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Moon And Back Graphics ~ A Place To Reflect



Maria's Journey to Althorp

A grove of trees
Leading to Althorp House..
The view was so breathtaking..
Wildflowers on either side of the road...
Sheep grazing in the fields..
Birds singing..
So very beautiful...
So very peaceful...

The monument reads:
This avenue was planted
by Charles,Ninth Earl Spencer
in January 1998
to commememorate the life
of his youngest sister
Diana Princess of Wales

The back gate and entrance to Althorp

My Diana friend
Picked me up at the train station...
And was my companion this day..
She took a lot of these pictures...
I was centered on...
spending the day at the oval...
Not on pictures...
I am so glad I had her with me...
To record my magic day here...

Thank you Laurien
For everything...

Althorp House
Home of the Spencer family
For generations..
It is here...
That a piece of my heart..
Is buried on a small island...
In the middle of a peaceful lake..

The Picture Gallery
One of the many beautiful rooms of the house...
At the top of the grand staircase..
Is the Portrait of Diana by Nelson Shanks...
And my favorite of all the portraits painted of her..
It captures her essence in someway..
Full of light...
That no other painting has..
At least for me...
A timelessness..
That I associate with her..

A view of...
The Stable Block
Diana: A Celebration...

The Entrance to..
Diana,A Celebration
Girl,Wife Princess...
Woman and Humanitarian...
All the parts of Diana...
Complicated and Unique..
Frozen in time
By a brothers love...
For his sister..

The Wedding dress
And one of the exhibits...
Depicting Diana's life
On the world stage...
I could barely stay inside the stable block...
The films of her were so vibrant...
So alive...
And the haunting music...
Tore my heart out..
The smell of the rose petals...
From all the flowers left
When she died...
Just seeped into my soul...
It was too overwheleming...
For me to stay very long....
This is the last picture the film shows..

The cameo on the Temple...
Lord Spencer's monument to his sister

The Temple Monument..
A brother's tribute for his sister...

My flowers for Diana..
I carried these all the way from London...
On the train..
They contained three pink roses..
Placed there...
In memory of Jennifer...
Who loved Diana too...
And like Diana...
Taken so young...

Me standing at the Temple...
There were not many flowers...
Or people here this day...
Which in a way..
Was lovely...
I had the Oval all to myself...
For quite a while...

This bench was a gift...
In Diana's memory...
From the tennets of Earl Spencer...
In 1998

This is "Sam" the mascot of Althorp
He is a muti-colored pheasant...
The attendant told Laurien and me...
That if he is in the mood..
He will pose for you...
If not...
He gets irritated..
And runs away..
Remind you or anyone?

I left a book..
Of all my Diana poems..
From my web site...
Pieces of my heart..
And the contents of my...
Journey With Diana...
For the last 21 years...
They were given to her brother...
In her memory...
The attendant there..
Had read my poems..
as I was at the main house..
And told me...
He took them to Lord Spencer..
He said they were...
And should be published...
I said...
They were my gift to Diana's Memory...
And to her family..
I also left tributes..
From my special Diana friends..
Teri,Moona, Kari, Kathy A. and Barbara..
As well as a picture from our group
Loving Lights of Diana...
Along with all our love...

Diana would row over to this tiny island...
As a young girl...
And gather greenery for the house...
She would often bring a picnic lunch...
And a book to read..
Usually a Barbara Cartland romance...
And I am sure..
She would dream of meeting...
Her Prince Charming..
So it ends...
Where it began...
The circle of her life..
At a circle...
Within a circle..

My Reflections...
In the Lake...

The island...
Where Diana at last...
Rests in Peace
And at last...
So does my heart..
The day is beautiful..
The sun is shining..
The sky is as blue as her eyes..
The birds are singing...
All the ducks are swimming
And frolicking on the water..
A perfect place to reflect..
And that is what I did all day..
Before I left..
I tossed a pebble...
Into the Lake...
One that was very special to me...
And given to me by my dear brother Jerry...
Who died 3 years ago...
Leaving a a part of me..
And my heart...
There with her always..

Lady of the Lake
From Susan Maxwell Skinner
Memory of a Rose

I give them back to you…

I tossed a pebble in the lake…
Thought my heart would surely break..
Watched the ripples reach the shore…
Where they joined forevermore…
Concentric circles in a line…
They go round and round in time..…
Stood there in the morning light…
Somehow, the time, the place was right…
Took the pieces of my heart…
Ones, I gave you from the start…
Tossed them in and watched them go…
Why or how I just don’t know…
Don’t know what I thought I’d find…
Thoughts go ‘round my weary mind…
All the circles in the lake…
Like the ones you in life you make…
Take all the parts of me that’s you…
There’s nothing more for me to do…
Just cast them in the peaceful lake…
And let the healing part awake…
As they reach the distant shore…
They’ll stay with you ‘evermore…
Just like a battle fought and won…
I stand and face the setting sun…
One thing for sure I’ll always know…
I’ll take you with me where I go…
Just like the pebble in the lake…
This time I give and do not take…
I stood right there and said goodbye…
I asked the Lord don’t let me cry…
My journey with you nears the end…
I’ll always love you my dear friend…
I take the pain and set it free…
A part of you will stay with me…
Maria Lindberg
September 3, 2002

My dear Diana
Now I give them…
Back to you…

One last look..
Before I say goodbye..
The following picture
and music loads slowly..
but worth the wait...
As it says it all for me..
Click on dove

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Only Time