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Friday, 8 September 2006
Princess Diana Speaks on the Anniversary of September 11th
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Princess Diana Speaks on the Anniversary of September 11th, channeled September 8th, 2006 c. Marcia McMahon

M: Well Diana did you have messages today for our readers?

D: Indeed I do. Firstly, I want to express again my condolences for any and all who are grieving the September 11th Attacks in your country, and to say that we are well acquainted with the many fine souls who did cross over and work with them here.
There is a special place in heaven for each one and we know of them through the work of Fr. Murray, aka Robert Murray of the Stars Still Shine fame. We encourage our readership to visit his site and read the messages of the 911’s, which are so moving really.

And furthermore we want to say again that this message of mine through my channel is what this world need s to solve all terror, and had she been heard in the last few years there might not be a threat to your country as there is now. Whist many mistakes of war have been made, it is not my position to sit in judgment of them or the leaders who started them, but really rather it is my sole function to offer instead diplomatic solutions for the entire Middle East. For if we can save the Middle East we can save the world and that is where all the trouble is.

Our solutions are posted on Marcia’s website for any to read but in general I have said through my channel for years that one must address the Palestinian issue and now of course the issue of Hezbollah in order to solve the dilemma of mounting terror. Terror is not without cause, and while totally unjustified in any way, there are root causes of dissent and that is fueling this horrible war on terror. The US has all but ignored some of the most obvious solutions in my writings to my scribe, Marcia. And she has made sure the information found it ‘s way to the top people in America as diplomats who knew me in life. None the less America has a way to go before she can feel secure in her place as she is again I am afraid to warn, under serious threat from more Islamic rhetoric and terrorism.

The recent tape that aired of Bin Laden and his cohorts rehearsing the 911 event opens so many wounds for so many and it’s their intent to do that and to scare the American public into believing they have the same capacity today. I know of plans they have and have warned many times before, and I’ll not repeat myself here. However if you truly want the problems solved you must use much more diplomacy and create the state of Palestine, and as well give Lebanon a true chance at democracy.  

If these core grievances are addressed and I am not hopeful that they will be in time, there can still be peace in the Middle East. The other obvious threat to peace is the leader Aminidjab in Iran who clearly has nuclear intentions upon Israel. It is best to work with him diplomatically and open channels whereby he can be dealt with rather than sanctions, which are proven failure as in the case of Saddam.

M: Anything else then for today Diana?

D: Indeed I am closing shortly. We encourage all reading this message of light to share it with others of like mind and to encourage all to read your fine book, With Love from Diana, Queen of hearts and to buy a copy for friend. WE need this fine peace work out there where it can open the minds and hearts of those people who have power to affect the consciousness of the many.

I ask you not to grieve for me and to know with great comfort that I am with you still just as you are inclined to grieve for the victims of the horrific September 11th Attack, and to take comfort that they are here with me on this side doing wonderful things for peace and creative endeavor through Bob Murray. All my love, Princess Diana, Queen of Hearts and princess of peace.

Posted by mb2/diana_speaks at 3:48 PM EDT
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Saturday, 9 September 2006 - 10:35 AM EDT

Name: Marcia
Home Page: http://www.dianaspeakstotheworld.com

* Bob Murray is an amazing channel who has recorded many of the doings of the 911's in the afterlife as well as an excellent channel who works now on music from the other side which is featured on my show, the Peaceful Planet. To hear Bob's music visit, www.thestarsstillshine.com the music is free and piped in.

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