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A Celebration for Diana!
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Wednesday, 20 September 2006
Princess Diana Speaks on Diplomacy/ Special Diana Celebration in Heaven
Mood:  party time!
Now Playing: Remarkable Diana by Bob Murray, inspired by John Lennon
Topic: A Celebration for Diana!
Subject: A Celebration in honor of Diana, Queen of Hearts Listen to new music by Bob Murray inspired by Elvis Presley, Frank DeVol, Danny Kaye, Liberace, John Lennon & George Harrison and Michael & The Band. Visit the following URL to hear the music: http://www.thestarsstillshine.com/musicef1.html The music from this album, "Elvis & Friends at the D.R." was performed at a celebration in honor of Diana, Queen of Hearts. The celebration was held in the afterlife. Many of Diana's friends (adults and children) paid tribute to her work for children and world peace. However, Diana asked that these ceremonies not be a tribute to her but to focus on the children. More information about this event is available in the September 2006 issue of "The Stars Still Shine Magazine" Remarkable Diana by Robert Murray inspired by John LennonPrincess Diana Speaks on Diplomacy Channeled by Marcia McMahon, Sept 17,06 M: Good morning Diana. I am here for you and apologize that I did not get to you sooner.
D: Darling that is quite all right. I see that you are indeed in a quandary as to being heard in y our great work with me, and you feel rightly discouraged in the listening audience on your show, and as well in the email list you serve so well. Rest assured that in time much sooner than imaginable, everyone will have heard of y you and I in our work, and whilst not all will believe it, many will revere the work you have done so selflessly for others. I understand that my diplomatic solutions have in the past reached the highest office but now they seem to fall on deaf ears; and this being the source of great discouragement since at one time your work was a passionate attempt at peace for all.
M: Yes that is it Diana. You pretty much summed it up here.
D: Well again I say do not despair that all seems lost. The millions of people who want peace will rise up in this era of peace and demand it from their governments who are not following the will of the people. We feel it and sense it from here the heartache over Iraq and Lebanon and in other countries. Whist there very much remains a threat of terror everywhere, there is so much good that can be done to thwart it; and this secret remains hidden since the mass consciousness is not yet ready to receive my consciousness and my solutions; and that solution is the greater democracy of the Middle east; Palestine and Lebanon to be sure but also Iraq and Iran!
M: I wonder what you think of M. Aminedejad coming to the United Nations this week to speak and of his request to speak with President Bush?
D: Personally I feel it is a huge mistake not to entertain the Iranian President, as this could be common ground to friendship and negotiation; however your president has clearly decided against that idea and whilst I feel it is unfortunate, there is little that can now be done.
M: I watched Jimmy Carter on Larry King last week and he seems to embrace all of your fine ideas about Peace and cares so much for humanity. What a shining example of a statesman.
D: Indeed Mr. Carter, former President Carter is right on the ball with his peaceful activity around the world. His sentiments about the Palestinian conflict and a peaceful settle ment between them and Israel couldn’t be more right on! We say bravo to him and h is wonderful diplomacy all over the world. If only he were elected right now. I am quite fed up with this current administrations blunder in Iraq, in the recent war and now with so many things. We hope that they will do something for peace before this current administration leaves office.
M: Some channeled messages predict a total collapse of this administration whereby they will be booted out of office? Do you u see anything like that.
D: They certainly are not popular any longer and as I said they no longer represent the people; they have an agenda to stay in Iraq and assist the people come to democracy and end terror but it has been such a blunder. This is my first time openly criticizing the administration and I feel that I have said quite enough. It is not my intention to alienate others through opinion.
M: Thank you Diana. Is there anything else then?
D: At this moment I am closing. I thank you for your continued commitment to peace and continue to ask for more prayers for the Middle East. There are so many threats to all of humanity there. We ask for more diplomacy from this current administration and the congress as well. My love and blessing in a troubled time, Diana, Princess of Peace. Remarkable Diana by Robert Murray inspired by John Lennon

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