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Sunday, 20 August 2006
Princess Diana Speaks on Peace and Her Predictions
Topic: Peace in the Middle East
Princess Diana Speaks on Peace and Her Predictions, channeled by Marcia McMahon, M.A. August 18, 2006

M: Dear Diana,I am here to listen if you wish to address anything.

D: Darling you are most kind to continue our conversations despite the fact that this isn’t a paying job. We are still quite concerned about the fragile peace that has been won in Lebanon and Israel. We commend the peace workers from all over for finally ending a hellfire of bombs and rockets. We know that this was due to the efforts of the diplomats and to those holding love and light within their hearts. For the world will no longer stand for war, and we feel that the US must also come to terms with the situation in Iraq and find her way out of that horrible dilemma as well.

M: Thank you Diana. Are there any diplomatic solutions this evening then? Or other comments?

D: I am reflecting up on the horrible news of the latest round of terrorists in Britain. If readers want “proof” of this message they should reference my warnings about what the terrorists were planning. It is there in the messages I gave in December of 2003, when I warned that terrorists would plot to blow up planes coming in from foreign ports to the United States, and they would try anything to do damage, be it chemical, nuclear or any kind of device. We applaud in this case the interception of that plan, and commend the excellent work of the British forces.

M: Some Diana are saying that it might have been an Illuminati plot. I have read that in many channeled messages across the Internet. I don’t get that vibration about this plot.

D: I stand by my words in your book, With Love from Diana, Queen of Hearts. Many may see the title and not realize the magnitude of our work together and think it’s just about my love life, as the media loves to play with that aspect of my former life.
Well it’s about saving innocent lives the world over, from any and all walks of life and religion, not just the West. I share my time here with Dodi Fayed and he has given many of my perceptions of Arab and non western points of view, and as an ascended master I may look into the future using a very sophisticated device that resembles your computers whereby I access Akashic records that contain “future” information.
That is how my predictions have become almost 100 percent accurate!

M: That is truly amazing Diana to me. And yes most would not believe that you have this wealth of information about terror plots and Middle East diplomacy. I would never have guessed! I am so grateful to help in this way, and this project has been the aim of my life, I only hope one day that I will be heard in my own country enough to make a difference for others.

D: You have my assurance that our work for peace will go down as history. But at the moment all I can offer you are my words for the world and hope the world listens. The world wanted everything about me whilst living and now that I am so called” dead” they can’t be bothered. Little do they realize that we are living still, and we are not, “dead” but merely in spirit. We do continue on in life after death, albeit that can’t be proven!

This communication is “proof” of this happy fact. We hope that the world will bring the situation to a peaceful conclusion and the peacekeepers will be installed as quickly as possible( in Lebanon). I am Diana, princess of peace for the people of earth. My love to all. www.dianaspeakstotheworld.comWith Love from Diana, Queen of Hearts

Posted by mb2/diana_speaks at 11:21 AM EDT
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