Son of Seth and Apocolypta Malingstrum
Native to Rhy'Din.
Born December 6, 473 ER. (1991)
Damian grew up in Silver Dagger Tavern, which his father received as Dowry for his wife Apocolypta. Although his mother disapproved the tavern was mainly maintained by slaves that his father owned so much time could be devoted to the young child during his youth. His father was a learned man and a retired soldier from the first Vampire war and the Second Elven war. He taught the youth a great deal in the ways of combat, finances, and a great deal of other subjects ranging from history and geography, to Drow and science. His mother was in tune with nature and taught him of agriculture and herbalism. He was not a very exemplary youth, a little brighter then average and was very slow to anger but nothing very note worthy.
Upon reaching an age of maturity he set his life to a new cause and joined the Mystic Knights of Rhy'Din and became close friends with LghtNight and the Chameleon of an empress, Lady Mistic. He was a very ambiguous youth and took great pride in climbing the ladder. At one point he challenged three out of the six council members having the majority of the guild side with him and having the other three banished. He was a brilliant Orator and what he couldn't earn with his blood he tried strings around with his words. The guild eventually came to collapse do to a conglomeration of variables that couldn't be controlled. The leader failed to pay her men do to crop failure and starvation in her kingdom along with inner turmoil.
He departed the Kingdoms boarders which laid in the continent of Mysteria. (Originally there were two continents that resemble Eurasia, Rhy'Din being Europe and Misteria being the greater part of Asia, The middle east was the barren lands.) Heading for Rhy'Din once more. He took up fighting for money and after losing at one rather serious bet he found himself the captive a young woman named Corenia. She was a cruel woman and ruled over him with iron in her hand and hate in her eyes but she was neglectful and found an early demise, falling victim to a rather precarious plan of young Damian. He had pushed her down the stairs. Baring no brands from the incident and no collar, he fled from her home.
You would figure such an experience would thwart a man and leave a bitter taste in his mouth but in truth he had felt a calling while within her chain, he took up his sword and began to capture slaves all over the country side amassing over 50 at one given moment in time. Then things changed. He meet a young woman known as Lyric Angelis who taught him about a different type of slavery one where a man rules with his will and not with his sword. He refined his practice and began to train the girls he caught instead of just selling them as is. It proved a great deal more profitable. Through lyric he made many political acquaintances from Cruelos to Thaluka, from Mysteena Vanyar to Victoria Chylde, even the legendary boss man himself.
During this time period he became active with the political functions of two other organizations. SEDUCE which he became the sole Male member and slave supplier to the elite and House Oblivion La'Vitalae which was run by Amber who would eventually become his lover in Lyric's Absence.
Damian raised more capital in that short time then any other SA member including Brutin or so said the record books. He had turned into a man obsessed no longer settling for any woman but preferring political slaves, he would take out the leader of nearly any organization and sell them to the wolves.
Damian and Lyric came to part from each other presences for reasons unknown to all but their closest friends. Lyric disappeared into her on seclusion and Damian abandoned slavery for a more nobler calling. Farming.
After the near Collapse of the SA Damian took up the reigns in Brutin's absence but he lacked the spark that drove him in his earlier years. Maintaining only the status quo he waited out until Brutin's return, having not slaves of his own he still spoke and represented the SA through the realms although he no longer concerned himself with local politics.