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Moon And Back Graphics ~ A Place To Reflect


Memorial Fountain

Proposed Site

An old pumping station
Is the place where the Memorial Fountian
Called by most who love Diana...
"Diana's Ditch"
Will be built.I had to ask several people
before I could find this site..
Any further away from Kensington Palace...
And it would be in the Serpentine River...
Way off apart from the royals..
And her home for so many years...
Her total separation
was done all during her life..
And seems it is done in death too...

Here I sat and watched the river flow..
And imagined Diana walking along the Serpentine River...
It was very beautiful...
And so very peaceful...
I had the whole lovely walk to myself this day...
As I was sitting on a bench there..
Watching the Serpentine flow...
And thinking of how far..
My Journey of the Heart...
Had taken me..
I heard a swoosh of wings...
And the most beautiful swan..
Took flight..
It seemed to come from nowhere...
And it's webbed feet walked on top of the water..
It was almost almost running...
In pre-flight..
Before it took off into the sky...
It was totally amazing...
I almost thought I dreamed it..
Until I heard another lady say..
Did you see that?
To her companion..

This is where most of us who loved Diana...
Feel the fountain should be..
The Sunken Garden...
At Kensington Palace...
The fountain is already there..
In this lovely garden...
The attendant told Laurien and me..
Diana used to walk here..
When things got too much for her in the Palace...
They would only have to errect a suitable plack...
And it would be right where it should be...
In place as it has always been..
At her home...
And where we remember her each year..
And where everyone will come anyway..
And leave their flowers..
No matter where the memorial is placed..
This is where...
Her people want the memorial fountain to be..
And they want a fountain...
Not a water feature..
For wading..and splashing...
That is already in place..
In the childrens park...
We want a suitable Memorial Fountain...
Honoring the most famous woman of Great Brittain
And one loved by the entire world...
Not a Ditch...

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Journey into my heart