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Maria's Journey

A Date with Diana

Grand Casino Hotel

Biloxi, Mississippi
March 2 - May 26, 2002

This was in

The Pensacola News Journal
My local newspaper.
Televison, Radio,Billboards,
Even the welcome station
In Mississippi..
Was proclaiming
A Date With Diana.
I needed to see no more
Than it was just 3 states away...
And Three or so hours...
And off I headed...
With my daughter Jamie,
And her friends, Martha and Rachael.

The Lights of the Grand Casino Hotel

And a Date with Diana
I was on the 8th floor..
And I could read the sign...
From my room.

This is a brochure

I picked up in the lobby of the hotel
This brochure has a picture
And description of all the dresses,
Except the newest one...
As it was only revealed
At the Gala Night
March 1, 2002

This authentic UK phone Booth

Greets you as you make your way
Up the elgant stairway
To the grand ball room.
This is me the second day of the tour;
I was so excited the first day
I forgot to take a picture of it.

A poster telling the history of Pink Ribbons

Suzzanne and Jess King
And their vison
Of sharing Suzanne's Collection
While makeing a differance...

A $10,000 check

from Jess and Suzanne King
Presented to the Hospital
On Gala Night.
This money raised from the tour
At Grand Casino Biloxi Hotel
Will go towards the purchase..
Of a state of the art,
Mamogram Machine.

All along the lobby

Before you go into the exhibit
Are newspaper headlines
And pictures of Diana.

A Video,

Royal Wedding Bells
Available at the gift shop
Is playing for your enjoyment....
On a large tv screen.

The Gift Shop

All of the items in the gift shop

Are available at exhibit
As well as the on line
Pink Ribbons Crusade Web site.
These are beautiful items
Many created just for
Pink Ribbons Crusade
And there is something
For everyone's pocketbook.
It is an excellent way
To add to your collection
And at the same time
All the money goes to
Breast Cancer Awareness.
One of Princess Diana's causes

Here is the

Date with Diana CD
Being sold in the gift shop
My Poem
"The Magic of a Moment"
Is on the inside cover.

This is just one of the things I bought and just love...

Pink Ribbons Music Box
It plays
"Candle in the Wind."

Click on Music Box

To enter on line gift shop

Click on Ticket

To Enter
Pink Ribbons Crusade
A Date With
The Exhibit