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Frequently Asked Questions From New Coaches



How Do I Create the League File for the First Time?

The very first time you download and restore the league “lzp” file, it will automatically create the league. You don't create it - the league will just automatically show up in your list of available seasons.

How Do I Download League Files (LZP) ?

The commissioner does not email you league files – rather, the restore files can be found via the “Download” section of the MSL website. You first download the most recent file from the website and then need to change the file suffix from .zip to .lzp (because that is the file type recognized by the game for importing); make sure you have file extensions visible under your Windows Files Options.


Next, you highlight the Millennium League in you game, select restore league, scroll to the folder that the lzp file is in and do the restore. It will tell you it is over writing all data for that league. That updates it to the present state of the league. Or in the case of the initial time, it creates the league for you on your PC.



How Do I Setup the League Rules (or Other Game Settings) for the First Time?

The rules are set in the files that the commissioner sends out so there is no reason for you to set or change any of the league settings or rules settings. The game settings are also automatically set when you play a league game. It is all done for you.


How Do I Create a Computer Manager (CM)?

1.  Download and restore most recent league “lzp” file


2.  You have a 35 man roster but only 25 can be in big leagues at any time.  Highlight the league, highlight your team, and then select the option to promote/demote minor leaguers from the "team" menu option at top of game menu. Put a checkmark next to the 25 players you want on your active roster. Make sure you meet the league requirement to have 2 players for each position. You don’t have to play the 2nd player but you do need to have them available as a major league roster player. Some players are rated at a bunch of positions and can serve as the 2nd player for all the positions he is rated to play. Make sure you have enough relief pitchers in the big leagues to cover you too. I usually go with 14 players and 11 pitchers. Others go with 15 and 10. It is up to you. If you have a player that is close to his allowable use for the season put him in the minors. This keeps the computer from using that player as a pinch hitter or relief pitcher.


3. Select "update default lineups" from the "team" menu. Assign 4 lineups here. Lineup 1 is versus a normal left-handed pitcher, lineup 2 vs. normal righty, lineup 3 vs. reverse lefty, and lineup 4 vs. reverse righty. A "reverse" pitcher is one that does better vs. batters who hit from the opposite side of the plate. This is shown in the pitchers rating at the bottom of the page. A righty that is listed as a 4L means he is better against lefties by a decent amount. The balance ratings range up to 7.


4. Setup your CM now. Select "update computer manager" from the team option menu. The 1st tab up is "pitchers". Drag and drop your starters over to the starter 1, starter 2, etc. slots. If you do not want them to be used in relief, make sure to select "never" next to their name. Drag and drop the name of your setup and closer guys into the appropriate slot also. Now you should also set every pitcher's individual settings. Double click a pitcher's name in the blue area and a new menu appears. This block has alot of options to check. Stuff like "avoid lefties' remove after 7IP's, quick hook, max 1 or 2 IP's, etc. Customize exactly how you want.


When you have the pitcher portion setup, scroll to "starter schedule". The league schedule pops up and you drag and drop each

starting pitcher to the date you want him to start. Remember that a starting pitch with an " * " needs 3 days rest between starts and one without an " * " needs 4 days rest between starts. Fill in a starting pitcher for every game in the upcoming block.


Scroll to "batters" menu and set pinch hitters or defensive subs. You can also dbl click each batter, just like you did with the pitchers, and select individual options limiting when they are replaced, how much they steal, bunt, or hit and run, etc.


Scroll to "manager tendencies" and set the options how you want. Everyone is different here but all are pretty self-explanatory.


Most of us skip the last major option screen "Super Hal base running" and just let the game use our basic setting from the previous screen (normal, aggressive, conservative, etc).


That should complete you entire CM. now you just export it and email it to the commissioner as an attachment.



How Do I Play My Scheduled Games?

When you select a “Play Day”, all games are initially on "Hold". You select only your game, scroll to “Manual” on the scroll box (upper left of this schedule menu) and that makes only your game playable.


You will physically play your own "away" games and the other coaches will play your "home" games scheduled against our teams. All you do when playing league games is select the "play scheduled game" option from the top of the game menu. You will then scroll to the date of the game, select play, select manual and you will be at the game lineup screen. The proper lineup and starting pitcher for both teams should already be shown because the CM includes all that info. If a National league ballpark is home you will not use DH, if an American league ballpark is home, the DH will be used. That is also a league setting that the commissioner takes care of, so when you play a scheduled league game the correct DH option is automatically selected.



How Do I Send My Game Results to the Commissioner?

The league setting tells the game to automatically save box scores and game files for every "scheduled" league game you play. After you play your games, you will find the box scores in your "print" folder. Your game files should be in the "export" folder. There will always be 2 game files per game played - 1 for the home team and 1 for the visitor. You can either zip all your boxes in 1 file and your game files in another file and send both to the commissioner, or zip everything into one file and send it to him.  Some managers send results to everyone so they can see the results as we go, others just send them to the commissioner and we see those results at middle and end of each block as John updates the website and/or posts a new lzp


All of this may seem time consuming or tedious but it is really very simple and takes about 10 minutes total each block to keep current.  Once again Good luck and great to have you with us!!



How Does the DH Work?

The Home Ballpark dictates whether a team uses a DH or not in their home games. You will note that there are some teams with traditional American League names that chose National League parks. These teams do not use a DH when playing home games.



How Do the Outfield Position Ratings Work?

A player rated at any OF position counts as “All OF positions” toward the two player per position rule. For example, you can play an OF rated only at RF as a CF (or LF) but the game penalizes them a rating point.



Do You Use Injuries?  What is Overusage?

We do not use injuries BUT we do have player use limits. Batters can have a total plate appearance (at bats + walks) equal to 110% of their real life total for that season. Pitchers are limited to 110% of their innings pitched. Remember this when setting your CM lineups so you don’t overuse players at season end. There are draft penalties for overuse.