Diana Speaks on Her Causes and Tensions in Palestine

M: Diana, I am here at your request. I have been reading the situation in the Middle East and assume you wish to speak on that.

D: Indeed you are brilliant and I am so glad to have your continued service to your country, as I have said many times you have no idea really what a divine blessing you have been to your people Americans.  However at the moment I find myself dismayed at the verge of war there in the Palestinian territories, in Gaza. Tanks and mortar are ready to pound the innocent Palestinian people and diplomatic efforts are continuing via Egypt and other Arab countries that want peace with Israel.  I think it was shameful of Israel to bomb prime Minister Abbas headquarters there when he has consistently stood up for the release of the soldier held captive and for the recognition of the state of both Israel and Palestine.  That this increased aggression is sending war signals all over the Middle East and now we hear of planes making their air defense systems into Syria. While I totally confirm their president Mr. Assad is involved in terrorist plots and the support of Hammas, we reserve caution at Israel’s aggressive policy in this instance, though I am not saying I do not support Israel in her right to defend herself.

Let me be clear here. We in spirit do not take sides, if we did we would be operating on the same human level that most in your world do. No, as an ascended master I see all sides and all injustices, and as Queen of Hearts and world peace ambassador that I am, I stand with innocent and suffering children the world over. From my vantage point it is perfectly apparent that children suffer the most in these man made conflicts and I am attempting to stop war on all fronts.  My job is not easy nor has the job of my channel been an easy one.  She has endured much ridicule but this should not deter her most important work. Her work can totally prevent a future holocaust on American soil and on this day of American Independence many Americans would be wise to consider the wisdom of this message!  For I confirm it is I, Diana, the one so loved all over the world and taken out of your world for the very same reason. I stood up for peace, for children everywhere against Land mines and for this I was removed from the World Stage and my life with my lover Dodi and my beloved sons.

It would behoove the world to look deeper into the person I was and understand the causes I held are those that are still dear to my heart, those causes being children the world over.

M: I totally agree with your many points and am glad to hear you speak so eloquently Diana on the topic of war affecting children, and on the Middle East. It would seem that the situation there is becoming most dire. I don’t want to see war break out there and I know that diplomacy is being done but apparently a deal must be struck for the release of the Israeli soldier and those women and children being held in Israeli jails.

D: Indeed we all pray for a peaceful solution.  Meanwhile the Palestinians’ power has been bombed out and the tanks remain poised to strike.  On this day of independence it would behoove Americans to think of others not like themselves who suffer from the tyranny of occupation, and assist them, meaning of cause the Palestinians. We do not ask you to stand with any terrorist, obviously, but to stand with moderates within the ranks of the Palestinian Authority, such as the good person, Saeb Errekat and the Prime Minister Mr. Abbas. Ask that more be done to assist those moderates who want no violence upon anyone, and assist those in Israel who want to see the creating of the Palestinian State.  For indeed had my channel been heard and her message implemented as it had been
planned, this situation in Gaza would not be unfolding and much needless suffering and bloodshed averted. We ask all to pray for peace for both Israel and Palestine.
My love to all, this day of your independence, Diana, Queen of hearts and Ambassador for peace.


Princess Diana Speaks on on Gaza and Need for Peace and Cease Fire. channeled Sunday Jan 10,09 channeled by Marcia McMahon

Diana: May I go on then to the deteriorating situation in Gaza?
M: Indeed Diana please go on.
D: The situation in Gaza has reached crisis proportions with little hope in site for the average Palestinian there that are going without sleep, food, shelter or water. What they are enduring there is surely enough already. So we ask how much is enough and when can the endless bombing on this mostly civilian population end? The Palestinian people are not the ones producing rocket fire, and many of the U. N. schools, which are bomb shelters have been bombed. I have seen this wreckage myself and stand with the injured in this terrible scene. So many viewers around the world are sparred these jarring images of war and horror due to the fact that Israel simply wont’ allow press coverage.

And I want to ask, what has the incursion won them? Peace and security,a good conscience, or stability in the region? No! War never begets any of the blessings of the intentions of the nations who war openly on other lesser peoples. I do not mean to say that any one is lesser, I am merely pointing out that some societies feel greater than others.

Whist I am not on any side I am a humanitarian first and I see those crossing over and hear the stories from the victims of war myself. M: I sense your outrage Diana, and your intent to teach the futility of war. Do you recommend any diplomatic solutions, which you are so brilliant for.
D: At the moment my dearest Marcia I cannot recommend anything but an end to the MADDNESS that is this war. I am standing up for the people of Palestine in this case and asking for a cease-fire. And then perhaps the people of Palestine will think more carefully before electing Hamas into any government role in the future. They have accomplished little to nothing to help their people and have ruined their cities and their area of Gaza along with Israel’s invasions.

If it gets any worse Israel will have to worry about Iran taking out it’s revenge on her. There are Arab states posed to carry out dire plans for Israel should she become more aggressive. And woe to Israel should she bomb Iran.

The situation is not good so I ask those on your list and your intimate friends to pray for peace tonight and in the next week. We hope the new American administration will get right on this issue but this administration is all but phased out. I am sending on my light and love to all affect in this region and take no sides. For although Israel is the aggressor here, we see they’re suffering too.

My love to all, Diana.