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Crossing the Bridge



Crossing the Bridge

In looking back..

Down the road of life..
Everyone has a bridge...
They have crossed...
A path they have walked...
Or a place the road took them...
That they never expected it to go...
In walking across that bridge...
Into that deep place within them...
They found something special...
A once in a lifetime experience...
A joy...a fulfillment...
That can never be duplicated...
Can never be forgotten...
And lasts a lifetime...
When I am looking back...
Over the roads I have traveled...
The paths I have taken...
And remembering that bridge...
I crossed once upon a time...
Was it so very long ago...
Or only yesterday...
I will remember...
The thrill...
And the joy of anticipation...
I felt that day...
And I will carry it with me...
And when my time...
On this earth is done...
And I walk into the next life...
Where I will walk a new path...
Travel a new road...
Experience a new life...
Cross another bridge...
I will take you with me...
And the memory...
Of that bridge...
One day...
I will stand there...
Once again...
And wonder...
Should I walk...
Across the bridge...
Into the joy...
Or stand still...
And then wonder...
All of my life...
What might have been...
I know the answer...
In my heart...
With A certainty...
That my soul has always known..
I will cross that bridge...
Because I have that memory...
To take me there...
Joy will give my feet wings...
As I step into tomorrow...
And into your arms...
But cross that bridge...
I will..
Wait for me there...
Maria Lindberg
Copyright 2002

Bridges of Madison County