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Adoptions from Myrror

Well Myrror and I were apart of a group called the CAOF she did gifts for me and the other members of our group, and these are them. They are creatures that are just like the ones that you can get these are just a tad bit more special to me and as they are special I place them on this page. They are not to be taken, and if you want a breeding with them, well you better be willing to trade me a breeding/dna sample ect.. of one of your prized pets.

Name: Chibi Neko
Sex: Female
Whorling Type: Feline
Note: This was the first one that I got from her, it is also the one that represented my persona Chibi Neko the most.

Name: Shino Tora
Sex: Female
Whorling Type: Feline
Note: This was the second one, it represented Shino Tora, a more grown up, fierce version of Chibi Neko.

Name: Phynix (take one)
Sex: Female
Whorling Type: Feline
Note: This one is the closest to Phynix as she is today. But not quite. She is more Shino Tora then Phynix

Name: Trowa - Tora
Sex: Male
Whorling Type: Feline
Note: This was my custom Creature from Myr for reaching the First level in her Frequent adoptions program.

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