sometimes torn between that and her many duties and responsibility. We suggest a meditation at evening where by she may clear her charkas through meditation. We suggest a journal where she may record her dreams and thereby contact past lifetimes where she will in time uncover her past hurts, thereby clarifying her root causes.

For many lifetimes of abuse and neglect as well as service to others caused this to occur. She is not at fault, and all of this does need cleared for ascension to occur. I AM Who AM, AA Megaton, keeper of the book of life. This present lifetime promises much unfoldment for the querant and will give her many rewarding opportunities to be of service to the light of God. Keep up the Good work. Peace, Adonis and blessing sweet servant of God! AA Metatron.

Message from RA

We greet you in the light of everlasting love.

This is Ra.We are happy to assist the querant Alexandra with the question of creative endeavor, art, writing and so forth.

This endeavor is to be praised as the shedding of more of her talent and light, forming clusters of light around the planet thereby magnetizing her work outward to the Mass consciousness that is of course dark The Darkness of the publishing industry in America is run by dark energy of ego, false pride and so forth.

To penetrate that industry is difficult indeed for many of the light that work tirelessly as does this channel for the victory of the light. United in light as a web of light around the world with this channel and others of the light like-minded!

Let Spirit lead in the creative endeavors of art and children’s books. This plus a website and readings in time will be a source of income; though primary is the passion of the querent Alexandra.

We leave you in the light of everlasting love! This is Ra. Channeled Sept 27 06