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Diana's People
Remember her...

Kensington Palace

August 31,2002

It was a beautiful day..
Perfect for the Queen of Hearts..
The press said...
"About a hundred Diana fans
showed up to pay their respects...
And left about 50 bouquet tributes...

Not quite accurate...
As always..
There were at least 1000 bouquets there..
I know because I counted them...
And at least that many people...
At any one time...
I would say...
The British Press needs to learn how to count...
Perhaps a few calculators are in order here!

Father Frank Gelli
Former parish priest at St. Mary's Abbott
Leads us all in The Lord's Prayer
He Finished by saying
I hope our presence here sends out a little message
to those who maybe would like to have Diana forgotten."
He also said..He had to wait until he retired
To be able to come there and conduct the service for Diana as he was
"not allowed" to by his order...
Funny..I thought God says "love ye one another.."
I guess the palace and certainly his order...
Forgot to read that part...
In the BIBLE...


Gill Marsellies and me...
Gill and her friend Ruth...
Were the first to lay a bouquet at Kp
On the night Diana died...
And from that one bouquet..
A mountain of flowers grew...
Gill and Ruth
Presented a petition to Tony Blair 3 years ago
Demanding Diana's fountain be built...
And is on her bench for 3 days each year..
Sign in hand...
Asking "Where is Diana's Fountain?"
This year it reads...
"Ditch the Ditch"
I agree!
I have dreamed...
Of sitting with Gill on her bench..
And my dream came true...
We have been corresponding
For the past 2 years or so..
It was as if I knew her always...
And we both got tears in our eyes
When we had to say good-bye...
At least for now...

I was interviewed live...
Via satellite phone...
Some of my friends heard me speaking...
All the way home...
CNN wanted to know why I had come there
All the way from Florida....
On the anniversary of Diana’s death...
I said...
I wanted to remember Diana
With those who loved her as I did...
And to see for myself
If what the British Press says every year...
Was true...
That a few people show up…
and that the public is forgetting her...
I said...
"As you can see from the pictures...
There are thousands here.. .
And thousands of tributes…
And she will never be forgotten..."
They wanted to know...
What she meant to me...
I said, "She taught me…
Princess or housewife...
We can all make a difference...
In someone’s life...
We all have something to give...
To the world...
So do it now...
We may only have today...
Diana made a difference…
I will too…

Julie Cain

Julie recalled the time
She met the Princess
While living in a mental health refuge.
"When she arrived, everyone was a bit nervous,
and I said to myself:
'Oh I'd love a fag.'(cigarette)
She heard me and said:
Well have one.
I told her
'We're not supposed to because you are here'
and she said:
'This is your home,not mine,
Go on and have one.'
"If sombody walked in
They would have thought she was an ordinary person".
Amanzing woman..
Our Diana..
What wasn't there to love?

Terry Hutt

Always there
Every year
For our Diana...
Helping everyone
Put up their memorials...
And dispensing hugs..
Where needed...
Along with Julie Cain
They spend the first nights...
Of the anniversary..
Every year
Camping out at KP...
Protecting the toys...
And memorials...
Left for Diana...

My Diana friends Barbara and Julie..
We met through our love for Diana...
Two years or so ago..
On line..
It was as if I knew them always...

They helped make my time in London

So very special..
I love them both dearly...

More Diana friends!
Julie, Pete and Beth
Pete and I finally met in person 2 years ago..
On my first trip to London...
And again last year in Atlanta...
And yet agin this wonderful weekend..
Beth and I met for the first time in person..
On the 30th..
I knew her sweet and loving heart...
Long ago...
Through our on line friendship
Beth and I shared a room
While we were all together
The weekend of
August 30-September 1st...
Again..these people...
Made my journey amazing...
And one I will never forget...
Their love for Diana equals my own..
And they mean so much to me...

September 1,2002

Robert Lacy and Me
The "Odd Couple"
Author of
Princess, Majesty and Monarch...
I explained to him...
What Diana meant to us...
Why we were there...
And why we would never forget her..
I hope he came to a new understanding...
Of Diana's People...
We talked for a very long time..
And I really liked this man..
It was as if we were alone in the crowd..
One on one..
So somehow...
I think he did..
I hope so anyway...

One last look
September 04, 2002
The afternoon before I left for home...

Looking to the right..

Looking at the middle...

Looking left...

As far as the fence stretched...
In the front of Kensington Palace....
There were tributes...
For our Heroine of Peace...
So don't believe all you read...
Especially in the British Press...

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Journey into my heart