Diana's Letter concerning Harry and Iran

Princess Diana Speaks on Iran and Prince Harry’s New World Service

Channeled April 29,06

M: Diana, I am here for you to listen to your voice and be your voice.

D: Darling we are so pleased to connect with you once again. You’ve no idea how important this work is to your country. We commend you for making contact via mail with Dr. Rice whom I believe will be impressed with your fine book. We hope she will heed your and mine words regarding the dangerous precipice of Iran. That president again threatened the international community with nuclear weapons. We feel there is not time to waste with regard to him!

M: I got that distinct impression Diana. I sent the latest messages to dr. Rice and I hope she is made aware then of this increasing threat. I know she is all we have to do this diplomacy and therefore it’s up to her to take a leadership role, as well as the U.N. sanctions.

D: Darling you are beginning to sound like me now. We are so pleased that you are following these recent developments in all the countries of the Middle East. We are also concerned about Palestine and the funding for food and necessities there. Both Mother Teresa and I feel that more must be done and soon before the situation reaches a humanitarian crisis. The US for her part should never have cut off the aid to helpless Palestinians but she has and now must be the way shower to the rest of the diplomatic community. France is already one step ahead with a proposal to help them. Let the US lead if she can and will; albeit they wont’ support Hammas. They must find a funnel through the bureaucracy of Hammas to aid the people.

M: Absolutely right on that one Diana. Is there anything else?

D: Of course on a personal note I wish to say how proud I am of Prince Harry and that he made the headlines for helping in Africa with his special project for victims of aids. And I want to say to Harry, my darling how much love I have for you! Thank you so much for walking in my shoes so to speak and for doing the drudgery work of loving the children and making a home for them! You are a son any mother would envy but you are to me the world! I love you so much and am shining with a mother’s pride so greatly. If only I could throw my arms around you, my Prince! Whist this message is being delivered through my channel, I want to especially assure you that this is genuine and my channel has a very important message of world peace from me. I would ask you to open to her words and work and when you do you will receive a special gift from within, which will help to verify this particular channel. You are aware of another of my channels at the moment, and with him you recognize my voice. However I work through many on the earth plane and this channel will be recognized internationally in time for her work for a peace deal in the Middle East. It has not been easy for her and she has endured many miles of ridicule, quite selflessly. So before rushing to judgment my dear Darling Harry, please see her books! They are all from me; Diana and I confirm every word. Remember the children and know my heart is shining with love for you Harry!

M: Diana, that was beautiful. Thank you. I will ask my web site designer to post this on the index of my site. I presume you were mentioning Andrew Russell Davis as the other channel? *

D: Of course it would be Andrew and his fine website which Harry regularly visits. We want him aware of your work too, Marcia dear. We congratulate Harry on his service and say again just how wonderful a son he is to me! We ask all light workers and all peace workers to do something to assist the growing world crisis with Aides, with the political situation in the Middle East by buying one of my channels fine books, which is filled with my wisdom and love on that situation. Mankind can move beyond these horrible dilemmas and wars with enough love and determination. My love to all, Diana, Princess of peace.

*Andrew Russell-Davis is also a channel for Diana, and can be found online at DianaSpeaks.com . His messages from Diana are all voice channeling, and concentrate on her life.