RA Speaks on the Egyptian Heirarchy

channeled by Marcia McMahon

Clarification on Who is Ra?

Marcia: I would like to ask RA about the timeline in Egypt and if I may inquire?

RA: Indeed ware area always willing to be of service to any honest inquiry.

Ra was an incarnation in Egypt. A pharoaic incarnation, living about 10,000. BC. We are much older than recorded history. It was in this dynasty that many of the records of Atlantis were still present, and moved over from the lost continent.

It was thought that we those of the Spiritual Hierarchy could somehow influence the developing minds of those living in Egypt with ideas that would assist them in ways we now know were disastrous. We gave them an idea of their Infinite Creator God and likewise that they were of the same substance of that same Creator God.

Ra in the Egyptian Gods is special, given special powers as a Creator God along with Isis, and Heru. Ra was Amun Ra. Amun Being Sun and and RA being energy or life!

And All in Ancient Egypt Understood the Supreme Creator- in a different sense than the way you do now. Egyptians were not pantheists but monotheists.

Can you say about the new religion developed under Akhenaton? Akhenaton was working with the one true Creator God.

Ra in the contemporary sense is not the Creator God or the sun God Ra- we are an energy band of a very high nature. We resonate with the energies of Divine Creator in Cosmic Center, and we are of the 6th dimensional frequency. However there was much distortion in Egypt and we become understood as Ra the sun energy.

We lived on the Planet Venus our original home, and ascended together to over light planet earth in the time of the planets’ birth and development. We have been guiding your planet about 18,0000 years! In service of the One Infinite Creator God! We leave you in blessed peace, Love and light, RA