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Console Commands #2


cg_markoffset 1 set marks (decals) offset if cg_marks = 1
cg_marks 1 enable display of decals (blast marks, etc.) setting to 0 may increase FPS
cg_noplayeranims 0 disable player animations
cg_nopredict 0 disable client-side prediction
cg_raildissolution set railgun trail dissolution
cg_railTrailTime 400 set persistance time for railgun trails
cg_runpitch 0 set amount player view bobs up and down while running
cg_runroll 0 set amount player view rolls side to side while running
cg_shadows 1 0 = no shadows, 1 = enable simple shadows, 2 = enable complex shadows (try: r_stencilbits 8; vid_restart; cg_shadows 2)
cg_simpleitems 0 disable display of rings and spheres around items (1 may increase FPS)
cg_stereoSeparation 0.4 set stereo separation
cg_swingspeed 0.3 set speed player model rotates to match position (1 is no delay, 0 is no turn ever)
cg_testentities 0 enable display of test entities
cg_thirdperson 0 enable 3rd person (chase-cam) view
cg_thirdpersonangle 0 set third-person view angle
cg_thirdpersonrange 40 set third-person view range
cg_tracerchance 0.4 set frequency of tracer bullets (1 is all tracers)
cg_tracerlength 100 set length of tracer bullets
cg_tracerwidth 1 set width of tracer bullets
changeVectors display "FIND_NEW_CHANGE_VECTORS not defined."
cheats 0 enable cheats
cinematic <name> plays movie file video/name
cl_anglespeedkey 1.5 set the speed that the direction keys (not mouse) change the view angle
cl_maxpackets 30 set max client packet size
cl_motd 1 enable message-of-the-day display
cl_mouseAccel 0 enable mouse acceleration
cl_nodelta 0 disable delta compression (slows net performance, only use if net errors happen otherwise)
cl_pitchspeed 140 set pitch (up and down) change speed
cl_run 1 enable always-run (+speed toggles)
cl_showmouserate 0 display mouse sampling info
cl_shownet 0 display network quality info
cl_showTimeDelta 0 display time delta between server updates
cl_timeNudge 0 effectively adds local lag to try to make sure you interpolate instead of extrapolate (try 100 for a really laggy server)
cl_timeout 125 set the inactivity time before a client is disconnected (timed out)
cl_yawspeed 140 set turning speed (with keyoard, up to server max)
clear clear console buffer
cm_nocurves 0 disable player collisions with curved surfaces
cm_playercurveclip 1 enable player collisions with curved surfaces
cmd send server command
cmdlist display list of commands
color 7 set player rail trail color (1=blue, 2=green, 3=cyan, 4=red, 5-magenta, 6=yellow, 7=white)
con_notifytime 3 set console message persistance time in seconds (0 = no messages)
conback "gfx/2d/conback.tga" set console background image filename
condump <filename> dump console contents to demoq3/filename
configstrings displays gamedate, gamename, map, protocol, version, dmflags, frag/timelimits, hostname, maxclients, etc as / separated-strings for server-query programs
connect <server_ip:port> connect to server at ip address and port given
crash force the game to crash
crosshairhealth 1 enable crosshair health indication
crosshairsize 24 set crosshair size

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