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Console Commands #1


+attack fire
+back move backward
+button0 fire (same as +attack)
+button1 dummy control command
+button2 activate item (such as personal teleporter)
+button3 player taunt animation
+button4 dummy control command
+button5 dummy control command
+button6 dummy control command
+forward move forward
+left strafe left
+lookdown look down
+lookup look up
+mlook enable mouse look (disabled if freelook = 1)
+movedown move down
+moveleft strafe left
+moveright strafe right
+moveup move up
+right strafe right
+speed walk (if autorun enabled) or run (if not)
+strafe enable strafe mode (left/right keys strafe while held)
+zoom zoom in
arch win95 osr2.x architechture/operating system
arena <name> load arena and bots "name" from arena.txt
bind <key/button> "cmd" bind a key or button to a command or set of commands ("cmd1 ; cmd2 ; etc.")
bindlist display list of all bound keys/buttons and their values
centerview force player view to straight ahead
cg_animspeed 1 enable player animations (see cg_noplayeranims)
cg_autoswitch 1 enable auto-weapon switching
cg_bobpitch 0 set amount player view bobs forward/back while moving
cg_bobroll 0 set amount player view rolls side to side while moving
cg_bobup 0 set amount player view bobs up/down while moving
cg_centertime 3 set display time for center screen messages (0 off)
cg_debuganim 0 enable model animation debug mode
cg_debugevents 0 enable event debug mode
cg_debugposition 0 enable player position debug mode
cg_draw2d 1 enable display of 2D graphics (currently disabled)
cg_draw3dicons 1 enable display of ammo and armor items (currently disabled)
cg_drawAmmoWarning 1 enable low-ammo warning display
cg_drawCrosshair 1 enable crosshair
cg_drawCrosshairNames 1 enable player name display
cg_drawFPS 0 enable FPS display
cg_drawKiller 1 enable fragger display when you get fragged
cg_drawStatus 1 enable status display
cg_drawTimer 1 enable game timer display (for quad, etc.)
cg_footsteps 1 enable player footstep sounds
cg_gibs 1 enable gibs (0 will inclrease FPS slightly)
cg_gun 1 enable player gun display (0 may increase FPS)
cg_lagometer 1 enable lagometer display

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