Princess Diana on the Divine Feminine


Channeled by Marcia McMahon, June 3, 06

M: Diana, I am here finally at your service. I just received a most beautiful message from Mary Magdalene.

D: Darling I am so proud of your fine work with spirit and that you are putting your beautiful program on the air once again. We in spirit say bravo to your efforts, which will not go, unnoticed this time!

We are equally delighted to see that you are in communication with the beautiful goddess Mary Magdalene for indeed this era like no other will emphasize the divine feminine, even as I myself was a representative of that whilst living on Earth. My mission was to give to each person a feeling of worth and love, in my touch and my smile I did indeed embody the divine feminine. Also through my fashion statement allowing me to speak to the mass consciousness without having to say a word.

For as you know well, the palace forbade me to speak openly and when I did speak, for instance about my marriage then all hell broke loose. It is indeed high time for the DIVNINE Feminine to be acknowledged and brought forth, for it will be women to end the wars that men begin and women who lead the way in the New Age for mankind. Women have the love within their hearts, as it takes a woman to do so many things for the world. Likewise men will have to bend more to compassion, to truth and to allowing shared power for this New Age, the so called Aquarian age.

I was a way shower in my life as Diana, and a superb example amongst the people of all the feminine could truly accomplish. It was my honor to serve and to continue to serve for the benefit of all mankind, which is what I am doing with you dear Darling Marcia. For in our giving birth, we are nurturers of the spirits of men, in this case of course my fine sons, the Princes William and Harry.

May I turn then to world affairs?

M: Of course Diana, do go on then.

D: Indeed the world finds itself in a most sad state of affairs with regards Iraq, and the many revelations this past week. We in spirit knew of things like this because we regularly see and visit those children killed so senselessly as a result of mistakes and horrible crimes against humanity. All war is a crime against humanity; when will the mass consciousness realize this truth?

M: you do indeed speak great truth Diana. Is there anything on Iran then?

D: Indeed I am getting to that. We in spirit commend the fine work of Secretary Rice for her efforts this week in allowing diplomatic ties to resume with Iran. Indeed the whole entire UN and world community need to gather round this mounting storm with regards to her nuclear ambitions. If she does acquire the use of a nuclear arsenal, she will indeed use it on both Israel and the United States, so we have everything to gain and nothing to loose by offering her a full plate of goodies in the deal, so to speak.

I commend the fine work of Secretary Rice and ask her to persist whilst this deal is ironed out. We do see a compromise possibility on the table but all must act now and soon to prevent a nuclear holocaust in the Middle East.

I urge all listening to my words to look into the book by my channel Marcia and to buy the book that can totally prevent a nuclear holocaust. My love and divine blessings, Diana, Princess of Peace and Goddess of the Peaceful planet! ( I say that merely as play on words with Marcia’s fine show and not in any conceit)

My love to all, Diana.