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Magic Travels: Love and Light



Bella's Song..

I took off my earthly body

And walked into the night...
I let my soul start dancing
Underneath the soft moonliight...

The wind it blew my spirit
Far beyond my earthly sphere...
I danced into the starlight
As my other half drew near...

I heard him in the distance
He was singing to my soul..
In tones so low and perfect
A song that made me whole...

My soul it glowed so brightly
It was as if all the lights...
Had joined me in my dancing
On this perfect autumn night...

I saw him dancing toward me
His light it, drew me on...
To the place where one soul dances...
The place where two are one...

As our lights drew close together
Our essence made the whole...
I felt the joy of dancing
With my perfect mate and soul..

The light of oneness joined us
As we twirled in perfect time...
To the music in the heavens
And the tones of love divine...

All too soon, my body
Pulled me back, to earthly plane...
My soul was longing for him
In some way I can’t explain...

As we parted oneness
As ones became the twos...
The wind in perfect stillness
Left my body loved and new...

I looked into the starlight
I could swear I saw him there...
Dancing through the heavens
Singing in the autumn air...

I’ll always feel a longing
Somewhere deep inside my heart...
For dancing in the starlight
Where souls will never part...

I was in my earthly body
But I’d never be the same...
For my soul had started dancing
he called me back again.

Maria Lindberg
Copyright 2009