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My Christmas Tree



Our Magic Tree…

Two little children,

A boy and a girl…
Heads pressed together...
Their hearts in a whirl...

It’s Christmas!” They cry,
As they look there and see...
No stars or bright presents...
Just one scrawny tree…

Dragged from a lot…
That gave trees away…
Those not deamed worthy...
To sell Christmas day...

One string of lights…
On the wilting green boughs…
We stared at it empty...
With deep furrowed brows...

Let’s make this tree
“ Special…”
Said big sister Rhee...
“I think we can do it...
Let’s dress up our tree!”

Out came the tinfoil…
For making the star…
We plundered the kitchen…
And didn’t go far…

We cut and we pasted…
And colored with care…
Bells and bright angels...
And placed them all there...

Garlands of pop corn...
We draped all around...
And bits of red ribbons...
Just old things we found...

We worked and we worked
Like two little elves...
To make this tree special...
And all by ourselves...

Then came the moment...
We both held our breath...
We plugged in the lights...
Scared Mama to death!

We screamed “It is beautiful...
Oh Mama…Come see…
“Look what we did!”
Cried Ricky and Rhee.

There in its glory...
Stood our Christmas tree...
One we made special...
My brother and me…

Heads pressed together...
We lay underneath…
Looked up through the lights...
Of our own Christmas tree...

The smell of the pine...
In the cold winter room...
Tickled our noses...
With Christmas perfume...

Dreaming those dreams...
Only children can know...
Heads pressed together...
We watched our tree glow...

We agreed it was
My brother and me...
We lay there for hours…
Just watching our tree...

It’s been many years...
Since two kids dressed a tree...
We have kids of our own...
My brother Ricky and me…

As you grow older...
And time casts its spell...
Forgotten is Magic...
You knew once, quite well...

You fill up the stockings...
And buy gifts from a store…
You think all is done now...
Then remember some more…

The hustle and bustle...
Of running around...
And shopping for presents...
Was getting me down...

"Where is the Magic?"
I cried with a tear…
I can’t seem to find…
My old Christmas cheer…

And then I lay under…
My tree with my child…
I thought of that Christmas..
And then…
I just smiled…

The Magic was missing…
Because I forgot…
That old Christmas tree...
Once dragged from a lot…

We laid there for hours...
My children and me…
Our heads pressed together..…
Under our Magic tree…
Maria Lindberg
Copyright 2010