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Some Favorite Things
In My Collection

My Ashton Drake Doll
My lead crystal Diana from London
Diana, Heavens Rose
Plates from the Engagemant and the Wedding
Ballerinas respresenting
Dianas love of Dance
A small cup from Wales
Rocks from Althorp and Westminster Abbey

Roman's Seriphim
Diana, Heavens Rose
Presented to me by my Club

Landmines Drawing

Beautiful Woman

These two pencil drawings of Diana
are my favorite pictures of her.
I got them at Brighton Post Office
in Diana's home town
On my Trip to Althorp
They were done by a local resident
and capture the essence of Diana for me

Diana and Peanuts

Diana, Landmines Campaign

These are my favorite
Of all the things in my Collection
They were given to me by
Artist Anne Lloyd


I used to collect everything that had Diana's face on it...
Now I only buy what appeals to my heart...
The things I treasure most..
are things people have given to me
Or made for me.
I also collect teapots and bisquit tins
Made in England
The workmanship and beauty appeals to me.

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We May Never
Pass this Way Again
