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Console Commands #5


net_port 27960 set network server port
net_socksEnabled 0 enable network proxy/firewall settings
net_socksPort 1080 set proxy/firewall port
net_socksServer set proxy/firewall socks server address
noclip disable clipping; enable flying and passing through walls
nohealth 0 disable health items on next map
notarget disable bots recognizing player as enemy
password set server password
path display current search path setting
play <sound> play sound.wav audio file
port 27960 set server port
protocol 36 set server protocol
qport 38901 set internal network port
quit exit
r_allowExtensions 1 enable OpenGL extensions
r_allowSoftwareGL 0 enable software rendering
r_clear 0 enable clearing of unrefreshed images
r_colorbits 0 set color bits (per pixel) see r_depthbits
r_customaspect 1 enable custom video aspect ratio (see r_customheight, r_customwidth)
r_customheight 1024 set screen height when r_mode is -1 (use r_mode 3; vid_restart to return to menu)
r_customwidth 1600 set screen width when r_mode is -1 (use r_mode 3; vid_restart to return to menu)
r_depthbits 0 set color depth bits (per pixel) see r_depthbits
r_detailtextures 1 enable detailed textures
r_displayRefresh 0 set monitor refresh rate at game resolution (also changes desktop refresh rate at that resolution)
r_drawentities 1 enable display of brush entities
r_drawstrips 0 enable triangle strips rendering (may increase FPS)
r_drawSun 0 enable rendering of a sun in the sky (as staic lighting behind clouds) 0 may improve FPS
r_drawworld 1 enable rendering of map architecture
r_dynamiclight 1 enable dynamic lighting (0 will increase FPS)
r_ext_compiled_vertex_array 1 enable compiled vertex array rendering if video card supports it
r_ext_compress_textures 1 enable texture compression
r_ext_gamma_control 1 enable external gamma control settings
r_ext_multitexture 1 enable multitexturing
r_ext_swapinterval 1 enable frame spawwing if video card supports it
r_facePlaneCull 1 enable culling of brush faces not in view (0 will slow FPS)
r_fastsky 0 enable faster (lower quality) sky (will increase FPS)
r_finish 1 enable synchronization of rendered frames
r_fixtjunctions 1 enable filling in of gaps between polygons
r_flareFade 7 set lens flare fading rate
r_flares 1 enable lens flares around light sources (0 will increase FPS)
r_flareSize 40 set lens flare size (smaller will increase FPS)
r_fullbright 0 enable max brightness, local game only
r_fullscreen 1 enable full screen mode
r_gamma 1.6 set gamma level
r_glDriver 3dfxvgl set gl driver name
r_ignoreGLErrors 1 enable ignoring of OpenGL errors
r_ignorehwgamma 0 enable ignoring of external (i.e. windows drivers) gamma settings
r_intensity 1 set video intensity level for OpenGL
r_lastValidRenderer 3Dfx/Voodoo2/2 TMUs/4 MB display video hardware that worked last

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