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How Life Filled Me With Serenity From Above


God signals the hurting

He did all things for us so that we could seek Him
and perhaps reach out for His grace
and find ourselves in Him,
though HE is not far from any one.

Where is God when we're hurting?
How can we possibly believe that He loves us
when we are going through such painful times?

In many marvelous and wonderful ways God
signals us when we're suffering in spirit.
It may be through a flower that's blooming
or in a bird's song.
Or we may see a toddler running and laughing
or hear a melody we haven't heard for years.
We may feel the touch of sunlight on our cheeks
or see its reflection
in drops of water on the leaves.

God is Real. Alert. Energetic.
He's on the move, sending positive
signals of life into our thoughts.
He breathes into humanity,
all creation, the earth!
It's the ultimate, healing, human experience
God is signaling us in times of need.

It may will come from strange
and even foreign faces and places.
Be prepared to accept the signals
sent from our Lord.

* * *

Are you hurting today?
Be aware of the positive ways God is signaling you
to let you know He understands
what you are going through
and that He loves you.
He created you to be happy and feel loved,
surrounded, protected and guided,
maybe we should "listen"
to those quiet reflections upon our lives.


There are times when we need to get prepared
for opportunities that haven't happened yet.
Many times the preparation
becomes an act of faith toward the faithfulness of God.

I Could Sing of His Love Forever
Over the mountains and the sea
Of How His river runs with love for me
And I will open up my heart,
let it set me free to be in His will
And I will daily lift my hands
in thanks to our Creator for life!
God`s love came to rescue me!

Oh, I feel like dancing
on the sun, moon & stars
Its foolishness to some maybe
But when the world has seen
this light of God`s love
reflecting from within me
They will know & understand
the joy He has brought to me
Life is like a never ending love story
Yes when it`s peace & serenity touched me!
I am now free to be me!!

Life whispered hello
to me - and said BE HAPPY!


I could shout, stand on the rooftops to sing
Let the seas roar,
and the fulness thereof: let the fields rejoice,
and all that is therein
..let the trees of the wood sing
out at the love God gave me,
has set me free to be whole once again!
Thank you my precious gifts
- heaven sent friends and family
for your love and care always for me,
it is my greatest pleasure to be the recipient!

Honour and strength and beauty are in much - truly...
it shines like the radiant beams from the heavens above
upon my world from all around me
it is my heart & life to feel this serenity!
How great is my love for life today!!!
- I am captured completely by it`s flowing powers!

Finally, I choose things which are true for me,
honesty, justice & purity,
all that is lovely,
the endless virtues shown me,
what I have both learned from this life,
received and heard from many a heart's cry
and the peace showered upon me
dwells eternally etched upon my soul,
forever it is cleansing away
all my pain & sorrows..
giving me new life again,
a new birth, regeneration
and a metamorphose all wrapped in one,
begun in me..! Praise God!!


~With God - I am learning to (LIVE)!~

on the words below


Hope you enjoy ALL my pages...
which Are Inspired because of many sources,
which breathes a new existance within me!

written by me © Marilyn 2009


Much is my inspiration & in all I do, These are parts of me which flow toward another... MY ONLY WISH OF INNER PEACE & BLESSINGS TO OVERFLOW WITHIN ALL I COME IN CONTACT WITH TODAY!