Eternal Rose Publishing

Publishing the Messages for World Peace Books!


P.O. Box 6043 Taylorville, IL 62568-6043

*Announcing Our Newest Release!!*

Marcia McMahon's First Princess Diana book is back, the second edition- Princess Diana's Message of Peace, an Extraordinary Message of Peace for Our Current world by Marcia McMahon, re-published, 2017!

Fully illustrated with the artist's original watercolors of Princess Diana!


Princess Diana's Message of Peace, an Extraordinary Message of Peace for our World. ( 2nd edition) ISBN978-0976647713 Marcia's most favorite and highly collectible Princess Diana book has just be re published at the request of our readers! in this second edition, Diana reveals her deepest thoughts about her life!

What would Princess Diana look like had she lived? What would have been her passion? What would Diana be doing now had she not been taken from the world stage so young? Her words and works shine on from heaven in this extraordinary message from the late Diana!

Princess Diana was one of the most outstanding humanitarians of the twentieth century, and here she takes up causes that she had hinted at whist on earth. If you’ve ever wondered what Princess Diana’s most intimate thoughts were on the real and true meaning of her life,or of how she felt after the transition we call death, and what she might have wanted to say to her adoring public or her continuing love for her sons and predictions for their lives! Look no further- Diana speaks in her first anniversary message, delivered by famous physic medium Marcia McMahon, who has been channeling Diana for over 15 year now. Diana, the great Princess and most adored woman on the planet, chose Marcia to do this work of peace. If you loved Princess Diana and you want world peace, well being and justice for all the suffering of the world, look into this magnificent collection of corroborated messages from Princess Diana thru her chosen channel Marcia McMahon.

Diana speaks thru other famous mediums who either gave messages from Diana about Marcia’s work or identified Princess Diana’s as with Marcia in extraordinary ways. Do find out for yourself what the Princess is doing to still save the world. In this riveting account, Diana speaks to her public in her Anniversary message, her work on Land mines, tells of her continuing love for her sons Princes William and Harry, and provides accurate and stunning messages of peace and hope for the world. Princess Diana warned the top diplomats in the US not to invade Iraq. That it would result in spreading terrorism throughout the world. Though some of this peace work is dated Princess Diana never goes out of style and is eternally, England rose!

Princess Diana speaks lovingly to her sons and us all about the transition called death and the nature of the afterlife. The Princess shares her wisdom about the recent political situation in the Middle East, and offers solutions that can really work to resolve a seemingly unending problem. As in life, she continues her work to help ease the suffering of the world’s children and bring a lasting peace to our troubled times. Through her channel, Marcia McMahon, Diana, Princess of Wales continues her mission as an Ambassador of Peace for the people of Earth. Her words are current, relevant, and powerful! Her plan for peace is sound. As in life, she remains a consolation in a Troubled time, The Queen of Hearts, and England's Rose. Marcia McMahon is a highly educated, truly artistic and extremely spiritual individual. She began Channeling Princess Diana in 2001.

Marcia also paints Princess Diana and her paintings are artfully arranged to go with Diana's message. Princess Diana tells us what she sees for our world’s future. Her warnings are chilling. Her solutions for the United States and Britain are sound and brilliant. She urges us to make peace in the Middle East a priority for the world’s children, and then their children ring so true even today. This is a message that must be heard, and must read for those her loved princess Diana and and want world peace! (NOTE: Please buy this updated 2nd edition as the original publisher, or their subsidiaries to edition 1 of this book are not giving any royalties to the author. Both editions are equally collectible, and proceeds from this book are donated to charity and to world peace efforts! )

/Listen to

*Announcing John Lennon's new book from the other side, Notes from John, Messages from Across the Universe! Released in 2013!!*

Marcia McMahon's Third book- Notes from John, Messages from Across the Universe! through channel Marcia McMahon!
Fully illustrated with the artist's original watercolors of John!

ISBN: 978-0-9766477-2-0

Buy the Author's signed and limited edition at just 12.00 USD while supplies last!

Imagine that the great, late John Lennon connected with one of his well known world-wide channels back in 2005, with a special request to do some work for his messages and musical lyrics from the other side.

Well, that is what this book details. In a riveting account, author and psychic channel Marcia McMahon has another best selling and true story of what the late, great John Lennon, ex Beatle is up to with George on the other side!

It is fun and wild ride as the author describes John's messages from the afterlife, how he's still driven in a divine way for world peace. John has given messages for peace on the Planet including his new song, the Peaceful Planet, one among many tunes inspired from spirit by Marcia and Bob Murray of the www.thestarstillshine.com.

A Review from one of our readers says it all! Available on


br> "NOTES FROM JOHN: MESSAGES FROM ACROSS THE UNIVERSE" is a nice read by Marcia M. And a true gem of a bargain for the asking price.

More than anything, John Winston Ono Lennon wanted to be remembered as a Peacemaker. It's very assuring to know that he is still working towards that goal along with George Harrison. Thank you Marcia for the work that you do with 'The Halfbeats' to try to bring peace to this war-crazed world of ours.

I love the book and especially feel both honored and privileged to have had the opportunity to hear some of John Lennon and George Harrison's finer works from the other side. I especially like George's "Something for Gossamer Wings" as well as the finished products of both John's "Peaceful Planet" & "Radical Dolphin" with vocals.

Marcia, keep up the excellent work you've been doing with John, George & Father Bob Murray! I highly recommend this book, written by Dr. Todd Austin.

Listen to Marcia's interview with Stephanie Lodge, of Angels in the Buff, as she channels John's words and Princess Diana's advice on what you can do for World Peace Hear some of the new messages from John from the other side!"

Listen to internet radio with Angels in the Buff on Blog Talk Radio

*An older realease still avilable from the a author!*
Diana's Second Book through channel Marcia McMahon!
Fully illustrated with the artist's original watercolors of Diana!

ISBN: 0-9766477-0-2

What if you could give the gift of peace to the troubled Middle East? With Love from Diana Queen of Hearts, addresses world peace isssues in the Middle East offering badly needed solutions for the planet through the grace of Princess Diana speaking from the other side:

“For this one message deserves to be on the bestseller list; not just because it’s from me, which I totally confirm; but because it can and will save America a future holocaust. We are trying to reach Americans in this message; and we ask all to be supportive of this light worker for she works for the good of all mankind; and all mankind will one day know of this fine peace work she has so selflessly done for the good of all”-- Princess Diana

Princess Diana speaks on world events, earth changes and planetary ascension. Diana shares new revelations about many matters concerning our world and her words are confirmed by Mother Teresa, Jesus, John Lennon and the Hosts of Heaven! Princess Diana shares prophecy about future events and what the world needs to create peace in the Middle East. Diana's message provides uplifting spiritual messages of unity amongst all peoples! Diplomats who knew her in life are reading this book and using her solutions in the Middle East. Beautifully illustrated with eighteen original watercolors of Diana, the world's most celebrated beauty, by nationally renowned artist/author, Marcia McMahon, M.A. This book is a treasure of art and divine wisdom from the heavens."

Diana addresses just those DIPLOMATS who need her SOLUTIONS! Give the gift of lasting peace by buying a book for world peace- on sale!

Book Reviews

What folks are saying... here

Read sample chapters here!

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**Individual Orders**

Regular price $18.00 for this lovely book!

On Sale to Promote World peace in the Middle East,the Pay Pal Buy Now button for your discounted book, just $13.00 USD thru all of 08!

Also available at: www.amazon.com

Mail Order Form: MailOrder Form:

P.O. Box 6043 Taylorville, IL 62568-6043


About the Author: Marcia McMahon, MA.

Marcia is a gifted intuitive channel for Diana and Mother Teresa, as well as having served professionally as an art teacher for almost 25 years. Marcia is listed in Who's Who in America (2003, 2004) and also Who's Who in the World (2004) for her professional accomplishments including her lovely watercolors of Princess Diana. Marcia’s work with Diana is having an impact on the peace process for Israel and Palestine, amongst those diplomats who knew Diana in life! Her work as a confirmed channel for Princess Diana is corroborated from many famous psychics, and she is developing an international presence on behalf of Princess Diana’s intervention in world affairs. Marcia does radio and TV interviews and speaks for organizations. To reach her, email: marciadi2002@yahoo.com

Attention! New Video of Marcia as she channels Princess Diana Live on Liquid Lunch with host, Hugh Reilly, of www.thatchannel.com
Want to sign up for the Newsletter? email: marciadi2002@yahoo.com

Appearances by Marcia McMahon:

1) Radio Out There Interview with Barry Eaton, July 08

RadioOutThere Appearances by Marcia McMahon:

1) Radio Out There Interview with Barry Eaton


New! 2013 Radio Out There Interview with Barry Eaton


2) Radio Interview on Walking With Spirit Oct. 4th 2005

Walking with Spirit

3)Radio Interview with Rochelle Sparrow Nov. 6th 2005 10:00 AM CST

Interview Archives

4)Radio Interview Nov.9 on ASPR Radio

ASPR Radio



A New Radio Show!!

Peaceful Planet Radio Show

Every other Saturday! 6:00-7:00 p.m. PT,12:00-1:00 Central Time

Peaceful Planet Website

Show host: Marcia McMahon, M.A.

Live Talk Radio --- Readings!

Call in TOLL FREE 1-877-876-5227

OUR MUSIC is synthesized from SPIRIT

through the mediumship of Robert Murray

inspired by John Lennon, George Harrison,

Frank De Vol, and Michal and the Band!

Visit also: The Stars Still Shine

Also visit the Forum for World Peace Archives HERE!

(Marcia's former radio show.)

Mysteries of the Holy Grail CD in MP3, Mary Magdelen, Mother Mary speak through Matia Michealson and Marcia McMahon and lost records of Mary Magdalene! Authors Mark Pinkham, Jerry Smith, Melinda Pillsbury Foster, Andrew Russell Davis speak on the Divine Feminine . Live Channeling of Princess Diana through Andrew Russell Davis! 8 hours of wonderful interviews available on MP3 CD from PEACEFUL Planet Archived shows with host Marcia McMahon, M.A. the CD at just 15.00 !

A Review of my latest CD; called Holy Grail Mysteries, 7 hours of interviews with World Experts on the grail Mysteries 15.00 in mp3 player

Written by Joan Macko, used with permission, Joan’s website is beautiful at www.angelic-art.com

“ I just finished listening to your interview with Mark: "Guardians of the Holy Grail" It's right on with my beliefs and the energy I want to carry forward. I too was raised Catholic in Cleveland, Ohio, so bless both our hearts! I've always felt everything we need is within us now. It's my passion to get humanity to realize that happiness is not /outside/ of them. This is why I turned to spiritual coaching and dedicated my life to this work and to Conferences to reach as many as possible and as Yeshua or Jeshua (I remember calling him Yeshi for short) would say, "Be the Wayshower, teach by example". He said "my teachings you will not understand for yet another 2,000 years" Well, here we are.. front and center and those of us who understood him are moving it forward, back to the simple teachings that got twisted by the fundamental religions. Thank God for people like you who are helping people wake up from the Grand Illusion. Yeshua told me "many of the women I taught will find each other." All I can say is Rock on... let's get the show on the road.” To buy the Holy Grail Mysteries CD, pres the Add to Cart button with Pay Pal!

************************************************* ***Want a personal reading with Marcia McMahon?***

Send an Email to Marcia McMahon Would you like to know more about what is your next step? Now you can get a reading with the Angelic realms  focussing on spiritual growth, ascension, and direction in life! Would you like to know more about what is your next step? Now you can get a reading with the Angelic realms  focussing on spiritual growth, ascension, and direction in life! Ascended Masters Page

Read some of Marcia's other channelings from the likes of Jesus, Mother Mary, Joan of Arc. etc....

Marcia's Art Gallerys
Diana paintings and various other art.

Site Index

Eternal Rose Publishing

P.O. Box 6043 Taylorville, IL 62568-6043

Email: marciadi2002@yahoo.com