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Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans 8:35,37 (Warfare?Fear? Insecurities?) do you not know WHO gave this promise..? Our only concern should be to pray, believe & be a friend if you want friendship, love those who cannot 'walk',like yourself, God is Able to save, keep, satisfy & deliver!

Don't You Know

He is there when nobody is left to walk beside you
Your grief is heard, those tears which fell
those nights you stared at the ceiling, alone
He was there wiping the tears and filling the void
if you only knew, He was there ,
in the Garden Of Gethsemane....

You think the road never ends
nowhere is found the door to freedom
from within this person
trapped inside your paralized spirit!

You run down many halls
climb many stairs to never find your way out
of this person trapped within you
Like a maze, you can't see the exit!

And then you see HIM
holding on to each promise
feeling refreshing times
strength through an image or word
and you learn to never give up
do you know- God loves you too?!

You find a reason to go on,
a song to sing and when that fails,
another door leads you to hope
stigma in society keeps you down
but you know, each day is a gift
How He loves you, How He showed me LOVE!

I am sharing a song which I heard in a film,
being lonely so often, so many unanswered questions
to give me on how to overcome my loneliness.

I learned to find peace and refuge and
the happiest moments of my life
when alone with God,
I found all my answers in Him.

In this song below the lyrics speak of trusting your inner feelings
to love when you are not sure it even exists
live and let go to God is how I would put it!

"No sé tú"
"I know you"

No sé tú
Pero yo no dejo de pensar
Ni un minuto me logro despojar
De tus besos, tus abrazos,
De lo bien que la pasamos la otra vez.

No sé tú
Pero yo quisiera repetir
El cansancio que mi hiciste sentir
Con la noche que me diste
Y el momento que con besos construiste.

No sé tú
Pero yo te he comenzado a extrañar
En mi almohada no te dejo de pensar
Con las gentes, mis amigos,
En las calles, sin testigos.

No sé tú
Pero yo te busco en cada amanecer
Mis deseos no los puedo contener
En las noches cuando duermo
Si de insomnio, yo me enfermo
Me haces falta, mucha falta
No sé tú

You don't know

You don't know
but I should not think
not even a minute
about your kisses, and your hugs
what happened the last time

You dont' know
but I want to repeat
the fatigue what I feel
with the night when you tell me
and the moment when you kiss me

You don't know
but I miss you a lot
and when I sleep I can't stop thinking about you
and with people, my friends
on the street, without witness

You don't know
but I'm searching for you
my wishes can't be hidden
and at night when I try to sleep
I can't and I have insomnia and then I get sick
I miss you so much, much much
You don't know

Little nuggets of gold or pearls of wisdom.

Hear instruction, and be wise." Proverbs 8:33

"Use what talents you possess;
the woods would be very silent
if no birds sang there except
those that sang best." – William Blake

"Don't be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated;
you can't cross a chasm in two small jumps." – David Lloyd George

"I would rather fail in a cause that will ultimately triumph
than to triumph in a cause that will ultimately fail." – Jim Elliot

"If you are patient in one moment of anger,
you will escape a hundred days of sorrow." – Chinese proverb

"You are wise when you learn from your mistakes.
You are wiser still when you learn from others' mistakes." – Rob Acker

"The experience of resistance and frustration
is often an indication that you are doing the wrong thing." – Brian Tracy

"Every person is working for him or herself." – Brian Tracy

"He who never walks except where he sees other men's tracks will make no discoveries." – Unknown

"Success is a marathon, not a sprint." – Unknown

And, "If it's going to be, it will be up to me." – Unknown

"I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?" – God (Jeremiah 32:27).

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths" – God (Proverbs 3:5-6)


Power Verses:

Psalm 37:7a, "Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him...."
Matthew 6:33, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness,
and all these things will be given to you as well."



copyright @ Marilyn's Creations 2012.

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