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Poetry: Jennifers Song




Laughing voice that spoke to me
Gentle spirit warm and free
Little girl upon my knee
Sings in joyful harmony.

Loving songs a mother hears
Filled with laughter; sometime tears
“Mommy take away my fears"
She hears her voice through out the years.

The song of joy is loud and clear
I’ll always have my baby near
She sings so softly in my ear
Words a mothers heart can hear...

Gentle woman, child no more;
Loving friend that I adore
Sings a song of life in store
As she sees her spirit soar.

Laughing voice, now gone away
Sings a song of yesterday
Tears my soul as God, I pray,
Let me hear her one more day.

Looking out into the sky…
The mother wonders “Why,God,Why?”
All the songs of Jen and I…
Her mother’s heart can only cry.

When on the wind she hears a song
Singing soft, but singing strong
Mom please join and sing along
Hearts can sing when I am gone.

I put my voice into the wind;
You’ll hear it singing now and then…
I sing to you my dearest friend
My song is there-it will not end.

Listen Mom, you’ll hear it clear
When you miss me...I’ll be near
Singing songs of love so dear
I’ll sing to never fear.

She listens to the loving song
Her heart begins to sing along…
Pain is passing, love is strong
The wind is singing, Jennifers Song…
Maria Lindberg
Copyright 2001


This was written with love for
Barbara Hale
My "Mama Bee"
And for her daughter
Jennifer Anne Hale...
We met on line through our love
for Princess Diana
And found
We had both lost our loved ones...
Close to the very same time..
I learned to love not only
"Mama Bee"...
But her Jennifer...
This is for them
And her song...
That echoes through...
Her Mother's heart..
And mine...


Jennifer Anne Hale

November 21, 1958 - July 14, 1999