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Santa Ana Branch 6

The following series of photos are from one afternoon of watching the Marlboro Local.

I noticed this rail on the passing siding just off of Cerritos St. in South Anaheim. There is about a quarter mile section of 80 lb. 1902 rail here, so neglected that the ties are practically buried in the sand.

Usually, the 100 year old piece of track is only used to store cars, but because the Ringling Bros. Circus Train was taking up almost all of the South Anaheim yard, the local had to use it to get back to its train. The rail was really popping and groaning as then engines made their way down, and I stood a good distance back!

Despite it's UP-like paint scheme, LLPX 2235 is a leased GP38, and it spent about 2 weeks on the Santa Ana Branch trains.

Returning to Anaheim Yard after switching.

Taken out the window of my truck as the train curves across Santa Ana St. and out onto tbe bridge over the 5 freeway.

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