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Thanks for watching!!

Here are

pictures of my


Optimus Prime

with minicon Sparkplug



TF: Armada

Optimus prime, truck / base modes

This is the actual Optimus prime set to be available soon



Optimus prime, truck mode complete

This is the Armada Optimus Prime toy prototype,

Please note the crazy color scheme



Optimus Prime: Semi truck

This guy surely looks awesome in black





Optimus prime:Robot mode

Cool figure indeed, it even has his own Matrix inside


Optimus prime: Base set mode

Please note the colors on the base, very nice indeed



Sparkplug: car mode

This is maybe the leader of the “good” minicons



Sparkplug: front view

Super cool colors



Sparkplug: robot mode

Still looking cool in robot mode



I got this awesome and expensive figure from a very dear

friend of mine, an engineer from from HK, Whose name

I withhold and will ID only as LEEMAN

(THANKS Leeman, you’re THE best seller on Earth and beyond!!!!!)



Thank you very much for watching!!!



Questions? Please, E-mail me at