Jesus of Galilee
MM Water Color 2003

A Conversation About Princess Diana’s Message with Jesus

Channeled March 27, 2003

by Marcia McMahon


I’ve thought of you this Lent. I’m with Diana and love her so dearly. But I have not forgotten you. I’ve felt rejected by your churches. If you have a message, I am listening.

My Dearest One;
We are so pleased with your progress with Diana. She is shedding so much light upon humanity with your voice! We are so pleased with you. And know too, woman, that I felt as you did, burdened with a very great message! In search of how to reach the masses, while not offending those in power. Be aware then that it is always those in power who will be most offended. Their smallness next to you is even smaller. They quiver at the thought that my Beloved Princess Diana speaks to humble servants like you. and they strive to be greater than your great message! And their attempts are feeble; their words as nothing but sand in a desert battlefield. Can the grain of sand shriek at the wind as it is tossed about? No. These grains of sand, then see your power, and envy you. They have no wisdom to match Diana’s and yours! Your book is full of wisdom, like you both!

And the wise are confounded, and the meek inherit the Kingdom of God! It has always been this way. My prophets they kill and cast out! Then the people hear the prophets and they rise up, and they worship them, and proclaim my prophets, God! And so goes the cycle; the teacher, the gurus, the worshipers. Earth has had many great teachers; you are now among them! Be watchful then in the days ahead for sandstorms in the desert! There are many grains moving in the wind, as these are hard times! But then the desert will bloom and your flower Diana, England’s Rose will bloom again upon the Earth.

Many will hear you, then my child.
Peace be with you, my peace I leave you.

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