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The Exhibit

No cameras and video taping is allowed,
To protect the dresses from fading
and for security reasons.
This is an over 4 million dollar collection..
There is so much to see I could take weeks
To describe it all...
But I will have to take you on this journey
The best way I know how:
By descriptions of what I saw
And how I felt...
Suzanne King has allowed me
To use pictures of the dresses
And a few collectibles from the
Pink Ribbons Crusade Website
Thank you Suzanne.

As you enter the double doors of the exhibit, two beautiful tapestries are on either side; it felt for a moment like I was walking into a tapestry...Or maybe taking a magic carpet back into time...Maybe it was just the feeling of..

"Magic Passed Away"
I really don't know..but I was there, and starting my journey..
And I was ready...
A large formal portrait of Diana is on the entry wall; a gentle reminder of the focus of the Crusade...

As you walk to the left you enter the exhibit. Each room of the exhibit is set up like the room of a fine house. The collection is presented on beautiful antique furniture loaned to the crusade for this special occasion. Each piece makes a beautiful backdrop for a fabulous, unique display.

The first section contains the royal collection: Collectibles from the royal family.

The first part is the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. The newspaper headlines scream ”Abdication!” and we are taken back to the time when a Kings love for a twice divorced American woman, Wallis Simpson, almost split the Commonwealth in two. The commoners said, ”Let him marry for love.” The royalty and aristocrats said, ”He must go!” We all know what happened to that story! Off he went into an almost exile until his death, a real
”Man without a country.”

Which brings us to King George and Elizabeth the Queen mother. This section contains Pictures of both, King and Queen, their wedding, and coronation. After he succeeded…it was “Us four” As he referred to himself, the Queen, Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret. It also has collectibles from their lives life as the young royal family.

The next headlines proclaim ”The King is dead, Long live the Queen!” We enter the next “section” of the room…That of the present Queen Elizabeth and her consort Prince Phillip. One of the most interesting pieces here, is a coronation robe worn by a young page at the coronation 50 years ago this June. Each member of the family has their own section, one for the Queens children, Charles, Anne, Andrew and Edward, their weddings and historical events in their lives.

The last small section is a most touching one, That of Princess Grace. It contains a full-length painting of a young Princess Grace in purples and is simply stunning. Dolls, posters of her movies, and many collectibles are arranged in this section.

A dress, once worn by Grace Kelly, in the movie “High Society,” recently purchased by Suzanne King, is in the main showcase. A pair of gloves, worn by the then Grace Kelly, is in the other main showcase. These items highlight this part of the exhibit.

Princess Diana admired Princess Grace very much. Diana met her on the night she wore the beautiful low cut black dress, during her first official date with Prince Charles. In tears, Diana told Princess Grace how it was all affecting her, and asked how she coped with all the media attention. Princess Grace told her ”Cheer up, It will only get worse.” And we all know it did!

These two women had much in common, considering the media attention they both commanded, as well as both their deaths in horrible automobile accidents. Both were much loved by the world and represented the world’s need for “happily ever after” romance…
When Princess Grace was killed in an automobile accident, Diana insisted on attending her funeral. It was her first solo appearance representing the royal family. The press proclaimed she did a wonderful job, full of “grace, dignity and charm.” As usual, the palace gave her no praise for a job well done; something she needed, being so young and inexperienced. Which brings us to the most wonderful part of the exhibit...


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