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Moon And Back Graphics ~ A Place To Reflect


Diana Places
Diana Friends..


The Diana
Princess of Wales Walkway..

St. Pauls Cathedral...
And where...
The wedding of the century took place..
The stuff of "fairytales.."
The Archbishop said that day..
Or so we thought..
As did Diana...

Statue of Queen Victoria
Outside St. Pauls..

Tons of People...
Were sitting on the steps of St.Pauls...
Eating their lunches
Seemingly unaware...
That it was a chruch...
And scene of such history..
I must admit..
It didn't look as beautiful...
As it did the day...
Diana married her prince..
Maybe it was just me..
But there was no magic there...
At all...
Passed away..
I guess..
To where all great legends go...
Never to be seen again..

Westminster Abbey

Where the world stood still...
As united in grief..
We said goodbye to Diana...

The Ceiling of the Abbey...

I walked all through the Abbey...
The last day I was in London..
I stood where Diana's coffin lay...
I sat in the chair her brother sat in that day...
I walked the checkered mile...
I felt like a pilgrim..
Or that I was stopped in time somehow..
The rector showed me...
Where Elton John's piano
Was positioned that day...
And in my mind's eye..
I could hear it all...
See it all again...
It cut me like a knife...
As the bells echoed thru the halls...

Where Diana lay her wedding bouquet..

A tradition of all Royal Brides..
And where the Welch Guards..
Carefully stepped around...
In solemn cadence...
As they carried Diana inside the Abbey...
And to the last Goodbye..
From her people..

I lit a candle ...

Before I left..
And I said a prayer..
For my Mom...
My brother Jerry...
And of course...
Who's memory brought me there...
I wished them..
Love and Light..
And thanked them all
For being a part of my life..
And of who I am today...

Cafe Diana...
Located at Lancaster Gate..
And right down the road from my hotel...

The small resturant..
Is filled with Diana pictures
And letters from her..
To the owner...
Thanking him for donating
to her charities...
And several pictures...
Of him and Diana..
In the cafe...
A refreshing dip..
Into a Diana stream...
Of memories...

Barb and I at San Lorenzo...
Diana's favorite cafe..
Just off...
Kensington High Street

Julie, Beth, Me and Pete

Diana friends..
Enjoying a meal together...
We laughed a lot this night..
We all went to Chinatown...
In the middle of London..
And believe me..
It was an experience...
So much to see..
People everywhere...
Performing on the corners..
Playing music...
One seeming BIG party...
It was very late...
When we left the resturant...
And still the streets...
Were full of people..
Quite an experiance...
For such a small town gal!
I absolutely loved it!
Every Magic Moment...
Of my journey there...
And I did not want it to end..

Me and my heartbrother Pete

Here is Barb...

My little Elf..
She knows what I mean..
I love her to pieces!

If you are in London...

And would like to walk..
In Diana's footsteps...
Here's the place to contact...
I met Michael at KP...
And this tour group...
The Diana Princess of Wales Fund
Click on brochure
To go to their web site.

All these memories..
Places I had read of..
Heard of
Dreamed of...
For so many years...
And here I was..
Walking in Diana's Footsteps..
What a Journey...
Everywhere I seemed to go..
There was a memory..
A street she walked..
A person who met her..
Or saw her..
And so many...
As I talked to so many people..
Who loved her then..
And love her now...
And will love her always..