Ascended Masters Page

A Message from Joan of Arc

channeld October 30, 04 (c) Marcia McMahon

While watching the program on Joan of Arc, I felt her presence come to me in the living room. She had a mantle, a white mantle. It bore a red cross, and she gently held it in her hands and slid it then over my shoulders, saying,

“ It is I, Joan, and I give this my mantle to you. Believe this, it is I, Joan. There will be a sign given that I am with you. Then you will know without doubt that I also go with you in times of trouble and doubt. Fear not to speak your messages, as they are also great, as mine were. I was God’s messenger. So are you, and you will be able to save your country as I saved France. These are different times, but we all come from the same One who chooses our path."

M: Joan I am deeply honored since it is all Saints day soon. I wonder too, can you say when I will finally publish this book and be heard within my country?

J: It will be in three years time when all will know you. You will have peace until then, personally. As with the turning of the leaves, so turns the times when all things change, for your time approaches soon when more will know you. You do not crave so much for fame as to truly save, it is for others I speak. May Jesus give you strength in the days ahead. “

Mother Teresa's Message on the Forum for Worldpeace Radio Show

(c) Marcia McMahon, 2005

This is Mother Teresa.

We rejoice with the angels that your voice, a most important voice for peace will now be heard among the light workers of this world! For too long you were held back; held back by your family; your friends and even your churches. We now rejoice that at last Diana’s great words can be heard and by the many. It was to you a long wait; to us we stood in the Light of God with you in this work all along. Praise God that your wonderful work can be heard now. I bless you and I bless the people at the Bloginservice; for they are truly servants of God in this troubled time.

My love to all, Mother Teresa.

Jesus Speaks on Princess Diana's Words in With Love from Diana, Queen of Hearts. (c) Marcia McMahon,

(Visit the index page to buy the book or read excerpts.)


Did I not then say that you will be heard and to have faith? Your faith is great in Diana and in me, Jesus, therefore despair not. You will be heard far and wide in this new book! It’s that I must set up my own terms to bring this forth since so many of the lightworkers are focused on self promotion and their message.


Your lightwork is like no other- it’s power is indeed very great. Let me lift your sorrow and suffering related to your magnificent work. All will not see it as I do but know this— It ranks up there with all the great world teachers!

We want you heard and we say you to persist in art shows and in talks and we want you on TV. Others will want this on TV and know it’s magnificent potential. The Palace will object (to TV) but they don’t know this work!

Press on the good cause for Peace for all brothers and sisters in my name, Jesus, the Master TEACHER. I bid you my peace and healing this day!

With love Jesus

Jesus Advises on Reaching an Audience and Earth Changes

(c) Marcia McMahon 2004

M:Jesus, I am hearing you on the new year approaching. Can you give any hopeful message to me at this time, for I am feeling despair regarding both my work and the earth changes which are now in full force.

Jesus: Peace be with you. You stand out as a star among the darkened corridors of the human heart. For your message will help many, though you cannot see it even now you do see many diplomats and political changes in the Palestine Diana wishes to help create. Therefore fear not, nor despair. Despair is unjustified in every way, for your future is indeed bright, and this is the year that the masses will discover your magnificent light work with Diana.

M: Can you say how I will be discovered? And will my second book be of any help in this or is it going to end up on the shelf collecting dust?

My child it is best not to judge apparent failure, for as you know with persistence all failure turns again to success. Look at those suffering in the wake of the tsunami, and know that they will be cared for. That loosing everything people find again in time a way to rebuild lost homes, and to adjust. This is the beginning of the cleansings which will take place over a period of years. It is not a punishment but a way to bring people of different cultures and religions together over disaster. Though it is not intended to cause so much grief.

M: When you spoke before of the earth changes you said earth would need eons of time in between the cleansings. Is this still the case?

Indeed the cleanings will be very traumatic and all continents will be affected. You will be in contact with Joshua as the time approaches and you will find shelter. But for this year I have come to speak. We wish you to get the message out in a singular way; if you can arrange with an agent or someone to set up hotel space, and present it with dignity and grace. Ask some of your friends to assist in tickets and in spaces, and try to move the message alone without the light worker conferences which are a hindrance to the great message, as they are overlooked.

My peace I leave you, Jesus

Jesus' Message on Ascension, Dr. Joshua Stone, and Earth Changes

(c) 2004 by Marcia McMahon

M: I wonder if you can hear my requests for clarity on the earth changes since your words confirm the angels and Ra’s but Joshua said there will be no pole shift. And yet, you say that I will maybe be going on one of the great ships or taking refuge in some form.

You are asking a difficult question since you are not there yet. It would not be appropriate to tell the whole future since it may cause worry and upset. As well, Joshua is correct in saying that there will not be a total shift of the poles. Many lives will be lost; yours will be saved. And you will be learning ascension tools to shift with the shift as well as getting out the message of Diana’s. Much work awaits therefore you must stay on Earth to create the changes you wish to see materialize. I will be with you whenever you experience doubt or confusion as a guide and master. Joshua will also be with you as my extension. We will be working directly with you in all these marvelous efforts tword the ascension of humanity; saving as many as possible while also recognizing that those of a positive polarity will be staying while those of negative ego will not be returning to this classroom so to speak. I leave you now to rest in peace this evening.

My love always, Jesus

Jesus Speaks on a New Heaven and a New Earth! (c) Marcia McMahon Channneled Sept 28, 04

Dear Jesus;

I am here to inquire of the new messages from the Hosts of Heaven, of the Op Terra website and also the verification of my messages from you. They resound correctly yet Joshua told me there would be no eradication of the species, no extinction as he put it. As well, I feel the need to ask how am I doing on my ascension and have I entered the 5th dimension? If not what should I do to enter it?

My Dearest One; So many questions like a small child on the lap of the mother. And indeed you are such a brilliant and inquiring mind. Yes the messages from the Hosts of Heaven resound with truth; for they are truth. As I confirm them, as they resound within. Yet Joshua has correctly given you a part of the secret; there will be no complete extinction of life on earth with you.

For did I not then come and go at will while I was ressurected? And did I not therefore say to you that you shall do greater things than this through my example? So therefore the secret is very hard to hear and very great. You will be filling your bodies with such light and life that it will be indestructible to the elements, which threaten from without!

And as well some will be taken on the great ships with the Heavenly Hosts for a period of time while Earth herself heals from the great catylclisms which she is now experiencing. Did I not then say that I will create a new Heaven and a New Earth? And you are part of the New Earth to be saved for future generations when love and peace will be the order of the New Day! Therefore trust all and everything to me and to Joshua sent to heal the seperation conciousness and lead all to the Promised Land of milk and honey.


And of the great catylclisms to be forthcomming? Indeed it will be a cleansing unlike Earth has seen before with many events; the vocanos, the earthquakes, the plagues and the wars. The oceans will rise and create much more havoc on the coasts... much life will be lost. It is a time of harvest for those souls who move on to the eternal plane. Each soul has a destiny; yours is the New Earth with those of like mind. Others of like mind may also go to another Earth for the density which they desire. All will be in the density of thier choosing though it will not appear that they chose to depart this plane. And when they reach spirit they will be allowed the same games and levels there as you well know.

My beloved Princess Diana is very much a part of the ascension; you will be meeting in spirit when your time arrives; and but until such time arrives you will be well in the midst of the great upheavels and turmoils. Diana is ascended and will be learning the ascesion lessons given her on the spirit plane. She will then be able to do more that she does know. She and you are both learning the ascension although she is a great master here in spirit. Your part is to learn the ascension here through Joshua’s** work, by studying the coursework and aligning your chakras. Your chakras have already undergone a great deal of cleansing. And you will scarecly recognize yourself in a few years hence forth. Joshua is the new Way, Truth and the Life of it: Ascension. Follow him on the new road of truth for this is the New Age. My peace and blessing to you this day in the name of the Father, Son and Holy spirit.

Amen. Jesus

**Dr. Joshua David Stone is the leader and next World Teacher for the next 2,000 year cycle of the I AM University, available at where he offeres training courses in Ascension teachings for the New Age.

Messages from Mary Magdelene on the Divine Feminine and her relationship to Jesus! by Marcia McMahon, June 3, 06

Dear Mary; you came to me last night in prayer and meditation. Is there any thing you with so say about your relationship to Jesus?

Mary Magdalene: My child and friend, it is true of our romantic relationship. I was the woman who sat at the feet of the master Jesusha, described in your Bible as the house of Martha and Mary. I was the receptive one to him and fell in love with the Master Jesusha.

We held a friendship for many years before our romance blossomed shortly before the crucifixion. Those were both wonderful and terrible days!

I gave birth to the child of Jesus, named her Sara and raised her in Egypt and then France.Because of the fiery persecution of all followers of Christ or Jeshusa in the Roman Empire or Gaul as France was known then, our identity was a secret to all but a select few. Sara was my sunshine Child and my consolation in loosing the love of my life, my husband Jeshua.She provided for me an outlet of Joy!

I did write down the teaching of the Master recorded in my gospel. However that book has been distorted also by the church fathers.

I am of the DIVINE FEMININE and I speak with compassion about the power of the Sacred Feminine. It was the mission of the Master Jeshua to bring me to leadership in our circles, which did occur with the apostles who supported me. It was later removed and my memory denigrated to that of a harlot. Call upon me for strength, compassion and for help in childbirth.

My SACRED BLOODLINE exists even today in France and England, I leave you with a thought:

History is told by the ones who control power. Look again within yourselves To the Kingdom of God/ Goddess within for truth! My love to all who hear and recognize me.

MARY of Magdalene

Message from Mother Mary- The Divine Feminine recieved By Marcia McMahon, June 3, 06

Mother Mary: I have come to speak to you today my child about the Divine Feminine. In my womb I bore the embodiment of the DIVINE LOVE Of God. I have been many things to many cultures, and I am still revered as the Queen of heaven. Jesus and I were part of the twin souls during the early days of earth in Lemuria. At that time known as MU, and our phyisial vehicle was the same soul.

We also are twin flames,and Magdalene is part of that twin flame being part of the DIVINE Goddess energy as well. I helped her after the crucifixion but she had to be ushered out of Palestine in the strictest secrecy. That is part of the mystery of the incarnation, that my son had no father but the FATHER Mother god, and I also was born immaculate.

Mary was also in our circle of love; and we found no fault with her. The child, my granddaughter named Sara, was raised far away from me, but I was there at the birth in Egypt, just like we had to flee to Egypt when Jesus was a child. Egypt is a place of shelter to all holy families and also was to be a shelter to the beautiful Princess Diana, whom you work with.

The mystery of God and this magnificent creation does not always end up in the history books or religions either. That is why I am larger and bigger than all the lore that is said about me. I am Mary the Imaculate, mother of Jesus and Mother of all earth children. Come to my arms and rest from your burdens. I love you one and all with the love of the Mother.