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Moon And Back Graphics ~ Solitary Beauty


Susan's Scrapbook
Memories of Coelherne Court
Young England Kindegarden

Well..I am sorry to say we are now on our last day in London....although I was tired & ready to head back to Canada..I was sorry to leave it all behind as I did not know if I would ever get to walk in Diana's footsteps again.... Now, it has always been my ambition from day one, to find the kindergarten where she had taught , & the flat at Coelherne Court & where she had lived up until the engagement....I had studied the map of London & had an idea where they were...I also had seen an advertisement for one of the tourist places that would take you past both places, as well as Dodi's apartment on Park Lane a school that Camilla attended..... I had the consierge at the hotel inquire about it for we were on our last day, it was now or never....the London Walks company wanted 80 pounds per person to take us there!!! It was by car, mind you..but I still thought it was high!!! Besides, I had already passed by Dodi's place numerous times in my travels, as it is on a main street ,& the London bus we had travelled on pointed out the school where Camilla went (blah!) I decided to find my Diana places on my own! I compared the London map I had to the route the London tour bus takes us on...& marked where we should get off to start our journey!! Our first destination was Coelherne Courtwhich was not a long walk from the bus stop...initially, mom was not going to come, but she was afraid I was going to get into trouble on my own..I was afraid she was going to get lost on her own!! So she followed me along...I will never forget her look of total bewilderment as she trapsed along behind me..."You have no idee where you are going...this is ridiculous!!" should know me better than that by now!! As she now says..I was just like a blood hound when it came to Diana!! I followed the street signs..found my way to Old Brompton Road..went a few blocks,& there it was!!Not far from the main shopping area of Kensington...I stood on the opposite side of the street & just stared at the large brick building...I wasn't sure which apartment was Diana's...silly me lost my guide book that told me...but I knew she was on the first floor by the main door....I wanted to cross the street & go right up to the flats door..but people were coming & going on that side of the street..& mom did not want me to...just like at the tunnel in Paris!!! It is a fairly wide street..with lots of old brick buildings & large bushy trees..there appeared to be a garden to the rear of her block of flats....a very nice area to live in... I thought back to all the pix I had seen of Diana coming & going from here..leaving thru the front door for the last time with her bodyguard..& her famous red mini metro parked outside...those snaps are my fave of diana...always have been..when she was so young & innocent..unaware of all that was to change in her life... So I stood there awhile, snapped a few pix...& envisioned all the press camped out on her doorstep...I also wondered how many other Diana followers like myself, had walked the same route as I!! It was a very special there were not all the crowds of people in other Diana places.... I did not want to leave there...but I did not want to look suspicious we headed back towards the bus stop..for our next discovery...the "Young England Kindergarten"....which I will tell you about in my final entry.....


Hi all...We finished off last time at Coelherne Court..& are now making our way over to Pimlico to search for the "Young England Kindergarten"..Ever since I was a little girl I have dreamed of going to London & seeing these I was determined to find it!! We were going part of the way with the double decker London bus...& the closest drop-off to Pimlico was across the river the London we got off there & began our journey west!!! We walked all along the River Thames...heading past the Houses of Parliament..then out of the main streets of London..The decor changes quite a bit, & there was alot of construction going on... ..again, Mom thought I was totally out of my mind, but I was even beginning to wonder if I knew what I was doing!!! I was following my map along..& could see where ST.George's square was...knew the school was right next to St.George's I had looked it up on the internet & in the London phone book prior!! We walked & walked..then came to a street that had a long fenced in park...& I knew we must be in the right place... we walked all along the road, which was called "St.George's Square" went on forever..again I was wondering if I had actually gotten it wrong..& I knew my mom would never let me forget it!! So I kept telling myself to keep going!! Then I saw the church...& beside it a small brick building with a small brass sign on the wall... Young England Kindergarten"...I was so proud of myself for finding it!!! There is a high iron fence across the front, so I could not go up to the door...from the distance I could see there was a brass placard on some bushes to the right of the door...I could just make out the name "Diana Princess of Wales" I don't know exactly what it said....I guess if we had gone there on a school day the gate would have been open.... Mom went to have a look in the church, as it was open...& I headed around the corner to have a look for the back door of the school..where I have seen all those photos of Diana coming out....there it longer painted red as in all the snaps..but still very recognizable to me!!! So I snapped off a few pix of it..I was always looking around to see if anyone was watching me!! You never ran into other tourists at these places!! That made it all the more special!! What an incredible feeling to be there!! I went back to gather mom up at the church (resting her feet!)..& then we found an entry into the I wanted to see this was where those famous shots of Diana in her see-thru skirt were taken...lots of young mom's & kiddies laying about in the park...we sat on a bench for abit & drank it all in...then I decided to head closer to the school to take a pic...walked a few steps..& had gum streaming out behind me!!! So I will never forget that park by the the place I sat in gum!!! But it was worth it!! The benches have certainly improved since those snaps of young diana that were taken that time you could walk from the school right into the is all fenced off now...guess things do change over the course of 20 some years!! When our tired feet were semi-rested...we headed back up to Vauxhall Bridge road..& over to the Victoria street area... My gosh we were tired!!! But oh so worth it!!! I will leave off here..& finish up next time with a surprise at the" V & A" museum!! Bye for now!! Love sue