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Console Commands #6


r_lightmap 0 enable lightmaps
r_lockpvs 0 disable update to PVS table as player moves through map (new areas not rendered)
r_lodbias 0 set level-of-detail bias (0 is high quality, low FPS, 2 is lowest quality, highest FPS)
r_lodscale 5 set level-of-detail scale modifier
r_logFile 0 set log file name
r_mode 3 set video display mode (resolution), use listmodes for list of options, use -1 to set custom resolution with r_customwidth/height
r_nocull 0 force rendering of hidden objects (slows performance)
r_nocurves 0 disable curver rendering
r_nolightcalc 0 disable lighting and shadow calculations
r_noportals 0 disable portals
r_norefresh 0 enable clearing hud and console before redrawing
r_novis 0 disable VIS data when rendering map
r_picmip 1 set mipmap level for player models (0-3, 3 lowest quality, highest FPS)
r_portalOnly 0 enable display of portal views only (items not visible thru portal not rendered)
r_preloadTextures 0 enable pre-caching of map textures
r_railCoreWidth 16 set railgun trail core width
r_railSegmentLength 64 set railgun trail segment length
r_railWidth 128 set railgun trail outer width
r_roundImagesDown 1 set rouding down amount (larger = faster, lower quality)
r_showsky 0 enable rendering sky in front of other objects
r_showtris 0 enable rendering triangles (wireframe-ish) OpenGL only
r_smp 0 enable smp (multi-CPU) mode, not yet implemented
r_speeds 0 enable rendering speeds display
r_stencilbits 8 set video card stencil buffer depth (0 to 16)
r_stereo 0 enable stereo video rendering
r_textureMode GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST set the rendering mode: in order from lowest quality (fastest) to highest quality (slowest), [type] options are: GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR. Think of the 1st two as low and high quality for hardware that supports bilinear filetering, and the 2nd two as low and high quality for hardware that supports trilinear filtering.
r_vertexLight 0 enable vertex lighting (faster, lower quality than lightmap)
rate 25000 sets rate for communication between server and client (try about 1/10 of your bps, or use the in-game menu to set to default for your connection type) see cg_timenudge
rcon <passwd> "cmds" issue remote console commands
rcon_password set remote console password
rconAddress set remote console address
rconPassword set rcon password for remote operation
record <demoname> record a demo to demos/demoname.dm3 (see demo, stopdemo)
restart restart server on current map
s_initsound 1 enable sound system
s_khz 22 set sound sample frequency (22 = high, 11 = low)
s_loadas8bit 1 force 8-bit (lower quality) sounds
s_mixahead 0.2 set sound mixahead value; different values may help fix stuttering problems on some sound cards
s_musicvolume 1 set music volume
s_show 0 disaplay filenames of all sounds as they are played
s_volume 0.7 set sound volume
say "msg" display "msg" to all players (see messagemode)
scanservers scan for servers on LAN
scr_conspeed 1000 set the console scroll speed
screenshot save screenshot
sectorlist display list of sectors and entities in each
sensitivity 9 set mouse sensitivity
serverinfo displays gamedate, gamename, map, protocol, version, dmflags, frag/timelimits, hostname, maxclients, etc.
serverrecord <demo> record demo on server

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