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Magic Travels Waiting in the Garden




Waiting in the Garden

Her voice begins to tremble
Her eyes fill up with tears;
It seems like only yesterday
In fact, it’s forty years.

She slowly turns the pages
Of an album waiting there;
Her face is filled with memories
And pain that’s hard to bear.

Her mind begins to wander
Back to the place in time;
Where once he called her Mommy
When she was in her prime.

Her face begins to soften
Lines of time are gone away;
She’s twenty and she’s young again
It’s spring again that day.

She’s walking down a country road
Her son is by her side;
He asks a hundred questions
She doesn’t even mind.

She guides him to a garden
Lovely flowers growing there;
She tells him of the Lord above
And of His tender care.

They sit and listen to the sounds
Of birds up in the air;
He puts his little hand in hers
It’s peaceful sitting there.

The day is done, it’s time to leave
Her voice is sweetly low;
She takes his little trusting hand
They turn around to go.

She tucks her little angel
Into his bed that night;
They pray the Lord, his soul to keep
Her hand turns off the light.

He grew into a handsome man
And was her pride and joy;
But deep inside his mothers heart
He’s still her little boy.

She looks up from the pictures
A tear drops on the page;
She’s seventy, not twenty
Her face begins to age.

“God took him to the garden
Where we sat so long ago;
I know he’s waiting for me
The good Lord told me so.”

All I have are pictures
And one ‘specially in my heart;
We’re sitting in the garden
We’ll never be apart.

Maria Lindberg
Copyright 2001

Written for my Mother:
Doris Boutwell Viita
In memory of my brother:
Norman Dewitt Viita
It was read at her funeral
on December 5,1999
I hope they’ll both be
"Waiting in the Garden"
For me someday…
I miss you Momma...
More than words can say...