Archangel Michael's Messages!

Archangel Michael's Messages

Water Color (c) McMahon, 2009

Archangel Michael, watercolor by Marcia McMahon

ANNOUNCING --Ascension Teachings with Archangel Michael by Marcia McMahon.

Channeled by Marcia McMahon

This NEW E- BOOK IN PDF FORMAT, Ascension Teachings with Archangel Michael

IN this exciting new e book available in pdf format ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, THE ELOHIM and RA, All explain what to expect as our third dimensional planet transitions to a 4th and then 5th dimension planet, also referenced as the New Earth.

Our PLANET will be a planet of glorious light where all will walk in peace. PEACE HARMONY JOY AND LIGHT will now prevail!

Archangel Michael explains that glorious changes are coming to earth. Those of us who have chosen Ascension will move with the planet to the higher dimensions! This will be a place free of war, poverty and disease!

The cost for this marvelous revelation is just ten dollars for the PDF document, including full color paintings of Archangel Michael and Jeshua, and Mother Mary who also confirm these changes. THIS HOT OF THE PRESS E BOOK is one of a kind!!

He further describes Ascension as the ride of a lifetime LIGHT WORKERS DON'T MISS THIS EXCITING RIDE. BUY E BOOK HERE!

Channeled by Marcia McMahon

A Must Read for the Spiritual Seeker, by Mary Maggeau, from

Marcia McMahon is a talented channel and writer, who first began her work after making contact with Princess Diana. Their sessions together resulted in the publication of two books: `Princess Diana's Message of Peace' and `With Love from Diana - Queen of Hearts.
Through the pages of these books Princess Diana speaks of her abiding interest in achieving global peace.

Since 2005, Marcia McMahon has also hosted a BBS Radio Show--one that presents and discusses metaphysical and spiritual topics of interest today. As Marcia is also an artist, several of her paintings add a further dimension to the enjoyment of her books.

In `Ascension Teachings with Archangel Michael, he and others from the company of heaven come forward, through Marcia, with their words of wisdom. They include: Jeshua (Jesus Christ), Mother Mary, RA and the Heavenly Hosts.
Archangel Michael's teachings make up the central message of this book. His words assist us with our personal choices toward understanding and accepting ascension.

Among these writings the following topics are covered.

* What is ascension? * How can this be achieved? * What is the significance of the many sign posts pointing to ascension: earth changes, global warming, volcanic eruptions and tidal waves?

One of the major goals in our lives is to realize spiritual enlightenment. Archangel Michael and others provide a rich tapestry of spiritual thought and practice by offering answers to many deep and fundamental questions. I highly recommend, `Ascension Teachings with Archangel Michael,' for anyone seeking to enrich their spiritual life.


Archangel Michael on the Momentous Occasion of the Solstice Dec 22, 2011on the year of 2012!

Channeled by Marcia McMahon

Marcia: Is now a good time to ask about the new year?

AA Michael: Now is the time of the Solstice the date of Dec, 22n 2011and my beloveds this is the date to one year of the glories of the beginning o the Ascension of mankind. We want to remind so many of my light workers who still suffer pain in any way or depression to be joyful as the New Earth awaits you in all her splendor – a paradise unimagined by the human mind at this point.

So again we ask you to prepare your bodies, minds and spirits this precious last year of your earth time. For you know not the time exactly of your personal ascension although I have given you the date of the commencing of the graduation party.

I still regret to say that many are unaware of this momentous occasion or how to adequately prepare. In the body, healthy eating and eating less is advised. In the mind, the clearing of past lifetimes filled with trauma and pain- and even this current lifetime so many of my light works have endured abuses and sorrows.

Hypnosis is a very good and efficient method of removing this debris and I wish to recommend my light worker as one of the highest integrity and loving service to you.

Now as to the Spiritual preparation be awake, alert and especially aware that any suffering is to be cleared as much as you can but at the same time viewed with the perspective that it is totally temporary and to not dwell on it. For in the New Earth the true land of milk and honey await all mankind if they so choose to end karma and death and rebirth and return to source at some point in the journey.

Many have the love for God in their hearts and for one another but are unsure of all of this and I tell you I hold my sword of truth and will cut all illusion from your mind if you will but ask for my healing guidance.

Imagine a most peaceful island where all the islanders are living in total harmony with the earth ad the sea- and with one anther and this is but a glimmer of the glory that does await those of you who wish to live in that 5th dimensional world.

On this earth this year there will be more earth changes including volcanoes and torrential rains and floods- but if your divine blueprint is to not experiences these calamities then no harm will befall you and fear not in any case. Yes there will be movements of the plates under earth’s crusts as she adjusts to the new energies being emitted by your Sun. The sun will undergo great change upon her surface this year and thus her ascension also awaits as she enters the fifth dimension she will change her appearance and appear more as a light blue dwarf.

Have no fear my beloveds for you are under my wing and I shall protect you from every imagined harm and nothing shall touch you if you only believe it.

I look upon each one of you with great love and anticipation your arrival upon the New Earth. Call upon me whenever you are in trouble and I will shelter you with my wings and bring my sword to bear upon any difficulty you may face.

In peace and love, Archangel Michael

About Marcia McMahon. Marcia is an author and artist and works with the spiritual hierarchy including Princess Diana and Mother Mary. She does readings with Archangel Michael, and your guides. She also guides others on their ascension path and does hypnosis for clearing karmic debris. She is a reiki master and does angelic reiki. Hypnosis is located at Her readings are available here on the site index, Reiki information is available at Reach her at

Archangel Michael: You Are the Masters of the New Earth for 2010!

Channeled by Marcia McMahon, Jan 9th, 2010

Dearest Arch Angel Michael

Marcia : Is this a good time to ask you about the coming changes to the Year 2010?

My Child it is I, Michael, and I appear when you call upon me. I and my legions of warrior Angels of the light surround you now keeping you safe from harm as you do this channeling for the world.

Marcia: I am interested in asking about the coming changes to earth and what we can expect and need to prepare for in the divine year of 2010. My Child and all listeners and readers: My channel works with the light and her energy has been purified through thought and intention to assist mankind through the changes coming to earth in 2010. Earth will undergo many changes this coming year and I will give possibilities rather than probabilities as so much can change in an instant.

The NEW EARTH has arrived in her divine blueprint! Rejoice you light workers who have waited lifetimes for the release from Karma and suffering for your hour is upon you now. Yet many sit unawakened from sleep, hoping for the return of a Savior like Jeshua to come in the clouds or another of the religious figures from the past. No religious figure from the past will come to your rescue because you must under stand now that You are the Masters!

Yes in other times you may have played the role of victim but no more; for you are all being asked to be Master of the Game and master of your own destiny. Many now are aware of the Secret the movie and of the many books that give you keys that have been hidden for generations by secret societies intent on their own purposes. Now I say to you- unlock your destiny and do not look to another teacher or master to tell you what that destiny is. For that is ERROR thinking, no master will truly tell you what to do!

And Many Americans fall prey to this thinking that this program or that guru will assist me in my path- or “I need a trainer!” No one needs these people- yes these people play a role in your life, but should not dictate what to do or how to do it.

YOU ARE The MASTERS- and you are going to the NEW EARTH. The light codes are now formed and the geometry of the sacred original blueprints are held in highest holographic energy by my legions. WE are assisting the earth’s ascension with as gentle energy as possible so that fewer lives will be lost as the body of the Mother Ascends to the 5th dimension.

While we regret to say that Mother Earth now is giving off volcanic eruptions and movements of the plates underfoot in an attempt to balance her energy that has been depleted through oil and abuse of the atmosphere.

As well there are many secret programs going on under her crust in preparation of 2012, and then the heating of the biosphere by the sinister designers of HAARP, who shoot high voltage into the biosphere; there by creating havoc with the etheric vibrations of the outer atmosphere. This must stop because it’s powerful enough to cause earthquakes anywhere the designers of this program want it to.

So as I have said, the Earth herself is undergoing powerful cleansing which will result in many earth changes.

Marcia: Can I ask if any of these changes will come to America in 2010?

Michael: While it is not my intention to frighten anyone here, it is highly possible that there will be earthquakes and even a possible volcano eruption in America this year. I have spoken previously on the movement of the plates beneath the surface of the earth so that the plates collide in critical places. Look for the unexpected!

I will not give a specific locale other than to say to learn to tune into the vibrations of mother earth by listening in silence and ask your I AM presence if you need to move to a new location. In this way each individual can personally assess their own situation without moving into fear and panic. It is not the job of my channel to locate areas on a map for the interest of those who want more specifics, as she herself does not know precise locales. This is because I am protecting her from knowledge that might cause her fear.

I am certain that those with a sincere heart will understand the basics of my possibilities for 2010 and be able to discern what they need to change to continue life on the planet earth. I its with some regret that I must give these warnings, but as well the situation with regard to terrorism for the United states will be that she must remain vigilant to all travelers entering her boarders from foreign ports.

There will be continued attempts to take airliners down coming from foreign ports into the USA. Always go within to your angelic guides before getting on an airplane and ask is this what I am to do? I am not bringing fear here but the use of one’s own higher mind to determine choices for oneself. Most of you must understand that your journey to the New Earth requires adult maturity and acceptance of your intuitive powers. Now my beloved ones, I leave you in blessed peace, abundance and joy for the Miracles that do wait in 2010. The gradual awakening of mankind will accelerate this year so that the world will be evolving even more until the grandest moment of all; that of Ascension.

With love

Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael Speaks on the Year 2007

Arch Angel Michael Speaks on the Year 2007 Channeled by Marcia McMahon, Jan 6th, 2007

Dearest Arch Angel Michael

I come today as set aside from the world to attune to your wisdom on prophecy.

My Child it is I Michael. Whenever you call I will come as promised. This new year of 2007 holds the promise of ages, of all the prophecy given since the ancient times, the promise of salvation and messiah, if you are Hebrew, and the return of Jesus if you are Christian. Yet, none of the messiahs sent in the past can compare to the coming of the Christ within each one! My light workers and I have labored in the vineyards against the odds of the mainstream society, which denies our truth. I ask all listening to your show to hear these words for they are true!

The Angels and Masters and those of the earth planes have a plan for peace for 2007. Your work with Princess Diana is a part of that vision, as she has shared her vision of peace with you now for almost seven years. We in the angelic hierarchy would like the people of the United States to stand up against tyranny and more war. We ask you to become vocal in whatever way you can to write congressmen and women, and ask that this situation be brought to swift and final justice.

We ask that a conference on religion be held in Iraq or anywhere in the Middle East that leaders come together and discuss differences. We cannot condone religions that promote hate and violence and this needs to be addressed for earth’s sake.

There will be more earth changes this year as Mother Earth Gaia cleanses herself of war and negativity from the people of earth who have abused her. As more population is lost, more people who are light workers will be needed to speak words of comfort and to do the work of assisting in these areas of devastation.

Can you say where some of these earth changes will be Michael?

The so-called ring of fire in the Pacific rim, with tidal waves, eruptions and possibly tsunami, and there is a possibility of earthquakes and tremors in California. There are other volcanic eruptions possible as this has been set in motion and it would be best for your audience to not focus on fear. We ask all listening to learn to attune to our vibration so as to gain intuitive ability through this channel or others who teach channeling or ascension as this channel does. To listen to mainstream media does not teach one how to work with finer energies.

My colleague Arch Angel Gabriel works with the Middle East situation and you will hear from him in future messages and he will confirm your work with princess Diana and John. We see that your show and the BBS network will find success in the New Year both on air and with new ventures. We see all of those whom you work blessed in the New Year with abundance, prosperity and healing. Only my light workers will be able to lead in this New Age about to dawn.

Only my light workers and those who work on being light workers will take the reigns of power from this last cabal, and bring in the new government about to dawn. America must take the helm, must lead out of the tangled mess she has made and be victorious in teaching and leading in peace and justice. We are at a perilous juncture and every hand is needed, every light workers voice must be heard. I leave you in peace, justice and mercy and thank you for letting me speak to your audience.

Arch Angel Michael

Arch Angel Michael Speaks on the Year 2007 Channeled by Marcia McMahon, July, 2007

( My questions were about the physical changes anticipated in the Solar system and Milky Way Galaxy concerning our Earth home planet ‘s relationship as she moves into the fifth dimension)

Marcia: AA Michael I wonder if there is anything you wish to say about all of this.

M: My child just call and I am here. We have been working on your ascension for quite some time and your clearing of karma. The final pieces of the puzzle are falling more and more into place, and you need to release some situations in life if you are to progress on the ascension wave.

Marcia: I know and sense it keenly. What can I do to move out of fear ?

M: Ascension is power my child. It is dimensional warp; it is life in material and physical. The new wave of humans coming in now should turn your frightened mind to the truth; there is no extinction of the planet, but there are cleansings; many.

As well,the planet and her sun are all ascending and this will in turn cause changes on all planets of your solar system.

Michael: In time all of you in my group, conclave, will be brought to the Golden Galaxy, where life will begin again for you.

As ascended beings and yes I am leaving earth with all who do ascend who wish to ride the eltromagnetic waves through time to another time.

So yes to answer your heart, in time your sun will become a dwarf star and will leave on her etheric chords to a higher plane. If it happens now or in a million years from now does that make a difference?

Marcia: I guess not, but I do not want to exist in ethers. I still want to have the 3 D sunlight, flowers art, experience.

M: You are a good human being. An ascended master in the making. Believe what you wish to believe the New Earth is waiting for you and all of my followers. I will not abandon you. Others may do so but not I, I am of the love vibration.

Marcia: I love you too Michael. Thanks so much.

Michael: You are welcome my child of the light. I leave you to ponder the mysteries of Ascension, to look to the stars as your future home. With my love, Archangel Michael.
