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Remembering the Rose..
Diana,Princess of Wales..

August 30,2003

Six years have gone by..
Or Was it Yesterday..

Candles In the Night...

Alone at her palace...

Our candles alight...
Five loving friends..
On a warm August night..
The stars were all shining..
The air still and clear...
All alone in her garden...
Diana felt near..
One star was shining...
Above her dark door...
One that I’ve looked at...
Many times before...
The same star that shines...
In my sky every night...
Was pulsing and glowing...
In her sky tonight...
I looked in the sky...
Then looked to the ground...
The candles we lit...
Glowed all around...
Twinkling like stars...
A banner of light...
Candles all glowing...
Lit up the night...
The sound of sweet music...
Soft in the air...
Gave a feeling of magic...
And stripped my heart bare...
We laughed and we cried...
And swayed to the tune...
Under the star light...
Beneathe the still moon...
Of all those that loved her...
And remembered the day...
We were alone there...
In some special way...
A circle of friends...
Gathered in prayer...
Under the starlight..
In the warm summer air...
We’ll not say goodbye..
To the Princess we love..
But say “Hello our dear one"..
Who shines up above...
Five loving friends...
On a warm August night...
Remember and Honor...
Our Princess tonight.....

Maria Lindberg
Copyright 2003

Beth Taylor,Maria,Julie Cain,Julie Meyers,Barbara Lloyd
"Diana's Loving Lights"

(LR)Barbara,Julie Beth and Maria
At the Diana Cafe

We had a wonderful day..
Filled with that connection..
That only true Diana friends can know..
We were there for her..
But also there for each other..
Knowing each of these wonderful people...
Has been such a blessing in my life..
If not for Diana...
I would never have met them..
Never have gone to England..
Not once but three times now...
And I wouldn't be the person..
The woman I am today..
But for Diana..
She taught me by example...
To do what I call the


To help where I can..
To use my talents and abliites..
In ways that I can..
To make a differance..
In ways that I can..
In someones life..
That only I can..
If Diana could do it..
I know that I CAN...
And I WILL..

My flowers for our Princess..
White Lilys for her..
Stargazer Lilys for me..

It was one of those magical could never predict..never believe it would happen..but it does..

Bethy and me

We had spent the day together..
Reconnecting..Laughing... Talking..
Remembering Our Diana
And putting our tributes up for the next day..
Unlike the British Press(who always say..50 people show up and around a hundred tributes..Where do they get their numbers?..)We knew Diana's people would come..
Thousands of them...
And we wanted to make sure our tributes were up for the next day..
Usually..the gates close at 8:00 p.m. at Kensington Palace..
They always have in years past..

Our Tributes and Candles..
For all our Diana friends
At Loving Lights..

But for some reason..this night..they stayed open..I can't describe the feeling..of walking down the main walkway in the dark..and seeing all our candles lit in front of Diana's home..
Pure Magic...

Julie Cain..
"Diana's Knight"

We sat there for hours till after midnight..till it was August 31st...
The day the world cried..
with Terry and Julie..Diana's faithful knights..Who each year sleep there and look after her tributes..We kept wondering..Where were the guards..Why didn't they tell us to go..or lock the gates..But were not going to complain..You see..
It was as if we were the only ones in the world that night..
Of all that loved her in the world...

Barbara and Me

We were there alone..
Under the starlight..
At her earthly our candles..In her memory..Listening to soft music playing in the night..
And remembering our Diana..

Julie Cain and I share a hug..
And a few tears..
As Candle In The Wind plays softly...
On Bethy's tape player..

My flowers and tribute

I pointed out to everyone..
The large single star hanging over Kensington Palace..And I said that the same star hangs over my house every night..
During the summer..
It is very large..and appears about the first part of July..And leaves the first part of November...I always think of it as Diana's star..and look for it each night before I go to bed..
Wishful thing..
But it is what I do every night..
And tonight is a night for sharing..
And we do alot of that..
Sharing feelings and thoughts..
Memories of our Princess Diana..
And it IS her star..(LOL..Angie..It is NOT a satellite!))

Diana's Star..
The Rose..
Shineing in the Night..
Click on Rose
To Read about her star...

There was one light burning in the Palace that night..on an upper floor..We could almost believe she was there..And knew we were there for her..As we always have been..And always will be..

Our Candles..
In the Wind..

But one thing is for certain..I will never forget that night..Diana's star shining..The candles..all lined up lighting the tributes there..The music playing softly..
Candle In The Wind..
Diana's Loving Lights..
Sometimes talking softly..
Sometimes laughing..or crying..
And sometimes singing along...
And our circle of prayer..
Asking God to watch over her sons..
And thanking him for the gift of Diana...
And for bringing us..
Diana's Loving Lights..
Here together..

The Light of Love...

Your light of love shines brighter...
Than it ever did before..
And in my heart it ever shines..
And will forevermore...
In spite of grief and sorrow...
At your earthly passing light..
. The light that was Diana...
Is never far from sight..
This light is always with me...
It was lit there with my love..
And ever will I see it glow..
It shines from up above...
So when I'm feeling sorrow...
And it ever dims my sight..
I look into God's heaven..
And know you're shining bright..
I'll always see you smiling..
When I look into the night..
The light that is Diana..
Is ever in my sight...
So rest in peace Diana..
And thank you for your love..
Take your light and shine on me..
Forever from above..
Maria Lindberg
July 20,2003

Special Tributes..
From Members of Loving Lights..

Our light on a distant shore

A spark from where all life begins,
Lit gently on the land,
Where Druids left their fingerprints,
And Brigit touched her hand.

Kindled in the ancient hearth,
Tended with Ceridwen’s song,
The tiny ember stirred and grew,
Until it’s flame was strong.

The flame was fanned into a blaze,
A beacon in the night,
A place for all who needed warmth,
Their torches to a-light.

I too dipped my wiry limb,
Into the brilliant pyre,
And claimed my own eternal flame,
To guide me through the mire.

But woe is me we took too much,
And left naught but the spark,
Ingratitude and selfishness,
Snuffed it into dark.

We pilgrims came with torch in hand,
To feed and re-ignite,
Instead our tears put out the glow,
And quieted the light.

Those tears they grew in solemn swells,
Rippling ore’ the land,
Where Druids left their fingerprints,
And Diana touched her hand.

Now a trillion bowls of light,
Rock gently on her sea,
Each one a tribute to her love,
Each one a memory.

I see her though, across the waves,
Brilliant flames upon a moor,
For all our lights flow back to her,
Our light on a distant shore.
Teri Garrison
Copyright 2003

we are graced with the presence
of an earth bound angel.
They are unable to stay with us for long,
but while they do,
they bring unprecedented joy and happiness to all they touch.
While they are here, we bask in their goodness
and marvel at their contribution to the world.
When they leave,
we are left with the devastation that comes
with losing such a wonderful being...
but we must remember...
the earth bound angels are not ours to keep.
They are ours to enjoy, learn from, and behold until they return home.~
Ann Truyens

It’s so hard to believe
You’ve been gone six long years
Six years since you left
A nation stunned and in tears
You arrived, not as a princess
But as an angel of light
Then suddenly taken from us
On that fateful night
Your short time on earth
Taught a world how to love
A star shining brightly
Brighter, than those up above
With arms wide open
To give a comforting embrace
The care and understanding
Shone out from your face
A heart full of compassion
For those suffering and in pain
It still hurts to realise
We will never see you again
The poor, the old and the dying
Reached for your gentle touch
Mesmerised by your magic
You are still missed very much
But angels belong in heaven
Given to us, just on loan
And God wanted you back again
Reaching out his hand
He took you back home.
Diana, you are missed
and will never be forgotten.



Click on Rose

To continue..
My Journey







Can you feel the love tonight..
Elton John