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Princess Diana's
Memorial Garden

In honor of her 40th birthday
July 1, 2001

The Garden

In the corner of my yard...
Much like the corner of my heart...
I made a garden of Love
for Diana...
In it,
I placed all the things
That reminded me of her.

View of the Garden
Memorial Fountain

Sleeping Angel
One on either side of the
Princess of Wales Rose Bush

Angel Babies...
One on each side of the Fountain...
For the Aids babies she held
So gently...

A Gnome...
For the
"Little People"...
All creatures great and small...
Diana touched them all...

And a Fairy...
For the
Magic of Diana...

The Flowers

Peace Lilys..
For our Heroine of Peace...

Princess of Wales Rose...

It bloomed on Mother's Day...
And eleven other Rose bushes
In a rainbow of colors...
For all the colors of love...
I also planted...
Red, white and pink
Begonias and Impatiens...
Those were colors she wore
When she was happy...
And Elephant ears
For India...
Diana's compassion...
and Mother Theresa

In a few weeks...
This whole corner will be alight...
With a wall of
Gardenia and Jasmine...
I have windchimes
And hummingbird feeders...
Hanging in the trees...
Along with pots of
Begoinas and impatiens...

The Fountain

Diana's Fountain
Filled with blue water
For Royalty...
NotRoyalty in blood..
But in Deeds...

Two Angel Children...
For her two boys..
William and Harry...
And for
Her love of children everywhere...

Rocks from all over the world...
From people who loved her...
And love her still...
They are Golden...
For Englands Golden Child

Surrounded by love...

Maria, Annie, Trish,
Jody, Judy,Julie,
Michele, Beth,Kathy,
Laurien, Ruthie and Yvonne and Gary

“Two Ladies And A Fountain”

Once there was a lady... noble, fine and fair
She had a heart of pure spun gold as lovely as her hair
The Lady was a Princess with blue blood running through
But earthly matters fretted her, as earthly matters do...
She was the rose of roses, her soul was filled with wealth,
In fact she was so splendid, God picked her for Himself!

There was another lady who loved the Princess so,
And wished that she could honor her, and let the honor show...
She wished a fountain could be built in the Lady’s own home land,
But every time she turned around, she was dealt a losing hand.
She worked so much and toiled so long to have a fountain made,
But precious few would help her, and even some forbade...

But not to be dissuaded, and never give up her plans
She avowed, “If they won’t honor Diana in her own home lands,
I’ll build the fountain in my yard, and build it with my hands!”
Now there’s a pretty fountain--- blue water flowing through,

All adorned with rocks of gold, and many flowers too...
The bougainvillea listens as the water trickles down,
The wind chimes whisper “Princess” and takes away your frown.
She’s placed graceful angels to guard this sacred ground,

And the darling Gnome sits quietly, not uttering a sound...
The impatiens give their color to brighten up your day,
And the scent of roses in the air beckons you to stay.
The hummingbirds kindly gather to sip upon the vine,

As the honeysuckle gives her gift of sweetest wine.
The gardenia and the jasmine offer their heavenly smell-
And the fairy does a dainty dance, as she casts an ethereal spell...
A Labor of Love is what it is, and labor you have done,

And it has been well noted by The Everlasting Son.
Now the lilly of peace is all abloom in this magnificent dome,
And all is well at the fountain, where the two ladies feel at home....

~~*By Cathy Leming*~~
(Written for Maria Lindberg
with my immense admiration
for her tireless and continuing
Labor of Love for Diana, Princess Of Wales)
I feel it is quite necessary
that someone honors you,
so I humbly give you my gift of verse...
Love, Cathy

I am touched beyond words Cathy…

I thank you with so much love…
You told the story of Diana’s fountain
And told the story of me…
With much love to you…

I wanted to do something special to honor
Princess Diana...
It has been 4 years since she died...
And still no
Memorial Fountain
There have been two committees...
And more excuses than there are grains of sand...
I decided to make my own memorial...
It is my stepping out in faith...
That her Memorial Fountain
Will one day be a reality..
Instead of just a dream...
Until then...
This is my cornerstone...
For her Fountain...
No one may know it is there but me...
But I will know...
And it is
Built with much Love

With Love

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Journey into my Heart

Fairy Queen
