Diana’s Wisdom: Bringing Children Up in the New Millenium

  The purpose of this next book will be to bring children into the new millennium or age and therefore recreate the kind of world that is desired at this time. As many of you reading this material of mine know, time is of the essence in our troubled world today. Even as I speak these thoughts and words there are those in the world who would have it otherwise. A great deal of resistance to old thought systems; political, social and familial will arouse suspicion and be part of the great change that will shortly unfold. This is indeed natural to the process of change. If mankind is to survive, then these changes must be implemented or else there may not be an earth as we know it. It is foretold in so many of the prophecies; Nostradamus, the Bible, and others about these earth changes.

Many of you have witnessed already the weather patterns of the nineties and even now, things are not settled. It will be more of the same in all areas of the world, with a special emphasis on the coastal regions, and the possibility of the loss of life in great numbers. At the same time, I wish to remind my readers that there is a great possibility for the promised 1,000 years of peace at this time! And to think of disaster as the only possibility is wrong, for hope is always justified. I wish you to know that you are the creators of your destiny. If a number of you desire to make right the wrongs of the last 2,000 years it is totally possible now. Though other darker outcomes are always possible, it is up to you collectively to band together in one unified purpose, and take the future you’ve always dreamed possible, to create heaven on earth.

It is with this thought of heaven on earth that I speak, that I wish to teach those who are to be my teachers, using the money set up in my name to teach children and adults as well the principles herein. Whether you teach children or adults, the principles will remain the same, and be useful to your instruction. If you can bear with me in these pages forthcoming, specific instruction will be given to uplift and light your way to becoming the human-kind you are possible of experiencing.

It is with this intention at heart that I felt inspired to write this book, and it is my clear hope that you won’t read this material and then put it on the shelf to collect dust, but to use it as a clear guide to re education of your young in particular. And to read this book simply because of my name is not the point either. As you know, I have been rather busy since my departure to the spirit realm, and here there is much work for me now. So that if my name be used at all, think of it as a blessing returning to you all the love you have shown me when I lived as Princess Diana on earth. For this, I am eternally grateful. With such love you gave, you deserve to have all that returned and more, so that humanity will know the great love that God has in mind for each one of you.

My voice reaches millions now, as it did on earth, but more are paying attention to the spiritual messages being transmitted by so many- some still living, whilst others are channeling from spirit as I am through gifted channels. If some of the messages aren’t to your liking, know too that all change is painful and don’t dwell on those aspects of my teaching. It is my hope in time you will come to see the wisdom herein, thereby declaring your freedom from human bondage to fear, starvation, separation, and loneliness to name just a few. I can give you the instruction, the keys as it were, and then you must unlock the door to your hearts, one by each. You have only to remember my heart of love, open to you and if you open yours, miracles can thus occur.

If humanity is to reach a collective heaven, there is much that each one will need to do in the realms of conscience, caring and seeing others needs more clearly. If you can’t see the good of all reflected in this teaching, then begin by thinking differently about what it means to be human and good to you. If you can simplify down to the basic needs of the heart, you will not err.

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