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Tuesday, 24 October 2006
Princess Diana Speaks on North Korea and Nukes
Topic: Nuclear Tests


Princess Diana Speaks on North Korea
and Nukes

Marcia McMahon, October 19,06

M: Diana, I have heard your request for a session. Is there anything on
your mind?

D: Indeed darling much is happening throughout the world with regard to
massive weapons buildup. WE see this as a continual crisis for the Bush
administration as more countries want to get on board with nuclear
capacity. We hope that the work of Secretary Rice will be able to deter
more of this horrible buildup of weapons worldwide and we have some
suggestions for her.

M; Well I cannot guarantee that we can reach her with your words but go
ahead and have your say Diana.

D: Thank you. I am again most pleased to bring thru this information
from my channel that is so dedicated to saving others through my voice
for diplomacy for the world. We can change the world one person at a
time, if only all were like my channel in willingness to go without
fortune fame or income to do more for peace! We do ask light workers
and peace workers to do all they can for peace in this most troubled
New Age.

Everyone has their appointed role; and mine, as an ascended master is
to see to it to prevent war and nuclear holocaust. We see the situation
in both North Korea and

Iran building. Both countries are working on nuclear weapons and this
will alienate them from the United Nations. The sanctions will work to
some extent and we are glad China will address the issues with North
Korea. The very idea that North Korea said this was an act of war very
much concerns me; though we don’t’ feel she will go thru on her
outrageous threats to S. Korea and Japan. Surely she realizes the
futility of that idea! We also hope that Japan will not suddenly see
the need to create a nuclear bomb for herself. It seems never ending
this cycle of building these horrible weapons. For that is what I was
standing up against in the Land minds campaign, that we all have to
work together in harmony for the sake of the future of this very world!

One or two rough regimes can gather enough dark intent to take out
whole countries. Whist we do not see this as an immediate threat we do
see the possibility of nuclear holocaust upon Israel with regard to
Iran. And that area of the world needs your urgent attentions. For if
America wants truly to prevent future terror on her homeland she must
create the Palestinian State before it is too late and another
generation is lost to terrorist activity. Those children in Palestine
need your help, and that fine peace worker you featured on your show
can surely help. *

M: Thank you Diana for your thoughts on this, I agree. None of us can
wave a magic wand and certainly Condoleezza Rice does what she feels is
best in the interests of the USA.

D: I would say reach her anyway, I know she is traveling but she has
read your book and given thought to it. I don’t’ care how unpopular she
may be with your audience who are most likely not inclined to this
administration but she is all we have for now. And of course you will
want to be careful in the way you do reach her. I am not a political
person and don’t’ care if I am speaking to Democrat, Republican, Green
or Blue party! I just want to be heard for the content of what I have
to say, not even for my name, which of course carries great weight even
to this day!

M: I get it and have for some time. I just want to be heard also Diana.
It seems it is getting harder to be heard as a voice for peace. We want
the world united in love peace and joy as the New Age goes further into

D: Absolutely and I stand with you and all light workers and peace
workers the world over for Peace. We ask that more be done in the
Middle East for peace between Israel and Palestine and that diplomacy
reach further to the rouge regimes that also want bombs. We must do all
we can to protect future generations from nuclear threat. I am closing
shortly. I ask all to live in love and peace, to spread the world of
peace and love around the interment and to hear my channel in her fine
books and radio program!

With love always from Diana, Queen of hearts and Princess of Peace.

*Samar Sahar runs the Lazarus Home for girls

Posted by mb2/diana_speaks at 10:26 AM EDT
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