Diana's Letter to Harry
June 01, 2001

My Dearest Harry;

It has been a long while, my little darling! Harry, I have missed you my sweetie! “Mummy, as you affectionately called me on Earth, is in Heaven now, as you might suspect!

Here in Heaven we don’t sit around listening to angels strum harps, although the music is wonderful! Mummy’s quite happy and you needn’t cry so!

Harry, this message is being delivered to you through a person who can hear my voice, sometimes known as a channel. This particular channel is an American, and though not royal, is like a good friend to mummy now. You can trust her message - it is true.

I want you to know Mummy’s all right. So wondrous a place it is, the seventh heaven is like no other palace we’ve ever lived in ! And Jesus is right here with me as well. I want you to know that you’re being looked after. From this vantage point, Heaven is like a giant sky, and we can see so much more on Earth. I can see all you’re doing, and I know that the going hasn’t been easy for you.

Therefore, now, I want to speak to you as though I am really here. Your mummy’s passing is something that really upset you. But you were so brave a little boy! Now that you’re a bit older, I think I can tell you about some things you’ve been wondering about. First of all, I should like you to know now that my work continues in this life I’m in now. I regularly see children who are passing over and help to heal the grief. I know just how you feel, being without a mother, since I was without a mother as a little girl.

But you see, I’m here in Heaven and I visit you in your dreams; that’s how you know we are still able to communicate. Here we learn too that there is no such thing as death for we are all part of the eternal Creator, creating forever.

At my passing, I didn’t want to leave you. I even asked God directly if I had to go, since it was always you and your brother I was thinking of. But you see, it was my time. At this turning point in your life, I would like you to keep up with your studies, as it’s very important. I want you to know I’m looking over your every turn in life, and I’m here to support you, my darling! (Even through every exam). If I could just wrap my arms around you again, like we used to do!

You see, all life is a precious gift, as you were to me. I know all the details of your life as you go through it, only without judgment. With complete love I see the goings on. If you knew how tenderly I looked over your shoulder, you would never fear another thing! I want very much for you to go on with your life ; as best you can without my physical presence. But at the same time now, my darling, you are comforted by this little visit (in writing). I am forever your adoring mother.

Hugs and kisses
Mummy Diana.

Princess Diana’s Message to Harry
on His Birthday,

September 15, 2002

M: Di, it’s me. I am wondering if there is anything you wish to say, since it’s Harry’s birthday.

M: Darling, that’s great of you to ask. Of course I’m delighted to comment on Harry’s eighteenth birthday. We’re so very happy for him, and we celebrate on this side too. I’m really delighted he is honoring one of my charities, the Great Ormond Children’s Hospital, and of course the Merlin Fund, which is little known about but so important.

M: Diana, what I thought was important was that he did it in your memory! Isn’t that wonderful that you influenced him that way!

D: Indeed, Harry is a wonderful young man, and has been raised to be thoughtful of others. As his mother, I’m very very proud of Prince Harry, and looking on with much joy. At the same time, a tinge of sorrow runs through me as I am not able to hug him, kiss him and be with him in the celebrations, for I would certainly love to wrap my arms around him, and he’s grown so very handsome.

M: I’m so sorry, too, Diana. But take comfort that only you are still his mum, and he’s honoring you this day. At least he thought of your concerns and your honor.

D: You’re very dear to point this out, but of course I already knew it. Yet, you have a marvelous way of comforting those in loss, which we very much are. Harry feels it on days like these and so do I.

M: I only wish there was more I could do, but he is much to be proud of. And he is handsome and and quite athletic too.

D: I want my son to know just how much I love him still, and that I’ll be watching over him in his future. That if he ever feels fear or has any need at all, he may turn within to me, and I’ll come, in an instant. Thereby I come to him in any need great or small. This he may now avail himself of, and he may know with certainty that I, Diana, am here for him.
With all my love and congratulations,
Dearest, Darling, Harry!
I love you always, your loving mum,

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